Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And speaking of Kate..

Ahhh the Gosselin "moving" show. I wondered how in the world Kate Gosselin would justify buying that huge new big bucks property to her fans. How would Kate and Jon cry poor now and get handouts and love offerings? The Queen of Freebies had a plan. Last night she took us on a tour (impressive digs) and started harping on how dirty everything is. OMG, the fridge, she spent 4 hours cleaning the mold. I squinted where she was pointing and failed to see any mold, but, I'm not super mom like Kate. The stables (yes, I said stables) have horse poop and a dead mouse. OMFG, Kate has to clean it all. Obviously the fans are supposed to realize Kate moved into a used house and feel bad for her. Crummy used dirty million dollar plus home! You call that a mansion?? Morons! Poor Kate. It's nothing to envy. You may still send her your hard earned money, because she now has a job. Her job is cleaning the refrigerator! How's that pay, Kate? Pretty good?
The house is so big Kate keeps losing her 8 kids. She was screaming "Who's pooping? Who needs wiped? If you pooped, call out so I can find you!" So many bathrooms to clean, so many floors. I think losing the kids was the whole point here. It's okay though, Kate made a rule that the kids must poop near them now, so that she can order Jon to go wipe them. That's Jon's job. Don't tell me they don't work. How's that pay, Jon? Pretty good? Forget the fact that the sextuplets are going on 5..they still can't wipe their own ass's and sometimes poop on the floor. Send Jon and Kate some "Love Offerings" please..they need your money more than you do! Don't be one of those bad people who don't know how to help Kate. It's called cash money..send some now.
And if she can't find which bathroom they're pooping in, how's she going to find them when they fall in the pool? I know..send her money for a full time life guard! Problem solved. Whew! That was a close one.


Anonymous said...

She's one freakin classy mom ehh??
Stpid beyotch
and by the way I couldn't find dirt in that fridge even when I paused my Tivo and got up real freakin close to the telly :P

Anonymous said...

I meant stupid :)

Anonymous said...

Kate spent 10 hours cleaning the fridge because she really can't stand to be around her kids. So, she plays the martyr, cleaning the fridge.

She even commented that it was good use of her time.

Who the hell is so bitchy moving into a mansion?

Anonymous said...

I was shocked that Kate allowed Jon to wipe the asses with toliet paper and not baby wipes. She has really loosened up.

Anonymous said...

YUCK! Jon, you jerk, letting that woman do this to your kids! Are you really that much of a pathetic loser that you can't take some tiny bit of control? WTF is wrong with these people?

Anonymous said...

Mady is going to kill one of the tups. She is! Did you see her kicking her sister? That kid is psycho and now in that big ole house she can get away with it.

Anonymous said...

TLC needs to change it's name to the SCAT channel.
What a vile woman!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wanted her to shut up & stop complaining about cleaning a dirty fridge? So freaking what? Like the rest of us haven't had to spend hours cleaning?

Hey, here's an idea Kate...hire someone to clean for you (trust me, you can afford it) and try spending some unstructured play time with those kids!

Also, I had to explain to my fiancé that a five year old should not need to have their ass wiped for them. He's gonna need some edumacatin' before we have kids together!

Anonymous said...

I know a girl who's fucking jon. This is a fact. I can't tell you her name but she lives on the ski slopes in Utah and has been fucking jon for reals. Shes 19 yrs old. Shes my ex bfs ex gf. Jon and Kate dont live together.

Anonymous said...

I know a girl who is *ucking Jon she lives in utah
I beleive it
she got this huge house and shes anal about clean. makes a lot of sense to get a big house and with stables too.
Oh yeah that brat is going push one of those kids down the stairs.

Anonymous said...

I dont even watch this show & I hate these people. I love reading your posts & all the comments on it DD. And fantastic photoshopping. I really hope Kate reads this blog. XD

Travis Noodle said...

TLC is pulling our chain.

I'm sure the ratings go up when Kate is in her melt-down bitch mode.

I think last night's show was the worst I have ever seen Kate.

I will not watch the show anymore.


Dirty Disher said...

Hate to bust bubbles, but, Kate doesn't clean. That fridge cleaning was soooooooo staged. She has plenty of help and the 1,000 sq. foot apartment over the garage is where some of her help will stay.

Yep..I agree that Mady is capable of hurting one of the kids. And might.

I don't know who's fucking Jon, but, I know it isn't Kate. She's too busy fucking all her fans.

Anonymous said...

Are her eyebrows on backwards? How funny. I cannot wait until Tuesday's to read what DD has written about them. If I didn't watch the show and read DD's "recap" I would think that she had the best imagination EVER but it is all true. Let me assure you that she is right. It is now a rule in Kate's house (notice she said "MINE, ALL MINE" - no mention that some of the land might belong to Jon, too) that the children must poop close to them. I about fell outta my chair on that one. Of course a kid their age should be able to wipe their own ass.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I've never watched this show and don't know much about the family (other than the parents are quite obviously not popular). How do they manage to have so many kids and such a big house? In other words - where did they make their money?

Lor said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Jon and Kate didn't live together but played it on t.v.
He can't break up with her because of the child support bills, but I definately can see him getting with someone who says nice things...instead of awful things.

That alone would probably get him going.

Kate is the epidimy of money doesn't buy happiness. No one in that house is happy, except maybe for Hanna. Kate, when she dies is going to be loaded with botox but no one is going to be there to say nice words. They're going to bury her, and forget about her.

She'll be remembered as a useless bitch, and that's exactly how she should be remembered.

I stopped watching this show in September/October-ish. I don't regret it...this poor family is going to write a fantastic tell all book one day...that's one I'll buy. Instead of the ''give me more money for the same damn story'' book they recently published.

Anonymous said...

They made and continue to make large amounts of money exploiting thier small children and lying to the public about it. Naked pictures of little boys and little girls is very profitable, is it not, Kate?

Anonymous said...

Yea! It's obvious for anyone to see, Kate hates being a parent and so does Mr. NoBalls. She told those kids "TAKE A GOOD LOOK, YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN" about her bedroom. OMG. Then she talked about her privacy, but the kids have NO privacy at all. The G's are sick of being parents and can't stand those poor kids.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw this episode was on last night but missed it. Kate reminds me of this WACKED woman I used to work for, if it weren't for the proof off tv I would think they were the same person. As I was around both her business and home life. I know what it's like growing up with uninvolved parents and no extended family, the only thing my parents cared about was us making them look good(our good grades and the like) with absolute NO help from them. Thankfully I wasn't stalked by cameras. I hope those children run away when they get older, it's not like Kon would care or notice, except for the lack of income. Get your own jobs and stop having those kids pay your way!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you all watch that show? Seriously... I see a lot of anger and indignation here not only because they're getting mega-rich, but re: the outright abuses that are no doubt occuring in their home this very minute--- and yet you all continue to watch/enable.

Don't you realize that every time you switch on that TV show it's just money in the bank for the Gosselin's?

Anonymous said...

anon 12.16 you might be right, but again, at least its abuse witnessed by thousands of viewers, they show us what bad parenting is. what i hate most about abusers is that they like to do it in private. these people are too stupid to know what abuse is, then again maybe most of their fans are following their bad example. i cant believe their preoccupation with poop, isn't that a control fetish? my kid NEVER pooped in the wrong place. he pooped into his nappies and then into a toilet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know a girl who's fucking jon. This is a fact. I can't tell you her name but she lives on the ski slopes in Utah and has been fucking jon for reals. Shes 19 yrs old. Shes my ex bfs ex gf. Jon and Kate dont live together.

January 27, 2009 5:27:00 PM GST

How do you know this!?!??? Is she a credible source?? More details, woman!!!

And Mady is a freakin sociopath. She is nuts and lacks empathy for anyone. She will not only hurt one of the kids, but her parents will probably tell that kid it was their fault because they got anywhere near her.

Anonymous said...

BTW, forgot to say that I love love love that pic of Kate. She is a mega bitch.

Anonymous said...

i heart my hubby i have to disagree with you. Mady isn't evil she just isn't given anything and is always told she's the bad one. How would you react to that?? Her parents have turned everyone against her and so she in turn acts out to get some attention even though it's negative attention. Trust me I know I grew up the exact same way but I have had to have a lot of therapy and now I am doing much better :)

Dirty Disher said...

Not one Kate defender so far. Good.

Anonymous said...

Just from seeing bits of this on TV @ work I have had it in my mind that Jon was having an affair, it's just obvious to me. But a 19 yr old is stooping kind of low. I wonder if he only dates white girls, for some Asians that is a status thing.

Dirty Disher said...

Jon has repeatedly stated that he only likes blonds.

Anonymous said...

Jon has repeatedly stated that he only likes blonds.

Isn't that a nice thing for his daughters to learn about.

i heart my hubby said...

You can disagree all you want. What do you mean that she "never gets anything"? Those kids are totally spoiled to make up for the fact that they are workhorses. Their parents bribe them so they will participate in the filming. I don't know that I have seen her "never get anything" on TV, but I have seen her brutalize and be a psycho on TV. And thank you for proving my point, if you grew up the same way and needed therapy, maybe MADy does too. She is a sociopath.

Lor said...

Ok, about the Mady comment.

She doesn't get anything as in attention. That's negative behavior so she gets negative attention. The only time someone looks at her is when she's being bad so she does it as often as possible to stand out.

She's not a sociopath, she's a kid who is trying her best to be noticed, and the only time she gets the time of day is when she's being bad.

I used to think she was a brat too, till I saw what she was doing was just so her parents would turn around and look at her.

We all have felt left out in our lives, and she feels that way and it's the only way she knows how to deal with it.

If you watch her with other women she is a perfectly nice little girl who loves to chit chat...but Kate doesn't spend any time with her so she feels terrible, so she acts terrible.

How would you act if you were ignored and just ''the twins'' in your family? You'd probably react too.

Please try to see it in a new light.

i heart my hubby said...

I must remind these people of the "if I stab someone with a pencil, would it be considered and accident" comment that the little sociopath, Mady, made ON CAMERA?!??? Whatever caused her craziness, she is what she is! And she lacks empathy for her victims. That is a characteristic of a sociopath. She may be a little girl, but she is a troubled little girl, for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that whole family is full of mental illnesses, Mady never had a chance with the Narcissistic mom and slacker dude dad. No surprise Jon got that condo to finally get a little sex, has to reward himself for selling off his kids to appease the witch he choose to marry due to the blonde dye job she had. Idiot.
I hope the blonde in Utah gives him an STD and he passes to Katie dear. Ha, ha, ha. Best DAY ever that would be!

Anonymous said...

"Not one Kate defender so far. Good."

Well, I think Kate should be Mother of the Year.

Okay, I just cannot say that with a straight face * * snort, giggle * * I think I just peed myself a little * * snort * *

DD, it's still 34 and 0

Anonymous said...

yeah, I never saw mold in the fridge either! Then I cleaned my own fridge.....it was 100x worse...eeeee, can't have Kate at my house - EVER!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how the people who owned this house before them must feel after watching this show? Face it, if we took every thing out of my house at this moment, there is going to be some dirt. I don't have the option of "love offerings" which allow me to be home to cook/clean/etc., AND I don't have people to help me do so, either. Kate does. The fact that she went on and on (and on and on and on and FREAKING ON) about how filthy the house was just goes to show you that she has ZERO tact. The woman has ZERO class. Zero. Can you stop thinking of yourself for ONE second and seriously give an ounce of thought about how the folks who lived there would feel when you basically called them disgusting pigs on TV?? Let's go into your old house, Kate, when you move everything out. Let me give it the white glove treatment and then degrade you on national TV. Common courtesy. Try it Kate. Of course, she talks to/about her husband like a dog...why should the rest of the world be any different? And for the love of all things good and holy, will someone please tell her that her hair looks HIDEOUS!! It is like a punk rock mullet.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:02pm
And for the love of all things good and holy, will someone please tell her that her hair looks HIDEOUS!! It is like a punk rock mullet.

As I suffered through yet another epsisode of Fashion Police SAG Awards, I had an 'aha!' moment (really it 1st occured during the Golden Globes FP, but whatever...) that Kate has a pseudo-Christian Siriano hair thing going on.
And off-topic and continuing with the 'Fashion Police' which is just about as unbefuckingbearable to watch, how many fucking times can these dolts use the word AMAZING?!?! For fuck's sake get a thesaurus people! And oh yeah, Debbie Skankanopolous made some comment regarding Christina Applegate's necklace and it's placement around her boobs. Excuse me, but didn't Christina have a double mastectomy last year? What a dumb fucking comment. Least it struck me that way...

Dirty Disher said...

Debbie MatenSkankelous is a retard.

And Kate Gosselin left trash in her old house. It was on the net. She's just white trash and she's retarded too.

Lor said...

Can you provide a link DD about leaving trash in the house?

Travis Noodle said...

super lore

Can you provide a link DD about leaving trash in the house?


Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

"The property you attempted to view, ID # does not exist in our database."

Anonymous said...


Try again...it just worked for me. You have to see how filthy c--t Kate is showing her house! What a hypocritical whore.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see her and the kids on The Today Show this morning? I wonder where Jon was?? Anyway, the twins were asked if they liked Mom, and one of them (I don't watch to know who is who), said, I like dad better. It was funny!! I bet that popped her bubble.

Anonymous said...

Some interviewer asked the twins if they liked their mom? Very strange question.

Obviously her kids all fear her and I can't imagine what they'd like about her, but usually kids won't say that. Very good of them, of one of them, to be so honest. Probably mady.