Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sandra Bullock and Sunny

I've been following this story loosely for ages. Sandra and her husband, Jesse James have tried desperately to get custody of his daughter, Sunny for awhile now. There are allegations of suspected physical abuse (why is that kids arm in a cast?) ...now Sunny's bio mom, Janine Lindemulder has been sent to prison for tax evasion. She'll be gone for a year..oh, she's also a porn star. Anyway, this is the first time I've seen a pic of Sunny. Jesse also has a son, he's sometimes photographed with Sandra and Jesse, he seems to be with them most of the time. So, after years of fighting the system, Sandra and Jesse finally have Sunny and every one's happy. Until bio mom gets out. Then what? I don't trust the court system and I wouldn't want to be them.


Anonymous said...

very cute child. And a porn star had custody? And thats OK? Somethings wrong wit'dat'! A porn star over Sandra Bullock? Pullleeezzz..

NellyBoy said...

Possible child abuse & you focus on the bio-mom being in porn?
What does THAT matter?
It doesn't have a THING to do with being a good parent.
A sleeze is a sleeze regardless of job, looks, money, etc.
So, I assume you know Sandra personally cuz you've drawn the conclusion that she's a better person based on porn alone.
perhaps she's a better person for not beating the snot out of an innocent?

Air Kisses cuz you're a fucking moron


Dirty Disher said...

I knew this would happen. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

This poor kid will become settled in a new home and new school but probably ripped out of it when mommy dearest gets out of jail.

I hate what the system has turned into, when a kid NEEDS to be rescued from 'suspected' abuse it grinds to a halt, spouting the parents rights etc.

I hope Janine has to spend time in a halfway house @ paroled and that increases her time away from the girl. Then throw in the time she'll need to get back on her feet financially and prove she has a proper home etc, i hope that all adds up to advantages for Bullock & James and they can retain physical custody with just visitation going to Lindemulder. Will be better for the kid in the long run, porn star or no porn star, but common sense tells you thats no enviroment for children.

If an adult willingly puts themselves in a situation thats, shall we say, lacking boundaries, what do you think she's teaching and exposing that kid to? Hellooo

Anonymous said...

The legal system is definitely screwed up and unfortunately they require tons of proof of abuse. Obviously the bio-mom is good for nothing if she's in jail. I have no respect for people who pull illegal shit, knowing they have a child to care for that should come first! I hope Jesse and Sandra get to keep custody of the little girl in the end.

Anonymous said...

Pass the popcorn, please.

Anonymous said...

Nelly! I am shocked! I thot we were friends. Don't be mean to me. I love you! :(

NellyBoy said...

Of COURSE you're my bestest friend on the panet Anaon 5:47:00...umm...who are you exactly???
If you're the same as Anon 2:00:00 then, yeah - I still behind what I said.
People can disagree and not like what the other has to say - or not...I don't really give a shit.

Anonymous said...

fucking moron, meaning you Nelly

Anonymous said...

NellyBoy, please re-read the post. Carefully. The mother has currently forfeited her right to custody of the child (Whatever her profession may be).
Yadadada - for the first time there is now picture evidence of the kid - with her arm in a cast.

Please, draw a better conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Nelly Boy, YOUR BACK !!!! I missed you

Anonymous said...

DD didn't imply that the abuse was due to the mom being a porn star...too much hair spray inhaled today NB??

Anonymous said...

Nelly's just in a snit because he *IS* a porn star.

(I know this because Thurston told me.)

Anonymous said...

calm down Nellyboy. Its ok you do gay porn. I am sure your still a good "parent" to that hamster.

NellyBoy said...

Sigh...really people?
Where did i say i was talking to DD?
I have no issue with the post DD made.
I was referring to Anon 2:00:00.
I take the shot for not specifying that, no problem but I stand by what I said.
Obvioulsy I don't know DD outside of comments she makes here but I don't get the feeling that she judges people - ironic considering this blog but for some reason she does strike me as a person who can stand almost anything outside of hypocrisy (sp).
I don't do gay pron but to be honest, if i could get hte money...why the hell not, LOL
Not so much with the hampster...

At any rate, I apologize to DD if she took my rant against her.

Air kisses cuz I don't use hairspray but LOVED the musical,

Anonymous said...

I must say....Nellyboy...you crack me up. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't know about Sandra going through this! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

yea, I'm the same person. Still gotta love Nelly tho. Have a great Day in the frozen north there! I'm glad we are still friends. I couldn't get thru the day if we weren't.

Anonymous said...

Nelly boy is bald? OMG! He's bald as a cue ball! Fat & bald is my guess. Hugely, morbidly obese. Sitting clacking at the keyboard with his dick in one hand & Dorito crumbs all over him, all the while still able to find hateful, uninformed things to say to others. Typical. We used to think you were funny. What happened to you? Is that fat ass hampster stuck up ur ass?

Dirty Disher said...

"people can disagree"..that's the best thing I've heard all week, Nelly. :)

NellyBoy said...

I love this post.
Anon 1:39:00, I'm no longer bald. I did shave my head a few months back cuz I was bored. I do that sometimes.
I was morbidly obese for many many years and food was my drug of choice. I'm still an addict but am doing my best to control it.
I've lost 220 pounds and with the help of both the Gastric Bypass & a personal trainer went from a size 56 to a size 30 pant.
I'm 42 & have a flat tummy with a deifned six pack. As far as my dick goes, what they say about gaining there as you lose elsewhere is true. Cuz my tummy used to cover it up, it was average. To satisy your homo-tendencies, yes I'm well above what is considered normal size.
Do I eat Doritos? Sometimes but I prefer popcorn however I'm glad you recognize my talent to multi-task regardless.
Gee whiz, I'm sorry you no longer find me funny...how will I ever fulfill my life quest now?
And nothing should ever get stuck up ones ass if one is careful.
I don't like hampsters for that cuz the little bastards have sharp nails & claws not to mention it's a bitch to try and clean the fur after.
Air Kisses cuz you amuse me,


Anonymous said...


You always post the BEST comments...

Anonymous said...

you are all a bunch of idiots and do NOT have ANY of your facts straight. i happen to be an immediate family member of 'jesse' and he and his wife, sandra are both manipulating fabricators who will both do anything with their money and fame to get what they want! jesse doesn't have a relationship with ONE person in his entire family BECAUSE first, none of them can stand him nor want one and second, he is a manipulator and fabricator about his entire life and everything he does and if he were to have relationships with anyone in his family, all his fake persona that he has made up about his life would be revealed to sandra! for the 1st 4 yrs of sunny's life WHERE was jesse?????! ummm...i'll tell you where he was, he was being begged by janine to be a dad and he was telling her to f-off. janine lives and breathes to be a mom to her two children, sandra is stealing her child because she can't have her own. jesse and sandra are pathetic manipulators and i am not afraid to tell you so. janine is the furthest thing now from a 'porn star'! get your facts straight! she hasn't done porn since BEFORE sunny was born! sunny is 5 years, one month and 4 days old! stupid stupid people. just because jesse and sandra are 'celebrities' does NOT make them 'high and mighty' and everything they say and do is 'right'. it would take me all day to type all the mean, vicious, herendous things that they have done to janine and JANINE's daughter (not sandra's!). there are so many court dates, emails, phone calls, text messages, threats, and lies that sandra and jesse have told that it's a book in itself. look up the 'public information'. it's there, and so was i! so the next time you high and mighty bloggers decide to shoot your blogging mouths off, remember that there are TWO sides to every story and jesse and sandras side is NOT truthful. you watch...it's going to start coming out. if you really want a story, why don't you all go to this link....


it's an interview that jesse gave back in feb. of 2004 for car and driver magazine, where he 'claims' at 16 he stole scott hamilton's porsche...hmmm...very interesting, he did NOT do this. it's a lie. i was there.

now fast forward to march 1st 2009, where jesse will be one of the 'celebrities' on celebrity apprentice with donald trump. well guess who else is a guest on the show....scott hamilton. gee i wonder how this was for jesse and scott...is anyone gunna bring this to the attention of the shows producers??! could make for some interesting 'drama' on their celebrity show. can jesse still be charged or sued??? whatever. you all need to get your blogging facts straight.