Friday, January 30, 2009

The height of stupidity

That mom of octuplets in the news lately is getting parenting advice from Kate Gosselin. That's kind of like inviting Hitler to your Bar Mitzvah or asking Michael Jackson to babysit you're little boy..but I digress. New info about the octuplet mother (that's 8 babies at once in case you live in a cave) include the fact that she's single, lives with her parents and she already has 6 kids. So now she has 14 and yes, it was in vitro with the new 8. Some doctor implanted that woman with 8 babies despite the fact that the single mom had 6 kids already. Now you have Kate Gosselin, the biggest child pimper in the world, sitting on her ass in the mansion her kids paid for telling the octuplet mom to "Leave it up to God." In the meantime, I took this message right off a Kate Gosselin fan site...
Florence mose 6-11-2007 @ 3:51PMAs soon i watched Jon and kate i relaised there where my heros i have always wanted many twins and seeing them now i feel they are my role models and now am pregnant with my first child but after seeing them me and my husband want to find out how we can be able to have quadraples any advice from jon and kate will be highly appreciated. Jon and kates family looks wonderful and beautiful i love it and adore it. any advice i will appreciate.
I have some advice for you, Flo..grow a fucking brain! Maybe these bitches can have a brain implanted. Ya think?
You HAVE to watch this video to see how really disfunctional it all is. 8 year old Mady has clearly had enough..yet Kate forces her to do one more interview. It's disturbing. Thanks for finding that Musings from the Moon.


Anonymous said...

DD, where is your source that this was 'in vitro'??
if you read this link.. it states (as have all the other articles ive found) that the exact type of fertility treatment she had is unknown but that it was most likely ovarian stimulation drugs...this is NOT the same as ivf.. i dont mean to sound rude..but do you understand the difference?
if this had been a result of ivf, a dr would have to have knowingly implanted 8 embryos..very unethical and actually illegal in many countries.

Dirty Disher said...

The source was the womans mother, who said the mom of octuplets had had in vitro and refused to reduce.

Anonymous said...

why the fuck would someone with 6 kids want in vitro? maybe if she had "left it up to god" she would have taken the hint that she shouldn't have had any more kids??

kate's giving her advise just so she can stay 'relevant' now that there's a new breeder in town...

Anonymous said...

I don't care what it was...there is something extremely wrong with a woman who is single, in her early thirties, already has six children under the age of 8 & decides she NEEDS to have a bunch more. She needs psychiatric help. I feel sorry for those babies, I really do.

BTW, I also heard it was IVF & that they did indeed implant eight embryos.

Anonymous said...

Angela Suleman, her mother, disclosed to the LA Times today that her daughter had embryos implanted last year and "they all happened to take". Despite doctors giving her an opportunity to selectively reduce the number, she refused.

Anonymous said...

wow. that must be one DODGY doctor!!!!!! where i live (NZ) if you are under the age of 35 you can only have ONE embryo implanted and if aged between 35 and 42 you can have 2... maybe the US needs to start regulating these things a bit more...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe it was IVF. Maybe the mother's mother is just ignorant and she, herself, doesn't know anything other than that phrase, IVF, and misused it? I hope so. If not, some doctor is going to have some 'splaining to do to the AMA, I would think.

What a friggin' joke, Katie Irene giving advice to anyone about anything except how to use and abuse family, friends and children for your own glory. Maybe her next book will be Pimping Your Kids 101 -- how to become rich without really trying. Testicle removal without surgery 101 -- a step-by-step instruction booklet by Kate Gosselin, the testosterone sucker queen.

Dirty Disher said...

I put a link on, you just HAVE to see it.

Anonymous said...

That doctor should lose their license and this sow should be put out to pasture.

Anonymous said...

That's kind of like inviting Hitler to your Bar Mitzvah

Good one!

From what I've heard, this woman wants a TV show too! Great example the Gosselins are to the youth of America.
Don't work, sell your kids . . .

Anonymous said...

The Disher wrote: "It's disturbing."

No. What's disturbing is that you follow the Gosselin Insanity Train-- period.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how credible this is, but a couple of sources are reporting that the woman works/ed at a fertility clinic:

Anonymous said...

This story is really disturbing if it is exactly as presented. Who is going to pay for these babies? Who is going to pay for the hospital stay and all the extra care needed for these preemies? It is unconscionable.
If I had embryos implanted and they all took, I would not voluntarily reduce, either, as I believe that once implanted, they have the right to life. That said, I would never allow more than a couple to be implanted.

Anonymous said...

hey anon 7:55

DD rocks
Gosselin parents are lame

Anonymous said...

That video just made me sad. I don't claim to have all the answers on how to be a perfect parent, but I just don't think that's it. I feel bad for those kids.

Anonymous said...

that's the trouble with fertility treatments, anyone can access it. people undergoing ivf (particularly if it involves 'donor' gametes) should be required to undergo the same sort of regulations that adoptive parents do. the fertility industry is an unregulated, out of control multi billion dollar monster. i know quite a few donor conceived people who are really PISSED as well as emotionally damaged because the identity of one of their biological parents has been permanently withheld from them. they sometimes liken donor ivf to a 'baby trade' or even a 'baby slave trade'. michael jackson is a typical example of how easy it is for a seriously damaged person to obtain children just by making putting down a substantial amount of money at any fertility clinic.

Travis Noodle said...

Hells Child Protective Services.

There is NO WAY the parents and mom can PROPERLY take care of 14 chillins.


Travis Noodle said...

Oh...something I forgot to mention on my last post...


Anonymous said...

The way she treats her kids (especially Mady) in that interview is absolutely disgusting. No she deserves no sympathy because they're that many. Her choice.

Barb said...

Considering the expense that IVF and "multiples" cost, and that she went to Kaiser for delivery tells me that she has Kaiser for her insurance so the delivery would be paid for. I can easily guarantee you that Kaiser would NOT do IVF unless her fertility had been well established and all other avenues exhausted. So, the report that she took ovarian stimulation drugs without supervision sounds much more likely than any other scenario.

Her father was on television and did not sound like the "brightest bulb". There just has to be a whole part of this story that hasn't been told yet. It all started with her claim to be planning on breast feeding all of them, and will continue from there.

I want to know how we are going to get the information to spur more interest and a TV show if she refuses her identity and details. It is difficult to believe that they are all healthy and will not need extensive preemie care.

Anonymous said...

more disturbing info is coming about this woman...her mother said she's always been obsessed with having kids, she didn't support this and apparently she's not going to help her with all the kids....the woman already has a nanny to help with her 3 year old autistic son....where is this money coming from??

and apparently it's the same sperm donor for all of them....

did she just do this for the freebies? is that kate grossline's legacy? breed and greed?

Anonymous said...

My suspicion is that this family will hold out for the highest bidder. They have no intention of letting this one time million dollar(s) money making proposition get away from them and so they are just bidding their time. Saw her mother on TV and I have to say -- also not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Yep, Katie Irene's legacy, greed.

Unknown said...

I heard on a radio program in L.A. that she had the embryos implanted in Mexico... sounds feasible. This stupid stupid egomaniac will spur tighter regulations, which is the only good thing to come out of this horrible sci-fi nightmare.

EEEW. Poor kids.

Anonymous said...

"This stupid stupid egomaniac will spur tighter regulations,"

dream on, i know of donor conceived people who have been lobbying for tighter regulations world wide for the past decade and no one gives a fuck. people only hear the pained cry's of infertile people, single mothers by choice and same sex couples who believe its their god given right to beg, borrow or steal a child at any price.