Friday, November 14, 2008

What the f'ing F is he on about??

Aniston told him he'd better shut his face about her, but, she didn't say anything about being an idiot on You Tube. He just can't stop himself. I know it's not new..I see his hair too, but, his name is Mayermusic on You Tube and it's his thing. It's about as bad as Pete.


Anonymous said...

Sorry. I just don't "get" this guy.

Or his music.

Anonymous said...

I can't look. I don't have your constitution, dd.

Anonymous said...

Dating is like going to a public restroom; you pick the least shitty one. I just can't get to liking this guy and wish she would just find a better match.

Anonymous said...

One vote for John Mayer.

Consider this - if Ms Aniston doesn't like what he does, wouldn't she say something? I think she gets that he's into pap-street-performance art.

Anonymous said...

Gawd. Someone please tell this jerk to leave the comedy to the comedians!