Friday, January 30, 2009

Rebecca Romijn out and about... month after having twins. Are you kidding me???


Anonymous said...

Wow, lipo is a great invention

Anonymous said...

Oh please 10:27 she hasn't had lipo you can clearly see the slightly full midrift and her thighs are trim as ever.

She obviously took care of herself through the pregnancy. She looks great!

Anonymous said...

Good point 12:51. You will never out bike, out run, or out sweat donuts!. Add caloric intake of your favorite snacks and how many you can eat in ten minutes. Now figure out the caloric burn necessary to exercise that junk off. My wife did yoga and kettlebells during both pregancies and looked great right after both because her muscle tone was kept elastic throughout the preg. period. GOOD JOB looking good ladies.

Anonymous said...

I would bet that lipo and a tummy tuck were involved. Skin just doesn't stretch like silly putty and then return to its former shape, especially after carrying twins. I'll bet she had the "mend it like Beckham" done. Not that she will ever say so.

Anonymous said...

Kate Cruise-Xenu Holmes wore those stretchy things for a while. She probably got herself some of those.

Anonymous said...

Don't know her. She seems nice enough.

Anonymous said...

She looks wonderful, but I'm not surprised. She may be using those undergarments, what are they called again? She probably took really good care not to gain too much weight that wasn't baby(s). I have friends who left the hospital looking very much like they had just inflated a balloon and were back in their clothes, stretchy, but small clothes, a week afterward.

Anonymous said...

Spanx are my god :)

Anonymous said...

1:15 alot of women are back to where they were before they were pregnant 6 weeks or less afterwards. And to have a 'tummy tuck' you have to have something to 'tuck' if you know how the apron is pulled, she does not.

The reason heavier people have slaggy skin, or people who have yo yo dieted to the extremes for years is because the skin has lost its elasticity.

She obviously did not gain 60 pounds over and above the baby weight.Totally agree with 1:08 about the muscle tone.

Anonymous said...

I work with new moms and babies, and part of it is genetics, part of it is weight gain, but the rest of it is either a girdle, spanx or some other mechanical means. Most new moms do not go back to a slender shape within 6 weeks. It just doesn't happen that way. Most women leave the hospital after a few days, looking like they are about 7 months pregnant. That simply does not rectify in such a brief time.

Anonymous said...

8:44 every single woman in my family was back wearing the same size clothing within a month of giving birth, including those only related by marriage, not just genetics.

If you are in shape before you ever get pregnant and keep exercising through out the pregnancy and don't pile on the pounds because you think your eating for two, theres no reason that within 6 or 8 weeks you can't be back at your orginal weight.

The problem is most women gain way way too much weight when they are pregnant. The weight of your baby and less then 10 additional pounds is healthy. Theres no need for women to ballon 50, 60, 70 pounds or more just because they are going to have a baby, it shouldn't be an excuse to stuff your face with whatever you want, it should be when your most conscientious about what your eating.

Everyone is different, we all fall into different catagories, but i think it's obvious that Romijn falls into a conscientious and fit one, before and during her pregnancy. The picture speaks for itself, because if she had had surgery she sure as hell wouldn't be out shopping a month later, because they'd have to wait several weeks before they could even consider lipo or a tummy tuck, then there is recovery time. Use your brains people.

Anonymous said...

Cant they do a tummy tuck the same time as a c-section?

Anonymous said...

she looks gorgeous!