Jon: So I forced the kids on a nature walk and they picked up some leaves and stuff..
Kate: What are you a botanist now? Alexis and Hannah would like a walk.
Jon: Alexis didn’t like it and why don't you do the interview since you were there?
Kate: Excuse me, I was just guessing.
Jon: Well, it's ridiculous.
Kate: Oh, I’d hate to steal your spotlight, go ahead and speak.
Kate: So, all about me. I was in New York and I was looking hot and I guess Jon took the kids on some stupid yukious nature walk while I was gone. He's so stupid. He's the reason our kids are stupid.
Jon: You wouldn't know because you're never here and why don't you stop pretending you live here anyway, bitch from Hell?
Kate: Fuck you, lamer, I bought a beautifing apartment in NYC. You didn't know that, did you, you lazy fucker?
Jon: You can eat shit and die colossal CUNT, because I bought a condo in Utah. HA!
Kate: I want a divorce! You get the kids!
Jon: I want a divorce and YOU get the kids!
Jon and Kate: We hate those damn kids!
Here's the Walk In The Woods episode, part one. If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'. These two morons hate the fuck out of each other and they hate their kids too.
Did anyone actually think she was the mommy type anyway?
I haven't seen their show for months, but I do remember being disgusted at her behavior with those little tykes.
Mean mean mean. Did you see that little girl flinch when he broke her stick? They hit their kids. Oh, and note how they are begging for new furniture for their new mansion. These two losers are never satisfied.
You got it, DD, just what I thought when I saw that clip. I seriously hope Jon is looking to find a nice woman who will take him away from all of that. I'd like to see him with all the kids and a new nice woman. All of them would be stunned by the peace, quiet and tranquility of a normal life.
sorry but who are these people?
That's exactly what I heard too!
We don't have any furniture :P Wah oh poor us. Gee are they asking for help??
Ok just saw the "stick incident" wow, if they don't hit those kids then they are just really,really, really freakin jumpy around their own dad??
They admit to hitting the kids, just not on camera. I think things are pretty bad in that house.
seriously?? they admit to hitting the kids?? Yeah, I spanked one of mine once but then I cried for ten minutes so I just don't do it anymore but I thought J&K just didn't believe in corporal punishment?? WTF?? I know hypocrites but come on try a little honesty.
Thank goodness you watched the show and gave us your comments. I wonder if Kate watches the shows and really realizes how stupid she looks (not only the hair but her actions) and how she comes across to America or if the house and the other material things she wraps herself up in just makes her not care that she is a front runner for World's Worst Parent? I might like a big house with all that property but I wouldn't want to deal with a gaggle of kids just to have that stuff. Stick me in a 3 bedroom house in the burbs or a cabin in the woods. Self respect and a piece of mind can make you feel that you are truly "living the life".
wonder if he ever thinks about running away
That hairdo(n't) of hers is all the rage in the Harrisburg, PA area. I was down there about 4 years ago and a good majority of the women were sportin' it. I don't think ANY of them actually OWN a mirror.
Lol...anon 8:53!
What do you think those big woods are for....
Walk like a man?
Take your own advice, Jon!
Marital Fights=Good Ratings
TLC is pulling our chain.
Or it could be the way to get free marriage counseling.
I don't believe it.
They do hit their kids. They have publically stated that at their church speeches for years. They are proud of it.
These two disgusting losers are horrible parents. Everyone pretty much knows that Jon has been riding more than the slopes in Utah. Kate is just another sick witch that needs to get a slap upside the head. People think that she likes her fans. Oh Please, she calls them silly in an interview. These two do not deserve those mistreated children.
Jeez! Stop watching this dumb show!
Well, if they want to get rid of a kid or two I guess experienced tractor driver, Jane, will have to give them more rides.
Freaking idiot.
I saw her cower like a puppy who's been beaten!
I've never seen more than a few fleeting moments of that show while channel surfing. I can't stand what little I've seen of it. Kate's an insufferable kunt. I can't stand how she belittles her husband at every opportunity. And she'd rather bond with her beloved floor wax than with her children. I think the only thing holding that couple together now is a reality TV contract. He looks like he checked out long ago. Their at-arms-length body language speaks volumes about the state of their marriage. I feel sorry for the kids.
That was freaking hilarious, when he told her to tell the story since she was there! They are perfect for one another. LOSERS!
Lust dies when you go to bed with your Mommy.
That's why men who want hot sex after marriage must not treat their wives like their Mom, and start treating them more like woman.
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