I don't have a clue, that's rich kid talk, right? But, Kate says she wasn't treated like a rich kid. Her mother made her and her brother fly coach instead of first class. OMG, the Hell! Someone should have called social services. Dare I say it? She's not that cute anymore and she should hire someone to beat her so she has better stories. I'd do it for free. Call me, Kate.
I don't have a clue, that's rich kid talk, right? But, Kate says she wasn't treated like a rich kid. Her mother made her and her brother fly coach instead of first class. OMG, the Hell! Someone should have called social services. Dare I say it? She's not that cute anymore and she should hire someone to beat her so she has better stories. I'd do it for free. Call me, Kate.
And the green eyeshadow?
Why don't shoemakers match the inside of the heel (and sole) to the shoe color? Her shoes look weird.
Hey, I noticed the white racoon concealer and eye shadow on Jen Aniston when she recently appeared on Oprah. Until now I thought it was just some Oprah make-up artist gone wild. Trend?
The way I've read it was that Kate was made to fly coach while her parents took to the comfort of first class. That is kinda harsh, for almost everybody envolved. Well, except those in first class, of course.
fat face.
the make up is very 70's.
"the make up is very 70's."
As is the entire outfit, for that matter... lol
God my darlings...poor little creature. I must say, you can't blame Kate forthe eye make up cuz it doesn't show under normal lights but with a flash or under dance floor or stage lights it looks like an Arian Racoon.
here's a little tip for you ladies, gentle ladies and ladies what lick;
Apply your highlight UNDER your foundation. Put it just above your cheek bone. Depending on facial shape, apply where you require. Blend a little on the corners.
This way you still get the concealer effect PLUS the highlight but cuz it's under your foundation you never get this "white" look.
And while we're on it, always apply your foundation wet cuz then it won't run & lasts much better in humidity or rain.
Lord, don't get me strarted cuz now I wanna have a big ol party where we get together to giggle, try make up tips, talk about how stupid guys are & why love them unless we're hating them all the while enjoying our Raspberry Lemon Drop Martini hoping not to be the first one to have her bra put in the freezer.
Seriously...I love those nights
Of course, always finish off with a nice face mask to minimize any possible damage by washing your face a few times in one night!
Air kisses cuz Fags are a HOOT!
She's certainly not as good looking as her mom.
Nelly...what if you wear Mineral Make up? It's all powder. I like it too. It's done in layers as well. It's all I wear now. Moisturizer is key with it. I know you are right about the concealer too. It is just the flash showing it to extreme. But she IS'NT as fab as Goldie and never will be! I agree with that. And who doesnt'? I want a 'tini and a mani-pedi now dayum!
She is getting fat in her face
Anon 5:18:00
To be honest, I don't use mineral. The times I do wear make up I use heavy oil based theatrical make up cuz lets face it darling...a Drag Queen is only pretty when it's dark, 2 in the morning, you're drunk & I'm about 3 cities away while you look at me without wearing your glasses.
When I said apply the foundation wet, I meant to wet the sponge. It also allows the foundation to spread much easier & you get a smoother application.
Even if you use the spray on foundations - which you spray onto a sponge 1st, it should still work.
Give it a try with your GF's this Sat night after 3 Martini's and you'll look FAB.
Air kisses cuz i wanna give air kisses,
Nellyboy: You are now my official BF and beauty advisor. So let me ask you this question. Don't you see all the aging ones in HW getting their faces rounded out with what I suspect is hiney fat? I've noticed that not only with Goldie (who is fabulous always), but even with Cher, among many others. So KI in her youth is blessed with little cheeks and apparently all the olders want those cheeks back. Am I right?
The things the rich have to suffer through. Makes my ass bleed. Please don't let this turn into fucking Jamie "Lurch" Havens and the car situation.
The things the rich have to suffer through. Makes my ass bleed. Please don't let this turn into fucking Jamie "Lurch" Havens and the car situation.
OK, girls, it's time to crank up the Ani DeFranco so the boys can't hear us...
Sidebar; I'm such a loser that this acutally gets me excited & wanting to have y'all over so I can cook a FAB meal, put out drinks & order the man-servant around while we select the perfect shade for our toes!
Cheek implants can go a long way to giving a fuller look & youthful appearance. The issue is that as a human ages, we tend to crumple inward. This is natural - some more than others but we all get that old apple doll look eventually.
So, an implant will not move but looks good when you still have some youth in your structure.
Start taking away that youth and as your face naturally crumples it can no longer look human. It not as noticeable on us regular folk cuz we don't have tupperware in our face.
It's something to consider before you do something permanent like an implant.
I'm not agianst plastic surgery at all. I've had my tummy tuck and Friday get a little nipped off my sides. But that's cuz I lost OODLES of weight & have excess skin.
Of course, if i had money, I owuld dearly love a lower face lift or neck lift.
Air kisses cuz I'm saggy,
OMG! Nelly, I didn't know you are a drag queen! I love it! Have you ever been to "Lucky Changs" NYC? Its got the best drag show/waitresses in the city! Fab floor show & lap dances on the huge throne for your favorite bachelorette. Delish Chinese food too. I wanna go back. You should go with us! Fun!!!
Gawd! Who doesn't want a f'g neck lift? Get in line! Thats my one disease I'd love to cure! I am not wrinkled or fat, just have this slope in my neck, not a swinging turkey neck or anything, but the beginnings of a slope. And it's all downhill from there! I totally notice it on everyone now too. Whether they have it or not. It is a great age detector too. Wrinkled or not our necks will slope and we can't stop it. You can't exercise it either. If you could mine would be in a decathalon. It doesn't work. I think giaing & losing some weight adds to it tho. And I recently lost about 25 pounds and I can tell in my face. So, I use a firming lotion. It can't hurt. I massage in an upward stroke to my chin, hoping to move the fat cells up & out! And I have started using witch hazel on a cotton ball to tighten my skin up before I put on my moisturizer & make up. Witch hazel is a natural skin tightener. I do think it helps and it can't hurt. Try it.
i hope kate hudson gets the support and help she needs to overcome the trauma of having to fly coach...
i'm in tears just reading about that tragedy...
Oh geez. I wash with oil de old lady and put on a turtle neck. I hate martinis. I like TV and pie. God, I'm so boring. Can I still hang out with y'all?
Heck yes DD! Anytime. We will go watch the fab drag queens in NYC together. Nelly & everybody too! It's so fun, they can so "work it"...hell yeah. It's a fabulous time and delish food. I don't think they have pie but we will stop somewhere & get that. No prob! Get out your best heels gal, we are going out!
Halle Berry Full Of Gays...
I got waylaid by having to get some work done at the office and couldn't get back to my fav pass time otherwise known as DD.
I've never been to NYC but would dearly love to go. I'm a frozen Canadian Queen but I do have that cute place just outside of Palm Springs I get to whenever I can.
Yup, I agree about the neck being rude enough to do whatever the fuck it wants. Nora Ephron wrote "I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman"
Too funny.
Ladies, we all have to take care of ourselves but do be careful with the skin tighteners. I'm not familiar with Witch Hazel so it could be different but the ones that claim to reduce wrinkles...not possible. You cannot alter skin with a topical cream - not possible.
What it DOES do is irritate the skin causing it to puff. This can be very gentle so it's not usually the kind of irritation one gets from seeing Heidi & Spencer. It doesn't do a damn thing to the wrinkle but they do seem to be reduced. How you ask? It causes the skin to puff up giving a fuller look. This then appears to remove the wrinkle. Think of it like a balloon. You out more in it & it gets smoother. But keep in mind you have to constantly apply this cream cuz it's a temp fix.
So your skin, like the balloon will actually get looser over time causing more wrinkles...and more money spent by you to look younger while actually aging your skin.
The part about stoking your skin up & out is good. But the only reason it's good is cuz by rubbing or massaging your skin you are bringing more blood to that area. This will help skin to repair & look healthier in general. I hate to be a bitch, but you can't move around your fat cells. Trust me if you could, I would have gotten rid of my ex LONG before I did.
DD, you are anything but boring. We'd all have too much fun.
Now who wants to slip on the other ring and yell WONDER TWIN POWERS...ACTIVATE!!!!
Air Kisses cuz I wanna be Jayna
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