If you leave your husband for some tool like A-Rod and he starts messing around and talking shit about you, just replace him with someone hotter immediately. And make sure your seen together and make sure his name is Jesus. Jesus Luz. So, Guy and A-Rod, I saw Madonna and Jesus the other day....come on! You can't even make this shit up.
yeah, it's obvious she only cares about his name....haha!
well...hmmm...she IS old enough to be his mother....
This guy is half her age and many times hotter than she ever pretended she was. Madge, puh-lease, you can't think this guy would be attracted to you if you didn't have the money. You look like his mother for sure -- only uglier and older than his mother is, I'll bet.
After they are through he can apply for Ivanka Trump companion, and maybe even a future Mr. Liz Taylor.
This guy is ridiculous hot!
Obviously, he has a pretty good imagination to get through the more intimate moments.
Misstia said: "well...hmmm...she IS old enough to be his mother...."
You rock, Misstia.
I love you! Will you marry me?
Maybe he is her bodyguard, someone just passing by, helping an old lady across the street. Maybe he is her cousin's grown son come down from mid Michigan to see the big city.
yay for the dd snark!
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