They didn't win anything, but, Angie and Brad kissed for the cameras. They didn't sit all that close, I didn't see any of the famous groping..the most watched couple (you know I was watching) were just...there. You can't read anything into anything they do or don't do unless you're completely stupid or like to make shit up. Angie didn't seem mad about anything. The couple I liked watching was Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. They looked like buddies and seemed to be having a great time. Tom kept eating all through it and I wanted to see the food, but, no one showed that. All people talk about are the Golden Globes dresses. Let me save you some trouble. All the women wore the same dress in different colors. That sheet wrapped around you look. There must have been a memo.
I didn't watch. It looked like the same B.S, different year!
Brangelina= give me a break! I'm really getting suspicious, are they about to break up?? why so affectionate????
I'm happy for Kate Winslet :)
Is that Glenn Close back there? Now her I like. I still haven't watched her new show "Damages" yet. She's always great.
Brad & Angie are just telling Jen to suck-it with this action. Was Jen there? And anon 3:16, I hope ur right about them. That would be not a bad thing, sorry, but its true.
that is a fake kiss if I ever saw one.
I don't think they are all that fake. When they were getting out of the car and Brad opened the door for her, he said something and she looked directly in his eyes and just smiled. It was a few seconds but a cute little moment just between the two of them...which the cameras caught b/c they are so fucking nosy. Give them a chance to get to the red carpet before intruding...geez. anyway, she looked like she was genuinely glad he was there with her.
And the food gets taken away before the show starts. I've known that for years just from watching. But all the celebs bitching about not getting anything to eat should've gotten there earlier or ate before they went.
Then what was Hanks eating? He was chowing. I don't think they took his food.
Haha! Now I'm picturing Hanks sneaking in his own food.
Did you guys see Brangelina diss Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet? It was uncomfortable to watch. :)
what? They walked right past him w/o giving him a glance? Do the celebs HAVE to speak to those guys?
Only if they don't want to send out the message to the movie-going public: We're too good for this...
I would like to see the waiter who was so arrogant as to wrestle away Tom -- he is the greatest actor - Hanks' food. What friggin' nerve! Let the people eat!
who would dare touch tom hanks' food? Not me.
I suspect prozac, or maybe paxil.
Tom Hanks and Rita were pretty cute. Their reactions to some of the jokes or award winners, etc. were priceless.
Kate Winslett looked beautiful and so classic. She put many of the others to shame. Leonardo D looked pretty good, but so did many of the men. Mickey Rourke looked great, though. I was impressed. Some of the pictures I have seen of him look deranged, or just butt-ugly, but he cleaned up well, and I really have to give credit to a guy who does all his own stunts, and then thanks his dogs in his acceptance speech. I loved that and will remember it.
You can tell Angie tried to be on her best behavior and not give anyone the stink eye, especially when Kate forgot Angie. Angie tried to play it off by laughing but you can see the thoughts floating around her head.
Beautiful couple who definitely have eyes for each other.
Angelina might get pregnant again if they get close lol.
Eliza your devoted love for these two morons is nauseating. Idiots like you should be at JJ where worshiping sanctimonious, worthless, pimping, duplicitous assholes is necessary.
That's just great!
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