Jeff Beitzel, who was fifty-four, passed away in September. Did you know Jeff died? I didn't. I knew he was sick, he had leukemia, but, the show is still the same. Gretchen parties on with the rest of those..women. Sip some champagne, get drunk, show your boobs, be incredibly mean to each other! I can't find a decent picture, my connection is being a turd and the browsers won't work today, but, if you watch the show, you know who Jeff is. I only see the show because I'm addicted to Top Chef on the same channel as those Orange County...women... and they're on all the time. All the time...gawd. They are incredibly MEAN women and don't have a clue what friendship means. And Jeff is dead. Geez.
Oh, I am sorry to hear that Jeff died. When I saw him on the show at the racetrack that day he looked 110 years old and I knew he must be so very sick. So tell me this, then, how is it Gretchen is a housewife of anything? Poor guy.
I guarantee he left her a huge amount of money. Probably his life insurance and estate to her and his 2 kids from a previous marriage..
Wow, I didn't KNOW THAT!! I watch this show, and cringe how they party all the time & COMPLAIN about NOTHING....they need a BIG slap of humblism...(not a word?? you get it!)
These women wouldn't know humility if it grew on their individual noses.
Yeah I saw somewhere that he died in September but they are just now talking about it?? WTF !!! I watch Bravo for Top Chef too but this bull@#%$ show is over the top and the women are awful (and I hate to say that sometimes I watch cuz I can't find a Shamwow infomercial to watch :)
Was watching I guess it was a rerun of the show last night and the teaser for the upcoming show seemed to be about Gretchen hitting on and getting with Ryan, Tamra's oldest son. Can you imagine? Tamra will rip this newbie a new one in no uncertain terms. You don't mess with someone's kid. I'm guessing Jeff must've been dead already?
the current episodes were filmed before jeff's death - that'll probably be addressed in later episodes. in the last episode they mentioned it being august.
WOW this is sad! After watching last nights episode when Tamra(sp) and Vickie decided to get Gretchen "naked drunk" as Tamra said. Looks like Gretchen gets too close to her son Ryan. I wanted to know more about Jeff and found this info.
That's so sad!! I even read he was 54...I guess the disease really took a toll on him:-(
Who are you to judge Gretchen and Jeff? Most people are good, so God Bless them both!
These episodes were all filmed before his death. It should come out in the next episode or two that he did die, as the previous person stated it was August during the last episode. And no, Gretchen did not get it on with Tamras kid. She would have deserved it though the way she acted, she wanted to pawn her own son off to get Gretchen to cheat on this poor man. But of she didn't because despite what most people think she has single handedly taken care of this man while he was sick. It was quite obvious she brought joy to his life and I'm sorry you just cannot live at the hospital if you're not a patient. It's not allowed. If she is out letting her hair down for an hour here or there then do not judge her. She is doing the best she can and deserves some respect. She is college educated and had a good buisness when she met him, and comes from an incredibly wealthy family. They seemed happy and he loved to spoil her with gifts and jewelry, it brought him happiness, it was obvious. May he rest in peace and may Gretchen get the respect she deserves through this.
My previous comment of course meaning Tamra would have gotten what she deserved as pawning her own kid off to make Gretchen look bad. Who does that?? She is a freak in my book. Good luck to Gretchen and good luck to the kids of Jeff's that no longer have him here. May God bless them all.
And for those who do not know, these women are obligated to make these appearances on the shows so her leaving the hospital for a few hours to have drinks and dinner for tv time hardly is a reason to burn her at the stakes.
My brother had the same or similar leukemia, for 10 months, and was only 42. He, too, passed away... We spent 10 months in the hospital with him, but we weren't allowed to stay all of the time, either, because, even if the average person thinks that that person would want someone around 24/7, that's not true. These people are suffering greatly and need rest to heal and recover, and most people feel guilty if they are not "entertaining" or staying awake, or talking, etc. when someone is with them. Their brain and senses need to REST. We were able to spend more time with him in ICU when he was in the drug-induced coma for 30 days once diagnosed (it was so bad, they said he's die soon) so that his body could fight the ravaging leukemia, due to the fact that the nursing staff understood our complete understanding of leukemia, treatment, not getting in their way, and also that the ward was so full of people, they were grateful we were around to tend to his every need. It was grueling and stressful, because all you want is that person to get well... I will never forget the fight for life...it changed my life forever and caused me to realize even more things in my life (like, I should have been a medical professional.) Blessings come in many disguises. I say that if he was happy with a beautiful, fresh woman with an incredible smile and personality, and showering her with bling made her and him happy, then more power to him. He made many woman choices in his life, being married five times, twice to the same woman, and those didn't work out...so, it's clear he wanted a companion and she was it for him. Everyone, check your self...nobody's pure and doesn't have some kind of fault. And not everyone reacts the same way with death. I'll never forget when my brother was passing away - we had shifts at the hospital, and my brother passed away with my eldest sister and his ex-wife in the room (his older "girlfriend" made no effort to be there at the time of death). When we made it the two blocks to the hospital, my sister was at the nurse's station laughing and would not re-enter the room with his deceased body in it. There are many people who have idiosyncratic responses to stressful situations, and this was one of them. I didn't understand it at the time, but I understood it once I researched these behaviors. Please chill out and pass on love in the world. The world is too full of negativity (such as Tamra's actions of trying to get Gretchen schnockered and hooked up with her son. Her karma will follow her.)
My brother had the same or similar leukemia, for 10 months, and was only 42. He, too, passed away... We spent 10 months in the hospital with him, but we weren't allowed to stay all of the time, either, because, even if the average person thinks that that person wanted someone around 24/7, that's not true. These people are suffering greatly and need rest to heal and recover, and most people feel guilty if they are not "entertaining" or staying awake, or talking, etc. when someone is with them. We were able to spend more time with him in ICU when he was in the drug-induced coma for 30 days so that his body could fight the ravaging leukemia, due to the fact that the nursing staff understood our complete understanding of leukemia, treatment, not getting in their way, and also that the ward was so full of people, they were grateful we were around to tend to his every need. It was grueling, stressful, because all you want is that person to get well... I will never forget the fight for life...it changed my life forever and caused me to realize even more things in my life (like, I should have been a medical professional.) Blessings come in many disguises. I say that if he was happy with a beautiful, fresh woman with an incredible smile and personality, and showering her with bling made her and him happy, then more power to him. He made many woman choices in his life, being married five times, twice to the same woman, and those didn't work out...so, it's clear he wanted a companion and she was it for him. Everyone, check your self...nobody's pure and doesn't have some kind of fault. And not everyone reacts the same way with death. I'll never forget when my brother passed away - we had shifts at the hospital, and my brother passed away with my eldest sister in the room. When we made it the two blocks to the hospital, she was at the nurse's station laughing and would not re-enter the room with his deceased body in it. There are many people who have idiosyncratic responses, and this was one of them. I didn't understand it at the time, but I understood it once I researched these behaviors. Please chill out and pass on love. The world is too full of negativity (such as Tamra's actions of trying to get Gretchen schnockered and hooked up with her son. Her karma will follow her.)
I'm sorry to hear about the death of Jeff. I knew he was sick but to hear of his death was shocking. I know this must of hit Gretchen hard, I hope she is coping..Gretchen u r the prettiest house wife..Tamara is just jealous and its obvious.It makes her feel good to talk about u cause she is boreing.
i watched the season finale of orange couty house wives last night and i am going through a lot lost my dad in may and my son is in prison i cried my eyes out about that poor man i really felt so sorry for him even if gretchen was using him she made his last days happy but i can,t believe he died in september and we just found out last night saw his daughter on rock of love bus she was the blonde that got sent home
The guy died from HIV that he got from Gretchen. It's a big cover up scandal. The story just leaked out!
Jeez, Everyone wants 2 b so harsh when they don'teven kno the true story of all these women. I don't either, just voicing my opinion.. Remember the cameras only show what they want!!
Gretchen- A sweet girl who tried 2 take care of her man. What more needs 2 b said. If she was so bad as Vicki and Tamra claimed her to be don't u think his kids would have probaly had alot 2 say. But they support her, as they should! My thoughts, best wishes and prayers are with them all. They deserve it. Jeff, u seemed 2 b a great man who loved all. RIP!!!!
Lynn - Ok, well Lynn may b a little blind when it comes 2 what her teenage daughters are doing. But many other parents are as well. This is what kids do!! I was a kid once and my parents have NO idea of all the things that i did!Parents just have 2 learn 2 b smarter and stricter (Or at least try, cuz teenagers are so damn smart. LOL But no one should be putting her down 4 any of that. She has their best intrests at heart and cares 4 hewr daughters a great deal.
Jeanna - WOW. A great hearted woman who just loves her family and the rest of the world. She is, as called "Mother Hen". She should be proud 2 be called that. I call her "The real housewife with a heart ogf gold".!!!! She's the ONLY one who seems like a true housewife. She spends more time with her kids than anyone!! Or spends time keeping in touch with them..
Tamra - Well. Well. Well. What 2 say... She is a beautiful woman who obviously has many insecurities. BUT, Y?? She has her looks, a great husband, a great family and money! What else does she want except to be insecure, jealous and rude. After watching this season I was very upset by her b*tcy highchool ways. Grow up Tamra. U r just pissed cuz Gretchen came along and u are no longer "The hottest housewife in th e O.C.". Get over yourself and grow up!! Is this really what u want 2 teach u daughters, 2 b a stuck up lil princesses like u.
Start caring about real things in the world instead of what color hat or motorcycle u may have!!
Lauri - Good Luck 2 u. It is sad 2 not see u but u left 4 the best intrests of your family!! We love and support u!!! Stay strong!! :)
Vicki - All I have 2 say is stop treating Don like sh*t!! The whole world see's it and u don't. U R a selfish person who NEEDS, NEEDS, NEEDS, But doesn't GIVE. Give me a break. Go work, b off the sow, and divorce Don so he can find a woman who knows how 2 love and appriciate him. WHICH HE DESERVES! Everyone who watches the show says that. And sell ur stupid Rolex 2 pay 4 the divorce. U r a Needy person who gives nothing. Thats y u dont get nothing.
If u want my thoughts.. I think Jeanna and Don should hook up. They both deserve love and they both have that 2 give... :)
Jeez, Everyone wants 2 b so harsh when they don'teven kno the true story of all these women. I don't either, just voicing my opinion.. Remember the cameras only show what they want!!
Gretchen- A sweet girl who tried 2 take care of her man. What more needs 2 b said. If she was so bad as Vicki and Tamra claimed her to be don't u think his kids would have probaly had alot 2 say. But they support her, as they should! My thoughts, best wishes and prayers are with them all. They deserve it. Jeff, u seemed 2 b a great man who loved all. RIP!!!!
Lynn - Ok, well Lynn may b a little blind when it comes 2 what her teenage daughters are doing. But many other parents are as well. This is what kids do!! I was a kid once and my parents have NO idea of all the things that i did!Parents just have 2 learn 2 b smarter and stricter (Or at least try, cuz teenagers are so damn smart. LOL But no one should be putting her down 4 any of that. She has their best intrests at heart and cares 4 hewr daughters a great deal.
Jeanna - WOW. A great hearted woman who just loves her family and the rest of the world. She is, as called "Mother Hen". She should be proud 2 be called that. I call her "The real housewife with a heart ogf gold".!!!! She's the ONLY one who seems like a true housewife. She spends more time with her kids than anyone!! Or spends time keeping in touch with them..
Tamra - Well. Well. Well. What 2 say... She is a beautiful woman who obviously has many insecurities. BUT, Y?? She has her looks, a great husband, a great family and money! What else does she want except to be insecure, jealous and rude. After watching this season I was very upset by her b*tcy highchool ways. Grow up Tamra. U r just pissed cuz Gretchen came along and u are no longer "The hottest housewife in th e O.C.". Get over yourself and grow up!! Is this really what u want 2 teach u daughters, 2 b a stuck up lil princesses like u.
Start caring about real things in the world instead of what color hat or motorcycle u may have!!
Lauri - Good Luck 2 u. It is sad 2 not see u but u left 4 the best intrests of your family!! We love and support u!!! Stay strong!! :)
Vicki - All I have 2 say is stop treating Don like sh*t!! The whole world see's it and u don't. U R a selfish person who NEEDS, NEEDS, NEEDS, But doesn't GIVE. Give me a break. Go work, b off the sow, and divorce Don so he can find a woman who knows how 2 love and appriciate him. WHICH HE DESERVES! Everyone who watches the show says that. And sell ur stupid Rolex 2 pay 4 the divorce. U r a Needy person who gives nothing. Thats y u dont get nothing.
If u want my thoughts.. I think Jeanna and Don should hook up. They both deserve love and they both have that 2 give... :)
the latest buzz is one of jeff's ex's has recently told the enquirer that jeff molested his kids. you people that feel bad for his death should be ashamed of yourselves if this is true. child molestation is a serious crime and the absolute lowest you can go. if this is true the man got off easy
Other then a one night stand, the women of Orange County offer nothing. And if I knew them before hand, the one night stand would be out.
I was born a Beitzel (East Coast), and might be considered a Beitzel bastard..lol.
Even though I have Beitzel blood, they sure do have alot of drama, I guess I'm no exception.
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