There's been a ton of gossip about the Chris Brown/Rihanna beat down, including the rumor that he was flirting with Leona Lewis at a pre Grammy party, but, here's the juiciest rumor. A source says "He got a booty call. He got a text. Rihanna saw it and she got upset." Then the fight started.
Who was the text from? OK! Magazine says: the Verizon & BlackBerry Storm Grammy party at Boulevard 3, where Chris chatted up Paris Hilton while Rihanna performed. "He and Paris went outside together," a witness tells OK!. Back inside, they got closer. "Paris was all over him," the partygoer says. "Rihanna caught wind of it and spent the rest of the night glued to him." the Verizon & BlackBerry Storm Grammy party at Boulevard 3, where Chris chatted up Paris Hilton while Rihanna performed. "He and Paris went outside together," a witness tells OK!. Back inside, they got closer. "Paris was all over him," the partygoer says. "Rihanna caught wind of it and spent the rest of the night glued to him."
Don't you love it? It sounds exactly like something Paris would do.
too bad paris didn't get the beat down...
Rihanna is one jealous girl.
Most women would be a little jealous.
Maybe Parasite and Piss Brown are a better match, though.
If Rihanna gave Chris herpes, maybe Rihanna and Paris are the better match.
Why do men both with Paris? She looks as hideous as SJP's camel toe boots.
This is not Paris Hilton's fault don't blame the White girl. If Chris Brown can't control himself that's his problem. Or maybe it's Rihana's problem if she doesn't have enough going on to keep his interest. Why is everybody surprised at this story anyway? Black males cheat on and beat on their females all the time. Nothing new here people.
We don't need your racially charged, bull shit filled statements here Lyn.
Go visit Perez.
Seems to me that if Disher had any "rules re: acceptable commentary" she'd post them. So, dear 5:53... shut the fuck up.
Brown didn't get herpes from Rihanna...he got it from the source.
Geez, that guy completely fucked his career. What an idiot. Something tells me he might have a beat-down in his future that will make his clobbering of the girl pale in comparison.
So Apeman got herpes from Wonkface, gave it to Princess RiRi and beat her up after she was pissed because he was still fucking around with the biological weapon?
A true hero. I am sure all that bitch slapping, pimping, hiphoppers have a new hero now.
can't wait to see a pic of paris with two black eyes and bruises around her neck.
So Dear 10:25 ...Lyn's comments are acceptable, but the next poster's are not? You shut the fuck up.
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