The Gosselins finally admitted last night, they're moving. They actually moved in November, but, now we get to watch Kate invent cardboard and teach us how to place items inside a box. I'm going to have to tape it so I can learn. I still haven't mastered that sandwich cutting on the diagonal thing she invented. I haven't mastered the art of buying a $1,350,000 home when you have no jobs. But, I'm confident that if I keep watching, I will learn. When I grow up I want to be just like Kate. She's so awesome! Oh, and I lied, the new house only has a paltry seven bathrooms, which didn't work in the title. Some one's butt is going to be pottyless...they have 8 kids!!!! Don't ya know? Alexis can just hold it until college..we don't like her, she's a "disturber." Who's going to mow that lawn??? Not me, I don't know how to help them anymore. Go Kate!
That home is seriously a million plus?!? Damn! I'm in the wrong profession. All this time all I had to do was bear children and exploit them. Who knew?!?
Well I have 4 kids so maybe just maybe this can be me some day (just wait - I'll get on my back and hope ;)
I see the favorite, Hannie, is firmly planted on Katie Irene's lap, as usual.
Mrs. M, you probably wouldn't think of selling your soul to the devil as Kon did. Very sad. There is a special place in hell awaiting Katie Irene and her testosterone-free husband.
I hate them
They are hateful. They make the Pitts pimping look like a walk in the park. Hopefully, these two assholes have college funds set aside for these kids. This gravy train is coming to an end soon.
I hate to speak in favor of, but at least the Pitts have their own jobs....the grosselings are useless, greedy and disgusting!!!!
Yeah, their show is their life and their life is their show. Please, they make me sick. They are both ignorant as sin and have somehow still managed to pull off a huge con on the public. I hate her and I wish she would take the money already earned and move far, far away by herself and forever. Maybe Jon-boy can find someone who is actually a person and nice and a good mother to help him out.
7:31 you must be so proud of kate's vagina for making this all possible. Dumbass.
2:23 I mean Kate, shut up! Your vagina has made you rich. Please go away now. Dont you have a child to abuse?
same clothes on twins is cute when they are infants but get over it already! give them kids their own identity! i can see her making sure they dress like that in high school, omg!
also, kate is so into the organic & green way of life, that house sure dont look like it is efficient & friendly.
there is no way jon is going to mow that lawn either. someone will have to shell out big bucks for a gardner.
i used to watch this show, they got me so annoyed that i stopped watching it. i just cant handle it anymore. they are raising the biggest bunch of spoiled brats waiting for a handout that i have ever seen.
they have been making fun of saying aiden might be gay for a long time now. that is so improper i cant even tell you. it is one thing for parents to discuss it in private but to anounce something like that on national tv, that one day that boy will see. how nice it will be for him to see mom & dad calling him gay at only a few years old & laughing about it.
what is wrong with people anymore?
at least they dont have kids just to live off welfare.
Uhhhh, yeah they kinna did.
OMG! Saying a baby boy is gay on national TV is child abuse. They laughed when they said it? That poor boy is really in for it. Maybe this show is the best thing that could have happened to those kids, if it reveals the verbal abuse & other mistreatment of them & exposes it. There wouldn't be a judge in the world that could deny it. It being all caught on film! I hope this happens, it will teach people that if you wanna raise your kids on TV then be ready for the scrutiny & accusations. 'Cuz they will be coming.
Kate and Jon are the king and queen of welfare, are you kidding me? They had all these kids and suppose the world owes them not just a living, but the best of the best of a living. They beg poor people in church, they begged the Commonwealth of PA and merchants galore to support them. They wanted a private nurse to be supplied to them by PA. Hate to break it to you, this IS welfare.
Don't forget working the system for heat assistance when his dad left them a pot load of $. They know how to work it. Yes, it's welfare.
Anonymous said...
at least they dont have kids just to live off welfare.
January 7, 2009 12:31:00 PM GST
Hmm, welfare by any other name is still welfare. Begging and exploitation same diff. Gah, can't these leeches go back under their rock and stay out of the camera for one day? As much as AJ and Pitt bug at least they have some talent and aren't putting their children to work for their vacations and other goodies.
I'm so proud to know that toddlers can make enough money to buy a house like that.
My kid only goes to school and plays with friends. What am I doing wrong???
ha ha, good one, Jon.
So I have seen the show a few times and until reading some post on the web had no idea about all the dirty in a way "stealing" (taking from a family that actually needs help) that is going on. I was under the impression Jon was doing some kind of real estate job or something from home. I was always curious how they afforded everything they have. I knew alot was given for publicity purposes. But her Oh so "green ways" and Organic cooking" that stuff isn't cheap. I am a mother of 3 my husband is military and we struggle some months more then others. I can't believe what a scam they have pulled.
Somebody mentioned the Dilly's.. Whatever happened to them? Hell they should have jumped on that band wagon and they probably could have been neighbors..
Wow, What used to be one of my mothers favorite shows has taken a turn for the worst, She said she no longer watches it as the greed has changed it. I always hated even having to see the commercials. At least after doing a little research, I know that I will not have to see this show much longer, too much controversy.
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