I can't keep up with The Blow. There have been multiple reports of her and sam fighting lately, in public, trashing hotel rooms, even punching each other. Lindsay is not living with Sam now and is thinking of moving in with her sister, Ali. Since when did Ali get her own place? What is she 15? 16? Anyway, those who know say Sam gave Linds the old heave ho and Lindsay just won't accept it. She keeps blogging about how they're still together, but, they clearly aren't. The Blow is still hanging out with Sean Penn. Samantha is avoiding the paps and the last thing she said about Lindsay was "she's nuts." I'm getting too old to pay attention to little party people who can't get their shit together.
Penn is way too gay for her.
I haven't seen photos of her with Penn, so I'm wondering if that's true. And I thought he was back with his wife. Soap opera stuff.
the lohan's - all of them - are fucking nuts, not just the blow. Sam's probably the only sane one around
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