Court documents have been filed making Jamie Spears the permanent conservator of Britney. Some bullshit about the tour not giving her insurance unless he's her permanent babysitter. No insurance, no tour...so she agreed. I don't know about all that, I'm not a lawyer, but, I know she hates having her dad tell her who she can see and who she can't. She's not acting so crazy now since dad has been helping her, but, how long can you tell an adult what to do concerning things as basic as phone privileges, dating, driving? This will end badly. And is anything permanent in Hollywood? I'm not sure exactly what that means legally...but, this will end badly.
I don't know that will end that badly. Maybe the worst would be that when she's able to do it she would get herself emancipated from him forever & tell him to disappear. that would be very bad. Then here would come Adnan back & Sam & all those leeches. Then it would all just start back up and her dad wouldn't help and legally he wouldn't be allowed to. And that would be a bad thing. She will again lose all privileges with her boys too, that is very bad for her. I didn't know it was that big a deal with her. She's coming back,she's succeeding & he's helped her with all that & she has her kids a few days a week now & overnights. That will al stop if she starts f'g with the deal. Does she not get that HE'S the reason she's doing better? It's probably sucked the life outta him as well. It's a bad arrangement in some ways but the alternative is worse.
I guess we will never know all about it, but from all the reports I read, sincer her dad intervened, she has gotten a lot better. Is it her dad, the drugs or a show on her part - who knows, but she said she is looking at her life and seeing how she was so messed up - hopefully she will take that to heart.
Brit's one missed dose of her psychotropic meds away from a full-on, rage-fuelled, major meltdown.
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