On Scientologist not getting medical attention, Tom says: "That’s just not true. It’s actually false. They say, 'Get your physical, get your medication, get your physical illnesses handled."'
Don't care, Tom. I noticed he said "physical"...yeah, I noticed. Not in the mood to debate his statements. This I do know. He couldn't attend Jett Travolta's memorial because he had to do The View. Seems a lot of the Scientologists and celebs were just too busy for the Travolta's this week. And that, my friends, is all I need to know about celebrity Scientologists...and most notably, Tom Cruise.
I wish they would replace Sherry Shephard. I'm so sick of her. She's so fucking stupid.
and yeah, what the hell is up with all these people who are too "busy" to attend the kid's freaking memorial? some support these people are. -G
I want Elizabeth gone cuz everytime she speaks my toes roll up and I see stars but yeah Scientology is not a religion. It's a cult and if you don't see that you have some other things going on.
that's really fucked up that none of their so-called 'friends' showed up to their son's funeral! isn't that when you need your friends most????
Jenna Elfman was maybe going to show up. Did she? I know for a fact that bitch has nothing better to do.
it's all over the news that the memorial service in fla yesterday was a immediate family only. Fla is after all where they have lived for years, it's where they grew up and have friends.
Don't most people have private services, regardless of 'religion', when their loved one dies.
If all off hollywood was snapped in a media circus in fla you'd all rip them apart for 'pimping out the death of their child' and anything for some press.
Your going to spend the time & find something to pick apart and misconstrue regardless of how things are handled or by whom. Instead of using some of that time in at least compassionate thoughts towards the death of a challenged child and those left to go on without him & and thats the most disturbing & dissapointing part.
Yeah, I heard the same thing. Several were rumored to be attending but had "scheduling conflicts". If they loved the boy & his family like they say they do then they would have rearranged their schedules for that. It's not like it was a silly pool party or something. This makes no sense to me either. Their supposed religious devotion has left me speechless. We know where their priorties "lie".
Didn't watch the show, but I can see Tom talking all about the physical exam, etc.. This jerk is qualified to be a movie star -- that's it. Why do we attach any other skill set to him?
I think maybe John didn't want the sino circus that it Tom Cruise at his son's memorial. I hope that he and Kelly have come to their senses because of this tragedy.
This was quoted off of yahoo:
I observed that (Jett) was significantly mentally handicapped," actress Anne Archer, a friend of Travolta, was quoted as telling People magazine in its Friday edition.
"But it was very apparent with the two of them that they treated him as if he was a completely normal child. ... It was a kind of sweet exchange where (John) was just happy with anything that Jett offered," Archer said
It was a nice thing to say, but something here struck me as wrong.
"But it was very apparent with the two of them that they treated him as if he was a completely normal child."
I don't mean to say that you should treat a person that has a physical/mental or any other type of disibility different, as we all are human beings and we try and integrate all people together in society as a whole, to a certain extent, BUT a special needs, phsyically challenged, mentally handicapped - whatever words you want to use to describe a person that has difficulties coping in life - YOU MUST recognise this and help them - you can't pretend it isn't there and it sounds like if they treated him like a "completely normal child" then I think this poor boy wasn't given all the assistance he needed to strive in his short span life.
I didn't take Archers comments that way at all crystal. I took it as very proactive and accepting, in treating him as a 'normal' child, meaning inclusive, instead of limiting him to the point he felt he was so different & excluded.
I admire they way they kept him from the pap's manic hunting (look at how you all have attacked and assumed since his death) yet so obviously included him in all actvities, from constantly around on movie sets, to vacations. Theres alot of families with challenged children who don't even try to include them in the full scope of family life.
to the above poster -
I certainly hope that is the intent that she meant as I totally agree with you to include all children in your family and let them do and try things to their limitations and perhaps even beyond and that includes all children.
A very dear friend of mine has a child that at any given time she could die from a heartattack and as this child was growing up she was suppose to not do so many things that might bring on a attack. (her 1st heartattack was at 6 weeks old)
My friend always took caution into consideration but also beleived if her daughter died riding a roller coaster at the amusement park with a smile on her face and laughter and enjoying life - what more would she want to offer her child.
I think we all strive to let a child be as "normal" as we possibly can and it was nice to read that the short time John & Kelly had with their son, they embraced him loved him.
Guess that is what makes the world an interesting place - how we all can look at things differently and debate.
Cheers - crystal
Ann Archer's son, remember, is the head sino now -- David M. -- he is the one who taught Tom that horse laugh -- they act exactly the same, laugh the same way, talk the same way -- are short. It is scary. So I don't put much stock in Ann usually. However, I think they really loved this boy, the Travoltas, and wanted only the best for him.
I know you from Musings and GWOP.
I'll be looking around and posting. I'm glad you are talking about other things besides the scam.
Tom claims "you get your physical and your medications".
Well, Brooke Shields doctor diagnosed her with Post Partum Depression and gave her medications. Why did Cruise criticize it on National TV? He is not a doctor and he had no right to even MENTION her taking medications . . . imo.
In his talk with Matt Lauer ("you're being glib!"} he said something (paraphasing) that all mental conditions (adhd) can be cured with diet and exercise."
Back peddle much??
Anne Archer is a long time Scientologist. Interpret her remarks from that perspective.
i find nothing on imdb.com that anne archer's son is david miscave or whatever his last name is...
Ann Archer's son is not David M.; Her son Tom Davis is the head of the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre International in Los Angeles.
I thought Ann Archer's remarks were weird, and a tad insensitive. The Travoltas didn't make a big deal out of Jett's health or medical condition...but she decided it is okay to say..."I observed that (Jett) was significantly mentally handicapped,"
Did they ever out and out say anything like that about their son? Maybe they chose not to talk about it publicly but this "friend" decided to tell People mag that he was "significantly mentally handicapped" to me...that is something that his parents should have said if they chose to.
Re FX on Brook Sheilds - I thought the same thing about him condemning her at the time. He seems to be contradicting himself a bit these days on what "help" people can get for themselves.
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