Friday, January 23, 2009

Which Shia LaBeouf do you like better

I like Shia being sad with his garden gnomes but maybe you prefer the bag look. Has he been hanging out with John Mayer?


Anonymous said...

Definitely with his little pals, the gnomes.

Anonymous said...

I like the one who isn't on earth.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with his hand? Even Michael Jackson wore a real golve and not some mini Hefty bag. Is he just trying to moisturize?

Anonymous said...

anon 6:37 he got into a car accident last year and apparently seriously injured his had and the "thought" that if he covered the cast and his head no one would know it was him??

Anonymous said...

None of the above.

Anonymous said...


Major Majormajor said...

"Surf's Up" is one of my favourite movies. Ahem.. ahem.. of course I have an 8 year-old...(and thank Jeebus she doesn't like "Happy Feet.")

Anonymous said...

send this fundie back to moofti-land!!

Travis Noodle said...

Shia is one of my favorite actors...I hope he's alright.