He's yapping again. Every time someone does a movie they are legally bound to yap all over the damn world. Celebs usually hire someone to write amusing anecdotes for talk shows. Bla bla bla..
On the film that started the romance between him and Angie: What people don’t understand is that we filmed [Mr. & Mrs. Smith] for a year. We were still filming after Jen [Aniston] and I split up. Even then it doesn’t mean that there was some kind of dastardly affair. There wasn’t. I’m very proud of the way that it was handled. It was respectful. [The film] will mean something to our kids. It will, that’s all.”
On Aniston’s comment that it was “uncool” for Angie to say that she and Brad fell in love on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith: “Listen, man, Jen is a sweetheart. I think she got dragged into that one, and then there’s a second round to all of that Angie versus Jen. It’s so created.”
On his relationship with Jennifer Aniston now: “We still check in with each other. She was a big part of my life, and me hers. I don’t see how there cannot be [that]. That’s life, man. That’s life.”
Nope. I aint buying what he's selling. I don't give a flying fart when he fell in love with Adoptolina, WTF is this about checking in with Aniston? Pffft. Get real. She's his EX, he has 6 kids now with someone else, why the fuck would he need to check in with Jen? That's not life, that's stupid. I don't think he's as smart as he thinks he is. I don't think he should be allowed to talk anymore unles Angie's hand is up his butt making his lips move.
Nope. I aint buying what he's selling. I don't give a flying fart when he fell in love with Adoptolina, WTF is this about checking in with Aniston? Pffft. Get real. She's his EX, he has 6 kids now with someone else, why the fuck would he need to check in with Jen? That's not life, that's stupid. I don't think he's as smart as he thinks he is. I don't think he should be allowed to talk anymore unles Angie's hand is up his butt making his lips move.
i don't get why they check in with each other...they split their business dealings, they had no kids...so uh????
they're all pretty pathetic..
Now I know why AJ's expression is always so twisted and peevish - she has to pretend she doesn't care that Brad still keeps a part of him that honours his ex-marriage.
Pfft - good job, AJ.
What ever happened to the good old-fashioned press junket? You know, where the star tours media outlets to PROMOTE THEIR LATEST FILM.
Why must they drag everything else into it?
Talk about the PROJECT, assholes!
Looks like those zillion kids (and the evil wench of a partner) are taking a toll on Papa Pitt. He's looking old these days. Still handsome though.
Dear Brad, Grow a pair! be a man!!! and admit your mistakes. Even Adoptalina admits to YOUR affair. It is what it is.
p.s I hate YOU even more now! you & skankalina deserve each other. Karma will catch up with you.
i dont believe they check in with each other either. Thats nonsense. Like AJ would even allow that! Ha!
of course they hit the hay early on. Folks who were on the sidelines making the movie called AJ "spider woman" because she was all over Brad.
Fess up, Brad, don't be such a liar. He's lost me on that one
don't any of you talk to you ex's? ever? over here in australia its quite common to stay in touch with ex's, swe consider it civilized. why hate someone you have created a huge part of your life history with just because you came to a fork in the road? do you all really think that marriage is for keeps and if not the ex gets tossed and hated and disregarded like a used kleenix? get real. as for the attraction between pitt and jolie before after and during the making of mr and mrs smith. YES! of course! they were attracted from the start. attraction is attraction, you can't turn it on or off just because you are in a relationship/marriage. BUT the rules of engagement CHANGE when a persons status (ie married or single) changes. get it? my you can be a thick bunch. really! look around you, this stuff happens in real life too. well anyway here in australia it does.
Yeah why can't people be friends after they split? I know people who are. If you weren't friends to begin with, the "like" would never have turned to "love" right? So why not go back to liking each other (as mates) after a split?
lia...AJ has made a career of destoying other relationships. I don't care where you live, when you are married isn't it wrong to be getting attached to someone else. It will lead to an affair and probably a divorce. Maybe you people down there think thats par for the course but here we think it's dirty & sneaky. And they just keep lying about it and they won't shut up about it. It's been several years now, they need to STFU. Move on people. We get it. Brad cheated with AJ, it caused a divorce. End of story. No need to be buddies with the woman you cheated on, really. C'mon! Thats degrading. He is way too busy purchasing babies, so to speak, to have time to stay in touch with his ex wife. And AJ would never allow him to just be calling JA anytime he felt like it. That would be threatening to her. She would cut JA up! Just don't act like it's normal & acceptable. Yes, it does happen but it shouldn't. A married perosn should not be letting themselves be pout in that position to cheat. Unless they want to in the 1st place. You make no sense. If your husband/boyfriend cheats on you then you just go on being his BFF, see if you like that. While he's effing the other woman!
1:11, I'm 110% on your side. I was married for 8 years and he cheated on me. Angelina obviously does not understand the kind of pain that she " helps" to cause. To some of us, well... we take out wedding vows, seriously and hope that it means something.
As for Brad, obviously HE thinks WE are all stupid. Even his baby momma admitted to falling in love on the set. On that note* let me add that there is a 110% chance that they ( brangelina ) will cheat on each other.
He mentions talking to Jen Aniston ( shaking head ) AGAIN! does HE think that WE are all DUMB ASSES?! I wish J.A well. I don't know how she went through this betrayl publically.
The worse magazine pictures I have ever seen in my life! I could have done a better job!
brad is looking like ass of late.
it seems to me that if you have a good marriage where everything is going well, you love your partner are happy and content and therefore have no intention of splitting, you don't risk all that to have an affair, especially an affair that lasts for years and brings with it 6+ children.
It seems to me that most marriage vows contain the phrase "for better or for worse" which means that it is not okay to go and fall in love with somebody else just because things in your marriage are not super-duper-happy at that particular moment. The fact that the adulterers go on to have a long-term affair and several children doesn't absolve them of the adultery.
And why would you want to be friends with someone who cheated on you and humiliated you? You don't have to hate them, but if you can't trust them and there is a loss of mutual respect, what kind of friendship can there really be? If I were JA I would not want to keep in touch, and if I were AJ I wouldn't want them keeping in touch. The only one who benefits from keeping in touch is Brad, because if he thinks he and Jen are still friends, he can feel like he's a good guy. If Jen doesn't hate him, then what he did must not be that bad, right?
I don't buy any of what he said, I think he's full of it. Possibly deluding himself, probably just thinks we're all stupid.
I swear if they had no kids - he would be gone by now.
anon 1:11. i guess here in aus we are pragmatists. we know that 50% of marriages come to an end. married people have social lives (work for example) and may meet people who they feel sexually attracted to (there is no on off button). how deep the attraction, and whether it is acted upon, depends entirely on the state of these peoples current marriages/sexual relationships. often married people have affairs because they are too gutless and dishonest to end their crappy marriages. people also sometimes find that once the pressure of trying to be happily married is removed, they can like each other again and are quite happy to have occasional contact. nothing wrong with that.
Who appointed Lia spokesperson of Australia? Is Australia really that full of excuses, or is it just Lia? I don't think pragmatism means you make light of the vows of marriage because 50% of marriages fail. On the contrary, I think pragmatism means realizing that a good marriage is not a fairy tale, it takes work. There are ups and downs, and when you come to the inevitable bad times you work on making it better. What is pragmatic about taking a sacred vow that means nothing to you? Wouldn't that be a waste of time? Why get married if you don't believe in marriage?
i appointed myself as spokesperson for australia because you are mostly american and have your own cultural values and ours appear to be somewhat different to yours. at least as far as the majority of opinions on the net go. and yes we (australians) are pragmatic. it does not mean that people don't go into marriage totally sincere about sticking to their vows. doesn't everybody? the pragmatic part comes in when the marriage doesn't stick. i don't think a terminated marriage should necessarily mean that you have to hate and demonize yourself or your ex partner or never speak to them again. i think its more mature to wish each other well and hope for better luck next time and that seems to be the dominant theory from what i see around me (here in australia). the fact that 50% of marriages fall apart is an unfortunate fact of life that no one aspires to.
your aussie spokesperson
So pragmatism means that when the marriage isn't the rom-com you thought it would be and someone new comes along that makes you feel butterflies, you chuck your vows out the window because 50% of marriages fail anyway? I don't buy that. I think it's just an excuse for selfish behavior.
Nobody said you have to hate and demonize your ex, I just don't think you have to be friends with them. If there are no kids involved and you've dissolved your business partnership, and your ex cheated on you and humiliated you, as is the case with Brad and Jen, I think it's perfectly normal to just cut off contact and move on.
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