Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bullshit courtesy the Daily Mail..

Bullshitski! Along with their tagline "Fans worried about Mischa Barton!" Mischa Barton has fans? Where? I don't care how much weight this worthless girl loses, guess what? Still fugger than fug. FUG. Oh, and she still being styled by Rachel Zoe. Yep. Y'all know what kind of diet that is.


Anonymous said...

Meth diet does work wonders

Anonymous said...

she got fat legs she's skinny at times but with fat tree truck legs and she s another one with food issues and a fat mother

Anonymous said...

looks more like the heroin diet to me.

Anonymous said...

she looks like dogshit

Anonymous said...

Eating disorders are a horrible thing no matter how they come about and who has them...


Anonymous said...

Gross and scary. She needs to put a bag over that freaky face. It's corpse like.

Anonymous said...

just wanted to show you guys this because we have suffered horrible bushfires with lots of pain and suffering and death but with all that comes something that fills your heart with beauty so here it is:


i know its got nothing to do with mushy but it might make your day a little brighter.

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww, I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

That top pic she's only a breath away from death by the look of things.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a fuckin gargoyle fer chrissakes.

Anonymous said...

This is your brain on drugs! Any questions?

Anonymous said...

This is your brain on drugs! Any questions?