The website Bossip.com
is reporting exclusively that, before apparently pounding Rihanna's face to a pulp and also biting her a couple times, gentlemanly Chris Brown accused the singer of giving him herpes. Meanwhile, we've found out that there was nothing employed in the beating outside of fists and teeth, which under certain circumstances can be classified as deadly weapons in a criminal report. So that pretty much clears it up: Herpes allegation. Argument. Pummeling, with bites for good measure. Bystander calls 911. Brown arrested, calls Mark Geragos. Released on $50,000 bond. No Grammys. Everyone now knows Rihanna's real name. Fun stuff.
contracting the herp is still not a reason to beat down a woman. and, after the clive davis party is neither the time nor place. these two are both idiots.
Mark is this asshole's lawyer? He's an embarassment.
dats nasty herps
how a cute bitch like dat gonna have herps?
just look at her head. She does not 'have' herpes. She is herpes.
how a cute bitch like dat gonna have herps?
oh yeah - cute people dont get herpes. Only the ugly ones that no one wants to admit they touched with a 10 foot pole.
This is the most delicious fucking story to come down the gossip-pike in YEARS!!!
And since you obviously read celebrity gossip blogs... so do you.
Disagree? Ohhh... I see. You're just here doing research for your thesis, eh?
You're a liar. (and a self-righteous one, at that!)
I have to disagree with anon 8:49!! If someone gave me Herpes I would beat the shit out of them!! But since I'm a woman I'm sure I would get a slap on the wrist and a bunch of women cheering me on!! If this story is true, I feel sorry for him!
I believe that rihanna did give chris brown herpes a close friend to chris spilled the beans about their relationship..rihanna was cheating on him and chris was trying to make things work He had trust issues with her but when he found out that he had herpes that was the last straw..once you cheat things are never the same..
omgz yo if my shit started itching i'd sue a bitch and THEN beat her ass
Why doesn't this ever happen to Paris
What is Rihanna's real name? I looked at that website but I didn't see it!
Thank you for staying on this while my computer was sick, crabbie. OMFG! They bit each other?? Who the fuck does that????
Her hare alway in her face to covver boils.
yeah, what is her real name?
I hope he is prosecuted to the max.
The police report says she had bite marks...I do not, ever condone hitting a woman, but she had to be doing something in order to get bit. I think she was yanking and pulling on him and he couldn't get loose of her. I repeat, there is no excuse for hitting and beating on a person, but I think Rihanna has some spark and I don't think it was all Chris' fault.
that happens when you let field negroes get close to the house slaves.
Don't do that!
For Pete's sake! Some people can't control their property. It is so sad.
Her real name is "Robyn Rihanna Fenty" you guys.
So, in other words Jay-Z and BeYAWNce both have the Herp, too? I too do not condone hitting a woman, but if I were forced to pick one to have to be hit...she'd be in the top ten. Besides, bitch has got a steel plate in that ten-head anyways, right? She looks like fucking Worf from Start Trek.
I can understand someone defending themselves. Abuse is never ok
I'd beat someones ass if they cheated and gave me herpes on top of it. She deserved it. Nasty blackass whore who cant sing and looks like an African bootyscratcher.
On biting---I used to work as a forensic nurse examiner on a Sexual Assault Response Team.
I am not comparing this to a sex crime. I just wanted to say that my eyes were opened to the depravity of some people. It is not uncommon for abusive parents to bite their kids too. Sick.
I hope the victim is cooperating with police and doesn't get professional payback for ruining his squeaky clean image.
Let's hope the victim remembers that she should stand up to an abuser, for the sake of all women.
what the hell is wrong with 3:01!!!! i hope you're black because if you're not that's not even funny. hello obama is on top!!!! and giving someone the herps is well deserving of a good beatdown.
I think Rihanna is a very beautiful girl. Stop all the negativity and hating. Abuse is never ok if you cant get along "Let It Go".
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