Not only does Barbie Benton have this amazing home and collection, but, she blew me away with how cordial and genuinely nice she was to her ex boy friend and his girl friends. She had a special dinner cooked up by a talented chef and several courses were served. Kendra and Bridgett didn't like Barbie's salad because it was "weird." The only definition for "weird" seemed to be NOT lettuce and tomatoes covered in Ranch dressing. The girls muddled through it. Then the horror happened. The entre' was served and it too, was "weird." Kendra looked at Bridgett. Bridgett looked at Kendra. Dear Gowd, they can't eat this weird stuff they've never heard of. They don't like weird food! What will they do????? Oh, I forgot, Barbie was not serving Vietnamese fried dog or live octopus...she was serving lamb and fish. Not smothered in a poisonous sauce, just lamb and a fish. I think she said it was sea bass.
Kendra and Bridgett are horrified. Barbie catches on and says she understands, not to worry. She will have the chef make the girls a new dinner. Chicken salad. Kendra and Bridgett nearly collapse with relief. They have heard of chicken. Everyone waits and I'm sure the lamb and sea bass got cold while they waited for the chicken, but, that's okay. Barbie really didn't seem mad or put out. She's an incredible hostess. The rest of the episode is spent with Bridget and Kendra telling us things they WILL eat. They include chicken, pizza, chocolate, chicken, spaghetti and, oh, yeah, chicken.
Cut to the next episode. The girls visit some cafe famous for pea soup. The Famous House Of Pea Soup? As they wiggle off the tour bus, Kendra yells in a drill sergeant voice: "Yeah, EVERYONE is gonna eat pea soup!!!" Because this is on Kendra's list of food she's heard of and likes. Bridgett doesn't like peas. Too bad. You will eat the soup. EVERYONE will eat pea soup. Do they not understand English? Kendra is clear. Bridgett loads her evil soup with "condiments" and gives the bowl the stink eye while Kendra supervises. I did not know that ham and cheese are condiments. That's why I watch this educational show. Finally the pea soup is finished and everyone agrees, it's not the worst thing they ever had to eat. I'll bet not. Kendra is very pleased with herself for widening the stunted pallets of the girls and declaring, pea soup looks gross, but, it's goooooooood. Her toothy grin is genuine.
Kendra doesn't have a clue how this pea soup episide makes her look in comparison with the previous episode where that stupid head Barbie Benton dared to serve "weird" food. Everybody's heard of pea soup..and chicken. Holly makes a penis out of bubble gum and says "cute" 800 times. It's SO cute. Cuuuuuuuute. Oh, cute. Wow, cute. Look how cute. Cuteness! Holly can make penis's out of many things as she's shown on the GND. Cookies penis's, cake penis's, Jack O Lantern penis's. Barbie's art pales in comparison to Holly's self taught talents. Hef knows it and they are all happy to have Kendra expanding their meager culinary minds. So am I. The things I learn from The Girls Next Door can only make me a more well rounded person. That, and a push up bra. Are you listening Barbie Benton?
Kendra doesn't have a clue how this pea soup episide makes her look in comparison with the previous episode where that stupid head Barbie Benton dared to serve "weird" food. Everybody's heard of pea soup..and chicken. Holly makes a penis out of bubble gum and says "cute" 800 times. It's SO cute. Cuuuuuuuute. Oh, cute. Wow, cute. Look how cute. Cuteness! Holly can make penis's out of many things as she's shown on the GND. Cookies penis's, cake penis's, Jack O Lantern penis's. Barbie's art pales in comparison to Holly's self taught talents. Hef knows it and they are all happy to have Kendra expanding their meager culinary minds. So am I. The things I learn from The Girls Next Door can only make me a more well rounded person. That, and a push up bra. Are you listening Barbie Benton?
well golly gosh gee....salad without lettuce? who'd have thunk it? them there city slickers are kakakakrazeeee eh? and sea bass? it's that a setting on the stereo? peoples want to eat a sound control? cuzzin cletis had sea bass one time when his tractor with the subwoofers went in the cement pond...
LOL! That Barbie puttin' on airs again.
Showing once again that Hef is severely demented in thinking his newer girls have any class at all or a modicum of graciousness. I didn't like Barbie way back when, but I'm starting to think she was heads above these bimbos.
alls i can say is i hope that thar pea soup made them farrrrtttt!!
Barbie grew up to be woman with real interests who is not rude to guests. I wonder what Kendra will grow up to be? It doesn't look promising right now.
While I agree that Barbie was indeed the consummate hostess having to contend with those moronic twits, in fairness to the rest of us... how hard is it to be gracious and accomodating when you've got household staff (including a chef!) to ensure a successful dinner party?
You just know Barbie's chef slaved all day over that dinner for Hefner & Co. and couldn't have been thrilled with the last-minute request for 2 entrees of "something else".
I just hope he added his own special sauce to the chicken salad.
Ah, yes... "special sause" You gotta love it --hehehe
Pondering that, I can't help but recall an infamous tale from across the pond-- (much thanks to Scott @ FAD) -- and Miss Tia, (our resident anglophile and royals expert) may have heard this one;
It seems HRH, the Princess Margaret --known for issuing long and complicated lists of demands on trips and visits-- was to be the guest of honor at a banquet at a prestigious hotel which had just hired a new chef.
Certainly excited at the prospect of practicing his art for royalty, the chef put in considerable time and effort assembling his best menu before faxing it down to Buck's Palace for approval. After much back and forth and amending, it was at last confirmed and he got to work with every intention of thoroughly impressing the royal guest.
But when much-anticipated moment finally arrived, Princess Margaret instructed hotel staff to inform the kitchen that she did not want any food other than an orange, halved and segmented. As the news was broken to the chef a red mist descended over him. With the words "If she wants an orange, I'll give her a fucking orange," he picked up the fruit, halved it, and stuck both pieces down his pants, giving them a good shake before placing them on a plate.
The dish was then served to Her Royal Highness, who ate it without comment.
God help us if the current impressionable crop of young girls take their cues on womanhood from all of these bimbo reality TV stars.
I missed this episode, but it sounds like the behavior of Kendra and Holly was as stupid as that of Kim (Real HouseHo's of Atlanta) when she refused to eat guacamole.
I really detest the incuriosity about the world that these so-called klassay ladies exhibit.
We're really going to end up living in an Idiocracy.
In agreement with 4:32.
That was a cool movie, by the way.
Not the best acting, by far, but an interesting idea.
Nice browz, Dork.
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