Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh, suck it up, Ashton..

Just go buy another ridiculous house. Seriously, Kutcher you need to live over the Grease Brothers for a year. Then you can bitch. Like you and Demi don't own any other houses. Pffft.


Anonymous said...

What a douche...

Anonymous said...

4 months of construction racket is enough to make anyone crazy. It drove me nuts when the neighbour was at it 6 30 and 7 am even on weekends, i could have happily drowned them all. They had no consideration for anyone.

Most residential areas have noise by-laws that state you can't begin construction work until 8 or 9 am and must stop by 7 - 9pm (depends on your area) not that any contractor gives a damn about it.

Anonymous said...

he's more annoying than tommy boy

Anonymous said...

I didn't need to play the video to fully comprehend how annoying this little bitch is. I'm so sick of him.

Anonymous said...

Ashton, you lost your good Iowa values. Coming from a fellow Iowan, were not so proud of you anymore, your old news!

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone jealous of his 5 houses and his Sugar Mama Demi, I mean wife?

Anonymous said...

Boy you guys ARE dirty!

Anonymous said...

is he drunk? Slurs his words alot, sounds like daffy duck.

Anonymous said...

He seems to be drunk or something! His apology video is rather strange.

Anonymous said...

I agree...I think he's drunk.