"I love the fact that you have real breasts, 'cause in all the breast scenes, your breasts do what real breasts do," Oprah said."There's that wonderful thing, you know, if you are a woman, you're lying on your back, your breasts they go to ..they part .. but if you look at a woman with not real breasts, their breasts are sticking straight up," she told Kate Winslet "That's how you know. God bless your real breasts!"
Good thing Winslet has breasts because Oprah has no balls. If she has a ball one, she would have asked Kate about her big fat fake speech at The Golden Globes and why she told the world she loves Leo DiCaprio and why she hugged him first and hung all over his ass. Bask in the glory of your real breasts, Winslet. I guarantee no one cares who's titties are real anymore.
Way to put those lesbo rumors to rest Oprah.
I don't belive those rumors..not in a million years. Us women look at each others everything.
Oprah's not a rude interrogator - she's the respected host of her own talk show. .
So, wait...you like Jolie more than you like Winslet? Really?
I'm so over Oprah. Try as she might, I do not believe she has a clue about what the averge person goes through. I give her great credit for what she has donated. Her opinions about anything seriously mean no more to me than my next door neighbors' do, maybe less.
Oprah is a racist. And any of you who believe otherwise, either haven't been paying attention or are fucking morons.
5:43...nope, haven't been paying attention and don't plan to. I don't like Oprah.
you are wrong. I care. And a lot of other men too. Because fake tits are disgusting.
nah, they arent disgusting. Silly to say that.
Agree with 5:43, Oprah is racist, bet she doesn't even realize it either. I hate to hear her go on and on about her enlightenment and spiritualness. She's let fame totally change her.
Soo what's Oprah gonna say to Christina Applegate when she comes on the show? "I hate your post mastectomy implants"?
I think it probably depends on the plastic surgeon and the woman's desire, as to what the finished product looks like.
I worked with someone who was very cute and fit, but flat. She divorced her husband and got implants. I would suspect the surgeon most likely told her not to go so big, (they do want to be proud of their work, too) but she got big, firm-looking half-cantaloupes. Weird, fake-looking, you can tell those at a distance, and they are disgusting.
Most of the other women I have known who have gotten implants, look pretty good.
Just because your skin can stretch to hold those melons, doesn't mean you should wear them. It also works better if you have a little body fat to camouflage the contours.
I have implants and I went to one of the nations's top plastic surgeons. He did a fantastic job. They look natural when I stand up, lie down, any way I move. I've dated doctors who thought they were my own, so that tells you something about my surgeon's skills. To say all implants are phony looking, that an actress can't have natural looking augmented breasts on film - no way.
Oh 1:25...Just because you think your rubber boobs look nice doesn't mean the rest of can't tell they are more fake than a three dollar bill.
1:51 you must have some horrible tits, because you are one bitter person. If it makes a person happy and feel good about themselves, then who the hell are you to judge?
If you want implants to look more natural they have to be placed behind the muscle wall, if not you get that round visable edge, but it can be more painful and longer recovery time.
You might get away with the majority of people knowing your breasts aren't all natural for awhile, but not forever. natural breats have movement and normal sag, nipple drop etc. It will eventually show in how they sag (skin still sags regardless of implants) and in the clevage area (which can't be duplicated naturally regardless of what you think you look like, normal breasts go together, not remain 2 seperate none touching entities)
But getting implants is a personal choice, and if you feel good about it and know the long term risks involved and know its a surgery that will require 'upkeep' eventually. It's your body do what you want, just don't be so shocked when people know its not natural regardless of how nice a job was done.
Oprah has sold out every woman she has ever talked with or about. She sold her very soul to Obama. What a joke, now she wants to worm herself back into a good standing with the people who watch the show.This woman has always made me sick to my stomach. She talks about her wealth and size.Lets get this stright she is a fat lard ass.
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