Tuesday, January 27, 2009

LA mom has octuplets..

Two physicians who helped in the deliveries said they had planned in advance for the c-section deliveries but were only expecting seven babies. They got six boys and two girls.
“My eyes got to be the size of saucers,” Dr. Karen Maples said when it became obvious there was an eighth child. “We just went on and delivered the babies.”
“The orchestrated delivery went off without a hitch,” added Dr. Harold Henry. “The babies are all doing well and the mom is also doing well. There were no complications from the surgery to the best of my knowledge."
Great. Another reality show in the making. So when does the medical field get some regulations about the number of fertilized eggs they can place in a uterus??? Women are not meant to carry litters. Notice the doctor said no complications from the surgery..not with the babies. On the other hand...Kate Gosselin..not so special now, are ya bitch?


Anonymous said...

Yuck. Why do these people get praised for being freak shows?

Anonymous said...

I know! When I saw the news this morning all I could think was that TLC is gonna be on this like flies on shit.

Anonymous said...

Carrying too many children causes possible health risks. It leads to a greater chance of their health not being as good later in life. People should really think about that if they want to have a child so bad.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

This case is unlikely to be an IVF. It's probably fertility drugs, which is much more difficult to control (how many follicles get produced).

This is just crazy. Humans were not meant to give birth in litters. As 6:04 pointed out, the health risks of high order multiples are many: cerebral palsy, developmental delays of various kinds, vision problems (from being on oxygen).

Anonymous said...

Truer words were never spoken. "Humans are not meant to give birth in litters". I don't think there is an argument to that. This is not a good development in fertility.

Unknown said...

I was gonna comment before I read the original article, but I held back and read the comments there. One of the commenters sums up how I feel about fertility treatments, so I copy and paste:

"God the creator put in place certain natural obstacles in order to control certain things like population; people unable to have children should rejoice and enjoy those of their friends and other family members. It is not necessary for every person to procreate. When we play with the natural order we get these kinds of problems. How will this family support so many children?

We have created antibiotics and we have killer bacteria. We cut the trees and we have climate issues. When will we learn that we are not quite as smart as we believe?"

Anonymous said...

Those comments are right on, Melissa.
Anyways, from what I understand this family already has 6 kids. I'm sure Katie Irene is shitting her designer undawears over the news of the octuplets. Sextuplets are old news on the freak show circuit introducing in the next year or so the new improved litter of howler monkeys needing money and a bigger home! Give me, give me because society forces fertility treatments on us poor moms of HOMs. Blah. Go away freaky people who refuse to reduce.

Anonymous said...

wow! why the hatred for kate gosselin? unreal! :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
wow! why the hatred for kate gosselin? unreal! :(

January 29, 2009 10:58:00 PM GST

Because the stupid bitch brought it all on herself and deserves it. That's why. Any other questions?

Anonymous said...

This single mother who lives with her own parents and already has 6 children was able to procure fertility drugs -- without a doctor, I'm told -- on purpose to have multiples.

HELLLOOO! Morons out there, your kids have a great chance of cerebral palsy among other things and who do you think is going to be caring for those people for the rest of your life? It won't be so cute when all these sick babies are sick young adults and you are still there having to feed them and wheel them around. Never mind how you are hurting the kids, do you want to mess up your own lives? WTF is wrong with this woman?