After looking at this for four days, I finally decided...I need a rubber skirt. There's a tactile creepiness to it that I enjoy. Also, it is "flesh colored" crayon color, another creepy thing I've always liked. The flesh color crayon is one of those unexplained things that's always tickles the brain. She can keep the bra though. That's just silly.
I like the "just had my pupils dilated" glasses!
Who is Lady Ga Ga when she's at home?
I LOOOOVE her! finally! some * talent* She's the new Christina Aguielara but even better. Cute girl!
That skirt would be hot with an thin angora deep v or square neck sweater,just something different to the sheen & texture of the skirt. Agree the bra looks silly with it.
She forgot her seeing-eye dog.
she says she's not sexy like britney spears, so she has to wear crazy stuff to get attention
Ok so why is crabbie quitting?
I can't see the hat clearly but it looks like a bow off of an "over the hills" birthday present! If it is, I have one just like it. But I don't think I could pull off the skirt!
At least it's not Jessica Simpson wearing it.
She forgot her seeing-eye dog when she was getting dressed.
it looks like silly putty!!!!! Maybe if it was in a different color but i can't get past that...
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