Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crabbie joins Disher and brings along Perez

Crabbie's pet Aardvark, Perez still needs some housebreaking. Cute little guy though, huu? Crabbie will be joining me here at DirtyDisher, so all you crabbie fans can stop peeing yourself. I'm going to pay him for his journalistic genius in Chips Ahoy. Welcome aboard, Crabbie.


Dan Zinski said...

Now I know there's no God...cause no self-respecting supreme being would create anything that freaking ugly.

Anonymous said...

What? He's joining you? You mean, he'll be a blog contributor?

Or is he moving in with you to share expenses? Or both... :)

C'mon you guys, fess up. What's really going on?

Dan Zinski said...

She turned me straight.

Anonymous said...

he's better looking than Perez.

Anonymous said...

well some Crabbie is better than no Crabbie I suppose...

Anonymous said...

yeah!!!!!! this is gonna be good...

Anonymous said...

So Crabbie and Dirty Dishing have teamed up? Wow that's like a double dose of suckage right there. Instead of one idiot who posts rantings topic he knows nothing about, we get two of them. Tax dollars at work. Oh well I guess the intentional humor can go on lol.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:21, I've always thought DD was of the female gender?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what kind of animal that is? I've never seen anything like that...

Anonymous said...

It's an aardvark. Sweet, huh?

Anonymous said...

That is one sorry looking creature.

Hey crabbie! Glad you've not gone to live in a cave with no internet! lol Is that thing really yours and why have you stolen all hope from him and called him Perez lol.

Anonymous said...

Actually DJ when I said HE I was talking about the Crapster. Not Douchey Disher.

Anonymous said...


i dont wanna read anyone except dd :(

i read here then wwtdd then if i need more ontd

if i wanted to read some dude named crabbie then i would go to his site and do that!


Anonymous said...

excellent! so happy i won't be missing my daily crabbie. *throws flowers and sulfuric acid around the room in celebration*

Unknown said...

Awesome! Sounds like a plan!!!

Anonymous said...

What a good idea! I feel better now.

cupcake said...

this is cool

Anonymous said...

i will now start reading dd, because I love Crabbie!
You are the the funniest misogynist ever!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Crabbie is my favorite blogger ever and I'm so glad he found a home. I've looked this site over a little and I think I will be able to transfer my obsession over here without too much trouble. This looks like a nicer place than I'm used to (being a Crabbie fan), so I will try to remember to eat with my mouth closed and to use a napkin while I'm here.

Anonymous said...

Th' Crabster.
Der Crabbenheimer.
Th' Crabinator.
How much is that Crabbie in th' window?
Glat U R here.

Anonymous said...

I likey.

Anonymous said...

Love the team up! However, I've always loved Crabbie's twisted humor and take on things. DD keeps it cleaner (although still hilarious). Is it going to be a little more clean-cut now?? I hope not!

Anonymous said...

"So Crabbie and Dirty Dishing have teamed up? (...) Oh well I guess the intentional humor can go on lol."

Yes, intentional humor is the whole point, 4:21.

You may continue posting so that the UNintentional humor can go on. "Dirty Dishing"... priceless.

Dirty Disher said...

Nothing's changing..I'm not going anywhere. Crabbie's a busy dude, but, if he has something to say, he'll post it. And I'm sure he'll let you know it's him, though I'd think you could tell. We don't discuss content before posting, he can post what he wants and I'll continue as usual. Hope that clears things up.

Anonymous said...

I think this little one is cute, but I think all babies are cute.