Listen, that may sound stupid to some people, because Mariah isn't a spring chicken and she has been married before, but, she has enough money to buy new virginity. She'll probably buy new virginity every time they renew their vows at Disneyland. So look foreword to this story every 6 months...until she's too old to slap the "I Waited" bumper sticker on her diamond encrusted bed pan. You can bet when Nick finally got it, it smelled like stale marshmallows.
she probably made nick dress like a unicorn and you know where the 'horn' was....
she dressed as a rainbow...
butterflies were released in the bedroom and a choir sang in the background...
her 'hello kitty' wedding night fantasy....
miss tia
I call BS on this one!!! No way. A PR stunt, just to get in the news. And it worked!!
Remember when Mariah first burst forth on the music scene?
How little and cute she was.
...and her clothes were too big.
Jerry...NO, I do not remember that! You stoner!
That sums it up pretty well... "stoner" INDEED!
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