I woke up to this shit and almost puked. It took me awhile to be able to put it on here. Nadya, you sooooooo beautiful! Agggggg. Every time the opening to Jon and Kate comes on with her swollen belly wrapped in saran wrap, I quick change the channel. I saw it once and had a gut ache for days. Blaaaaaaaaa. Hooie. Now this. Gaaaaaaaa. America's favorite jobless, botoxed, food stamp gettin', artificially inseminated TardMom of 14. She's got an entire large family in there..think about that. I hope no one's eating right now.
crap - i Was eating.
to her that's a tummy of CASH!
nasty - she is insane
That is disgusting -- and I've had 5 kids. Our bodies weren't meant to produce litters -- HEEELLLOOOO -- that'll be some kinda big tummy tuck that the state of CA will be paying for.
misstiajournal said...
to her that's a tummy of CASH!
Haha, you said it! The smug look on her face says it all!
Thats hot. purrrrrrrrrr
That lady gots an alien head growing out of her.
Did you see the big creepy grin on her face. Like "I know isn't it great soon I'll have a lot of money and my kids will get it for me". She says she loves her kids but she is a twat.
EEEEEWWWWWW I'm glad I was done with breakfast before opening this EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW GROSSSS!!!!
Yuck...I just puked out my nose!
I was eating yogurt actually. Thanks.
Just not right..
the gross stuff aside its amazing what a womans body can go thru
Well, that makes since. I'm 36 weeks pregnant and about 1/8th her size. The math works out. :)
I still want to know how the bitch claimed a worker's comp back injury and was fully capable of carrying 14 kids? Just how fucking bad was it, bitch? The state needs to recoup that money fo' sure!
Wonder how her donation site is looking today. And that whore Kate Gosselin...instead of going on a media blitz maybe she can make this bitch her BFF. Two of a kind, but Octopussy is looking just slightly worse. Fucking stupid twats.
I just barfed out of every orifice.
nasty, I wrote a note on her site yesterday. She disgusts me and needs to be committed.
Holy fuckoly. That looks like a giant uncircumcised penis head. Sure that isn't photoshopped?
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but in this case, it's not. She's a loon.
I don't know about the rest of you, but it thrills me no end to get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning and go to a job I detest so that my taxpayer dollars can go towards supporting this worthless, insane piece of shit! Oh, and here in the State of California, the rest of us working jerks get to wait until the state has the money to give us our tax refunds, but they're going to pick up the $1,000,000 plus tab for this lunatic's puppies' hospital tab! Gawd!
How did she even stand up!?
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