I got distracted looking at old Barbie stuff. From solo Barbie in the spotlight, 1962 (bottom, middle) to the changing "mod" graphics of the 70's (top)..OMG, I had no idea there were so many different cases. Anyway, these are mine. They're packed full. What dolls do YOU still have????
wow I have exactly the same ones DD and they are packed too.
I used to bring them out anytime I have a little girl in the house, as it was the only "girly" thing I had to offer her lol
OMG! That black one is the ONE! Yay! I feel like a little girl again!! Thank you DD! Good Friday stuff.
Gaaawd...DD put them up on eBay & freakin' retire! For a week!
I have the cardboard Dreamhouse from 1962 (the year I was born).
I had Skipper, because at the time, I was the little sister. (Although, according to SNL, Skipper was actually Barbie's illegitimate daughter"
I'm jelez...I had a f'g generic blue case. So not cool!
I like reading about what you collect. You have the same ones Crys? Cool! Naaaa, anon, the blue cases were cool too. I want the black hatbox one.
And packed full of old stuff and dolls. The old ones in the black case..70's in the 70's case. After that it gets confusing and they go in jam packed suitcases for Liss to drag out. This satisfies my love affair with goofy old suitcases too. I'm a nut job, I tell ya.
Thats in great condition DD. Hand it down to Lissa!
i've got one of the first barbie houses! i'll take a pix and email it to ya! :)
i've got the donnie and marie tv show playset, a donnie & marie doll (somewhere)....
i have skipper, pj, dusty (not a barbie, but like a barbie), dusty jones---plastic doll....and some others...oh a 'wendy' doll...evil looking....
I was never into Barbie or dolls much. With me it was Teddy bears but I don't have any from when I was a kid..I wish I did. But I have all kinds of new ones that I love.
i gots my dawn dolls too....just remember them...and their case!
I have these, too. I also have the original Barbie and some of her clothes.
Also have Chatty Cathy, remember her? And I have, unknown name, the first doll with a little tape recorder inside. You talked, pressing a button and it repeated what you said. We were fascinated by this.
And the oldest of them all for me, Betsy Wetsy. Anyone? Amazingly, you put a bottle of water in her mouth hole and, being that she was a hollow plastic doll, she wet herself. CLAPPING LOUDLY!!!
We were a simple folk.
I had so much vintage Barbie stuff which the nice previous owners of our home left for us when they realized our family had a little girl (me). By the time I was old enough to play with them, they were already vintage.
One thing my folks did buy me was a Barbie colorforms set, where you would take these soft plastic-y clothes and put them on different colorform Barbies and stick them onto a set for a fashion show. If my mom hasn't given everything away I'll post pics.
I gave all my barbies and a ken away when I was 15. I grew tired of them. But I still have all my stuffed animals from when I was a baby...they're back at home with my mom...including a squeaky snoopy dog which I love so much!!!!! all my stuffed animals have a name!!!!
Cool reading these. I have Chatty Cathy (she's amazingly well sculpted) and the Dawns (so tiny cute)..what is Wendy?? Got a pic of her? The Wendy I have is Caspers gf. I don't think that's the same.
Oh, yeah, colorforms. Loved those. So much better than paperdolls because you didn't have to use tabs to hold the clothes onto the figure. I don't still have those, but I did have and probably wore them out. They were fun. Simple pleasures are the best.
Eh, when I was a teenager, my mother got mad at me and threw everything I owned either in the trash or out on the lawn... prompting my move to my Grandmother's house.
I lost everything I had from my childhood including all my Barbies...I even had my older sister's old Barbie stuff which was the original stuff from 1959 or so.
Needless to say, my mother was the original Kate Gosselin. It was all about her, always. Those kids have some rough years ahead.
Man. I'll bet your mom is sorry now.
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