Hey, you bitches..Jessica Simpson is not fat, she's curvy, and she knows what looks good on a woman's curves. So Jess has decided to have her own fashion line. Yippie! I can hardly wait! The line will include Jessica Simpson circus tents, mumus, mom jeans and accessories like duct tape, lobotomy's, polyester hair, and paisley kerchiefs to cry in. You keep the faith (and other relevant things like that.)
At least she's made some coin through her frazzle hair extensions and gag-perfumes that smell of candy and baked beans. Who can blame her for trying to keep the economy going by eating at all the restaurants she can. My advice is; run to each one so you don't have to count calories and get confused Jess.
uhhh, doesn't she already have a fashion line?
The only reason to talk about this bitch is to LMAO at her! She or he? is a total waste of space. Jessica Simpson & her family are jokes!
she looks like shes passing some major gas here...... and with the size of that flubbery butt, it was probably loud as hell and stunk like a bag of rotting raw chicken.
Do you all feel better about yourselves when you say hateful things about someone you don't even know? Most of you could probably afford to drop a few pounds yourself! It must be the bad economy or a long winter that is making so many bitter and just plain mean these days.
4:41....did you ever stop to think you may be a total waste of space? Your family is probably a joke too, all fat and lazy!
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