Jon Gosselin loves snowboarding inUtah, as we've seen on the endless free trip shows. His daughter Cara loves to ski. Jon and Cara went back to Utah for a little daddy/daughter bonding time and they had so much fun Jon bought a home there. Jon figures he and Cara will spend time there, not so much Kate as she doesn't like outdoor activities. As for Cara's twin, Mady..who cares? We don't like her, right, Jon? Don't even mention the six other kids. That wouldn't be relaxing, right, Jon?
Jon Gosselin: "It's nice because I have eight kids, two dogs and live in Pennsylvania, and I can still hang with 15-year-olds." In Utah, he meant. In all fairness, Jon has explained that "hang" is lingo for good snow boarding. He doesn't mean he likes hanging out with 15 year olds. Well, he does (on the slopes), but, you know what I mean. He has the mentality of a 15 year old, so nothing surprises me.
So, the six tiny terrors (and Mady) stay in the new 1.3 million dollar, 8000 sq. foot home in Pennsylvania. Jon and Cara spend part of their time in Utah. How long do you think it will take before Kate gets her beach home? Then the two business partners (Jon and Kate) alternate weeks with the kiddies and living the life of freedom with their personal favorite child? It's perfect, the kids aren't disrupted, they have two parents and a home..and neither parent has to live with the other one. I told you Jon hates Kate. She hates him too. But, the show and their fake life must go on. I'll give you one guess which kid gets to live with Kate. If it makes them happier, then it's a good thing. Aint it?
So, the six tiny terrors (and Mady) stay in the new 1.3 million dollar, 8000 sq. foot home in Pennsylvania. Jon and Cara spend part of their time in Utah. How long do you think it will take before Kate gets her beach home? Then the two business partners (Jon and Kate) alternate weeks with the kiddies and living the life of freedom with their personal favorite child? It's perfect, the kids aren't disrupted, they have two parents and a home..and neither parent has to live with the other one. I told you Jon hates Kate. She hates him too. But, the show and their fake life must go on. I'll give you one guess which kid gets to live with Kate. If it makes them happier, then it's a good thing. Aint it?
Hate them both. I wish nothing but the best for the kids, but I sure want to see this pair of dim-witted, but lucky con-artists get their butts kicked in every way possible. Kate & Jon: Americans do not like to be conned. It pisses us off. And when you now flaunt your wealth, made off the backs of the kids and the little old church ladies, in our faces like this you'd better watch your backs.
I had some hope for Jon, but I despise Kate Gosselin. So Jon, please stay in Utah and let Kate stay in PA. Bring all the kids with you to the cold country and maybe they won't have to deal with the bitch except for holidays. That wouldn't be too bad. Maybe their poor little psyches can heal a bit.
It's a condo and he admits it isn't big enough for all of them. He made it clear it's his and Cara's place.
I too am Utarded, and I KNOW anything in The Canyons area is VERY EXPENSIVE.....
I'm so sick of these two scamming, faux-faithful, phoney-baloney grifters and their 8 budding con artists -- I hope they all die in a 20 car pile-up on Highway 61.
That's my opinion and I'm as entitled to it as you are to shout "Jealous muuuuch?!" or condemn me for wishing harm on "innocents", so cram it.
How lame.
It is so sad for those kids to know that dad has singled out one of the kids to take with him on fun trips. One is probably exactly how many he can handle (as long as the one isn't too much trouble, that is).
I just get the feeling that this is all going to really blow up soon.
You have to be joking?! He got his own place???????????
He is the biggest liar I have ever heard.
"Only Kate and I do the PR". "We don't allow our kids to do any PR except for Oprah, Ellen, and wherever TLC tells us to go."
What does this say to Mady? "I don't like you." that's what it says.
I thought this poor child was emotional neglected before but now I think she is just plain unloved.
I would adopt her in a minute!
Well, he loves to go romantic on his daughter. I am sure people from Alabama and Arkansas know exactly how he feels.
yeah, I agree with the poster above me here. It's f'g creepy that he chose one child and it's his favorite and it's a girl. Thats a pedo's dream come true. A secluded mountian retreat covered with snow & ice and no one to tell you where to sleep? Thats sick-o. Regardless of his intentions, it just looks bad and he should take into account the way it appears and the feelings of the other kids. Which he blatantly doesn't care about. This guy is gonna go postal on somebody. He's not right. PS: How'd he afford that new house? Didn't they just buy the McMansion? Were either homes given to them? Is it just for the show and when that ends they have to go home? I don't get this. He can just play all day now and be a millionaire w/o working?
"What bad economy???? WTH are you talking about? Pffft!"
With Love,
Jon & Kate.
& the 8 little fuckers
Wow....some people see the worst in everything. I don't think implying someone is a pedophile is appropriate. Yes, Anon 1:04...I'm talking to you, loser.
That being said, I don't think he should just assume that only Cara will be interested in snowboarding with him. A lot of people don't exactly enjoy their first time skiing but learn to simply love it. I'm one of them :-)
Come on, Hannie, we're going to our brownstone in NYC. Mommy's widdle dumpling can have gum on the hair pain. Break a leg, Jon. Take a dump Mady.
Signed, Kate (official spokes person for Poke Me and Grumble)
anon 1:12. Jon is probably NOT a pedo, but it looks like he is. He shouldnt put himself in a position to even be in question. That was my comment you were referring to. Any man should not be taking a little girl away alone. & saying that the house is only for the 2 of them!? You don't think that could lead to speculation? It looks bad. You don't get that? People talk and thats just how it is. He needs to include more of the kids when they go. Thats the family way.
Cara is the one who apparently likes sports and likes skiing. I don't have a problem with the dad and daughter thing. But Jon, for God's sake, man up your little boys. These beaten down little men are going to suffer the Katie Irene syndrome unless you step up and take some responsibility for their upbringing. You, Jon, are an embarassment. I really would not cry a tear if someone took Kate out. The kids would be so much better without her. Let her go to her island and sit with all her friends (no one but herself) and count the sand.
I think it's horrible that you let anyone be so horribly rude on this blog. To call 8 toddlers "fuckers" is disgusting.
Don't know who these 2 are. Don't care. Whassup with his "chick smile"???
"8 little fuckers" made me giggle a bit.
my bad.
This is a terrible picture of both of them. Is it photoshopped, DD, or is this how disgusting they both look? I don't see why anyone thinks this creepy woman is pretty or this creepy guy cute. Don't see it.
Jon & Kate will eventually get theirs. They are both nothing but wanna be's. They are both LOW CLASS PIGS with money.
It is ashame that children will have to pay for the sins of their parents! They are the innocent ones in this entire mess!
j said...
I think it's horrible that you let anyone be so horribly rude on this blog. To call 8 toddlers "fuckers" is disgusting.
J, this is not a child advocacy site, it's a gossip site. People here can say anything they want about anybody or anything.
IMO Ingrate Kate looked best in that black and white picture of her and the idiot that hung, I believe it was in the kitchen. Right now she looks like a 'wannabe' when she really is a has-been.
Wow, that does sound weird that he'd buy a condo for himself on the one twin girl. So will we soon hear from Kate re how great the outer banks are and she bought a condo for her and Hannie? This is one weird family.
I'd never heard of this show and family until one day I was reading TWoP candid reality forum and I clicked on the thread to see what it was about. The remarks about Kate and Mady made me catch an episode and boy they weren't kidding. I think the first episode I caught Mady was hitting one of the sextuplets and saying it was okay to do so since they were no longer babies or some other nonsense and then discussed if stabbing someone with a pencil accidentally while taking it out of a purse was bad, too. She made me remember an old movie called The Bad Seed.
And oh boy, in every bit of this reality series I've caught she has been a real freak. I think the one that made me want to have her hauled off to the Loony Bin was when she was upset about Jon's breathing and she was writhing all over the interview couch making weird faces and grunting sounds as if that was an example of his annoying breathing. Just, wow, lady, get a grip.
Oops forgot to say the person I was discussing in the last bit was Kate the Kook.
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