I'm having comp problems today. My computer is being a slow as syrup little bitch, it's storming here and my connection is sporadic at best and to top it all off..blogger is jerking me around. This will probably be my last post of the day. I hope crabbie wakes up and posts some. I just thought that was a cute picture of Mad and Pax playing. Wouldn't it be nice to be healthy and have all those cute kids and enough money to take care of them? No wonder Brad and Angie don't care what net people think of them. I wouldn't either.
Funny... I never liked this pic at all. It's part of a series where Maddox previously gets at Pax with that umbrella (spiked end). And the next photos (like this) seem very forced. Like forced kiss & make-up and do nice for the cameras. Maddox looks directly into the lense whereas Pax looks uncomfortable & keeps his eye on Maddox...
Why would they bleach a little kid's hair like that? If he wanted a big tatto on his forehead would these two say, Oh, that's just him being him? Not a good precedent to set here.
But my bitching aside, they are soooo cute. Hard to beat pictures of cute kids playing.
why cant they take care of that little African girls afro hair? its a mad mess since the asian kids hair are bleached or dyed.
they do. if you ever see z right when they leave the house to go do something, she usually looks fine. but after awhile, it all goes to crap.
i'm black and my hair looked a hot mess most of the time b/c i played pretty hard and would scream, cry, and fight when my mom tried to comb it. that's probably what she does.
wrong, DD. AJ & Brad care desparately what people think. They spend massive amounts of energy picking photo opts, showing up certain places for proper exposure with phony scenarios. Oh they care.
Cute kids
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