An ex boy friend of Oprah has coming slithering out of the woodwork to tattle that Oprah smoked crack. It's too late for him to blackmail her, Oprah has already admitted she smoked crack. So, this explains why she devoted a whole show to her love of Kate Winslet's breasts? Crack fucks you up. She should smoke those earrings.
Crack? I never knew. Had to be avery long time ago. I don't watch daytime TV, I am really out of the loop. She really is very honest.
When your as much in the public eye as she is it pays to own up to stuff instead of trying to hide it. That would be such a mess for the presidents best friend lol
WTF is wrong with people? Why oh why do exes always feel the need to take good women down once they get somewhere??
WTF is wrong with people? Why oh why do exes always feel the need to take good women down once they get somewhere??
WTF is wrong with people? Why oh why do exes always feel the need to take good women down once they get somewhere??
calm down cupcake, geesh heard you the first timw.
The interwebs is fucking with cupcake. But she's right.
I didn't see it, but maybe she devoted a whole show to her appreciation of people who aren't plastic. People her/our age can still remember what natural beauty is and some of us are feeling those days are gone forever.
"A mess for the President's best friend", you say? How about a mess for the President himself? He's admitted to smoking pot and snorting coke already, but what's been very carefully hushed-up is the fact that he smoked crack too.
I'm sure people who've smoked crack are understanding, but I have a problem with it-- more with the lie that the action itself.
anon @ 7:36 wrote: "She really is very honest."
And you know this because...?
7:45 totally hear ya. I was being a bit sarcastic about Miss O & her inflated ego and constant droanings about being so close with the Obama's, she really irritates me.
Some poster made a comment a few days ago something along the lines of now Oprah has to mend the fences she torn down in the firey rush to support Obama in the past 2 years & thats why were seeing all these im so intouch with you the real people shows. Please!
I'm with you when it comes to the lies. This isn't president of the PTA, this is President of the United States. A 'reformed' drunk was voted in last time, look at how wonderfully that worked out.
I said it before and I know it's not a popular opinion,or at least one most don't have the guts to admit to holding, but voting a man in because of skin color is as stupid as hating him for it.
The majority, no not all, but the majority voted Obama in BECAUSE he's black, not because of experience and long standing gov't servent records. For the sake of the entire global community I hope he's able to live up to the pedestal far too many have put him on.
Huh. I thought this was about Oprah.
For the record, I voted Obama for many reasons. None of those reasons had to do with skin color.
1:59 since when does any thread stay strickly on topic of the orginal post? Or is it only this subjet matter that bothers you?
1:59-- Seriously? If your reasons have nothing to do with skin color, then you ARE a racist. Obama is nothing BUT his skin color.
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