Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP is not only a self-indulgent load of hooey from the world's most preposterously pretentious bitch, it is also apparently a complete rip-off. At least, that's the charge being made by Mary Kate Hearon, a wellness expert who claims to have inadvertently given Gwynnie the idea for her notoriously snobbish, preachy exercise in helping the unwashed with their bowel irregularity and possible Thanksgiving dinner dilemmas (Turkey burgers! Gosh Gwyn! You're soooooo clever!).
"This is pretty scandalous," Hearon posted on her Facebook page. "People deserve to know [Paltrow's] idea isn't her own - or creative, for that matter! . . . A few years ago, I had e-mailed Gwyneth's best friend... when I was living in London (developing The Weekly Beet, which I started in 2004). I asked her to e-mail Gwyneth The Beet because I was excited for her to read it since she was one of the few celebs into alternative medicine." Hearon then goes on to describe what happened when she met Paltrow in person (guess what - Gwynnie wasn't very nice to her):
the way she treated me was so scary! She was sooooooo nasty to me, it was scandalous! [Husband] Chris [Martin], the utmost gentleman, stood to shake my hand, but she smirked and was silent when I asked how her dinner was . . . I never thought in a million years she'd . . . create her own site very similar to The Weekly Beet . . . [Goop has] the therapies I've tried, the foods I love, the detoxes that work! A lot of the same stuff!
I'm trying my best to work up a bit of outrage over this, but unfortunately, this Hearon bitch seems only slightly less full of herself than Paltrow, which makes it hard for me to feel bad. In fact, I think it's kind of hilarious. One asslicking little veggie-sucker twat stealing from another. That shit may clean out your colon but it sure as hell doesn't help make you a more-ethical, less-self-absorbed person. Now excuse me while I finish my juicy juicy buffalo burger. Mmm, mmm.
I am sure that it's not Gwennie's idea. She seems as empty headed and vapid as they come. I must admit that if she "stole" something as dull as GOOP content from me that I probably wouldn't admit it. But apprently there is a legion of other dumb, vapid types who read GOOP when they have exhasuted the content of their issues of "Domino" and "Luck" magazines.
There's legions of hollow shells who read her trash and mindlessly nod to her superior knowledge and sophisticated taste. When I heard about this I looked into it because I enjoy The beet. Gwyneth is full of shit, and I doubt she ever had an original thought. When she dated Brad they both assumed each other's personalities.
It beehoves me to say HAHAHHAH, Bitch.
I love that her completely vapid website was not even an original idea.
typical. she and chris ripped off the name apple from a business associate of chris's, who has an older daughter named apple. at least coldplay admitted to ripping off the sgt. peppers jackets at the grams.
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