There's beeen too many stupid award shows lately. Anne Hathaway says she loves this dress because it's two pretty dresses in one. Not really. It kind of looks like your dress got hacked by a red lobster bib. Angelina Jolie did not win and that's the nicest look she could give Anne. How would you like to get nannies for your "brood", find a designer gown, go to an event and find out the critics liked Anne Hathaway better than you? Maybe her bun was too tight, but, I think she was pretty pissed. Anne Hathaway??? Really?
Meryl won too.
Hate this dress. She looks like a pilgrim gone wrong. Surely someone told her this looked good on her? I don't get it.
Let's not be too hard on Narcissists when they don't get their way. They just can't understand how anyone else could be important except as their props and Narcissistic Supply. Yes, I do feel sorry for her massively ugly smirking self. Her smirk is so contorted, you just know her insides are all bunched up too.
haha...i bet she beat brad good to overcome her loosing...
Anne Hathway's dress is stuuuuupid! but I much prefer her over hemroid lips.
The *Devil wears Prada* definitely won me over.
Angelina Jolie & her babby daddy are so yesterday. Do brangelina + 8 OOOPS! Plus a rainbow collection & get it over with. Your fans only care about your personal life & your movies suck-
If looks could kill Anne would be dead today that's all I will say about that.
Hemorrhoid lips! Love it, perfect description. Jolie is looking more like cruella deville each day. I'm sick to death of her and her pig-nosed hubby.
4:18, I wonder if she's about to dump, Brad pitt face. lol! I remember her getting that puss on her face, when she was with Billy Bob.
She's looking like some kind of bug? but I can't think of the exact name.
Methinks she adopted Maddox & Pax as future victims. Sick! but... true!
I'm glad Angelina lost.
It's karma for stealing Brad from Jen.
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