Hef was controlling, which we know from watching the show. Kendra says living with Hef was "way more strict than my life has ever been." Hef had staff watch the girls and write down everything they did and when they came in, etc. Hef would review it each morning. Curfew was 9 pm.
Kendra says Holly and Bridget were faithful to Hef, but, "Bridget told me that she's been faithful all these years, and I was like, 'How the hell can you do that?' I had to have [sex] so I could feel my age, like a healthy human being."
This is all so boring, I knew this from watching TGND. Kendra:"I hate putting my hand out, but we couldn't have jobs other than getting appearance fees. Hef was kind of like my best friend, but a sugar daddy at the same time … Hef made me feel beautiful. Now I'm totally against [Hefner's] way of life, with three girlfriends and all of that." Thanks for being honest, Kendra..now tell us how much you hated Holly and why. THAT'S what I wanna know!
bad form to engage in a "tell-all" dissing the rich/famous folks from whom they willingly benefited.
Yeah, but, you're talking about someone who had the IQ of crotch rot.
nothing like admitting she fucked hef and then she says she needed SEX...hahahahahaha...
i don't think she meant sex with hef. you see she says holly and bridget were faithful and that she needed sex and had to sneak it. she means with other dudes...probably black dudes, b/c that's what she likes. -G
If she hated it so much... then why did she stay for a couple of years?
$1000 a week. chezzz
Wow. $1,000/wk. to be imprisoned by an old hook-nosed Prune?
Dis. Gus. Ting.
$1000 a week, room & board, expenses and appearance fees.... all to be one of three "official" girlfriends to an 82 year-old millionaire?
And people called Anna Nicole Smith a gold-digger.
What a whore and a plain one at that.
When I heard this on "Chelsea Lately" I knew you would blog on this.
I hate to admit it but this makes me like Kendra.
She was always my favorite and I knew she wasn't digging the old dude and now she admits it.
Poor Hef has lived long enough to see his image busted. For decades he ruled as King Cock, and a hero to all men. The original Mac; suave and cool with his harem and all the mistyque behind the doors of the mansion. Robert Evans was a minor player compared to Hef. Now both of them are shadows of their old selfs, and Hef has become a late night punch line.
Well, I can hear Hef's tears hittin' th' floor because of that comment.
...oh! ...wait! ...that's money I hear!
Seriously creepy.
Nice...having the staff write down everything the girls do and then Hef would read about it the next morning.
I hope Bridget does well on her own.
I really do admire Kendra's honesty. I have a fondness for this girl because of it. Ho? Probably, in some sense..I wish I'd had the foresight to be a ho.
No sh*& DD! I have a neighbor who is most literally a whore. She got preg by my ex bro in law. he built her a brand new 2 story house and a huge barn. It's a pole barn, but I didn't wanna write that, I might not be able to stop laughing now! Anyway, she got preg again. They never married. He worked his ass of 2 jobs, she was blowing all the judges in town and several other John's. Always had money, new car, new home, nice guy to take care of everything so she didn't have to have an actual job, and he had to know about her, everyone in town knows! He knew! She is ugly as the day is long too! Go figure! Anyway, one day after work on a Saturday, my ex bro in law,42 years old,had a heart attack. She was home with him. She had several boyfriends at the time and was on the phone with one of them when my bro in law called for help. He died 2 days later. She got the house w/long paved driveway, 3 acres,3 tractors, his pick up, shotguns, everything & the f'g pole barn, all paid for because he had it set up that way, when he died she would owe nothing. He didn't do shit for my sister in law when he was actually married to her, so...w/e he was with a whore, he died cuz he worked so hard to keep her happy. She came out golden. I hate her. Now she's still whoring herself out has married some super nice guy and he built her some new buildings too! I have been married for a million years and don't have anything! I always say being a whore pays well, damn well! Long story, pissed off now! Sorry to rant! Dayum! WHORES!!!!! They never change. These girls won't either. Whores of a different status is all. hey! Works for them!
See? Whores are set. It's called the ho-plan for life. It should be taught in school.
It's not even a lie Dishy! F*&%# 'em! oh yeah, thats what they want...*sigh*
I didn't think being a whore was a career choice. Why didn't someone tell me!!!!!?????
Did they get paid under the table or did they get W-2's year with the room and board included as imputed income?
On their 1040 they would have to list their occupation as 'Hugh Hefner's Ho'?
LMAO! I don't know, but, they'd need an accountant.
Is it too late to start the ho plan for life? I'm almost 25. -G
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