Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 more octobabies go home

Nadya brings two girls home and it looks like 5 minutes before all hell breaks loose between her and her mother. HERE. Later she's yelling at the kids herself. BUT, she somehow manages to find time to flirt with Radar online while laying about in a bed trying to look cute. HERE.

She already has a friggin' reality show, it's called RadarOnline. She's crazy, her mom is crazy and I wouldn't want her fucked up life for a billion dollars. 10 billion. Nothing. I'd shoot myself. Hmm....I'll bet she eventually shoots herself. Radar will film it.


Anonymous said...

So did anyone see the interview on, where they were asking her who the father was and how she was getting giddy? They asked her if he would make a good father, and she said "Oh he is a good father" and then said "OOps, hahaha" So either A. it is her own father? Or B. this guy is a married man with other kids of his own? You guys decide... Sick and twisted? Yes of course, but this chick seems stupid enough to do something like that!!!! Fucken idiot!!!! And as for Dr. Phil and anyone else having her on their show... They say they are helping the babies, but they are just condoning bad behavior, those kids would be better off getting adopted by couples who cant have their own children and could give them better lives than this dumass could ever imagine giving...

Anonymous said...

...holy shit

Anonymous said...

Bitch is crazy or did we forget that ????

Anonymous said...

Imature, crazy and considering there are 10 kids in that house...she seems to have all the time in the world to do non-stop interviews.

She loves attention.

Anonymous said...

I bet she lets the father's identity slip.

Anonymous said...

jees she really fucks with our emotions doesn't she? the one where the babies come home is soooo sweet. like little puppies coming in. and then the abusive mother gets shown the door. and you have that side of the story. and then there is the other side, her lying on the bed doing an interview, it reminded me of big brother. but i started getting REALLY ANGRY about the father and how its ok in her world to just not disclose who it is. i think of those kids, they have a mother AND a FATHER but she is not disclosing who the father is. maybe she will if she gets enough bucks. BUT its a basic HUMAN RIGHT for people to know both their mother AND their father and she is perfectly ok with denying her 14 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) kids that right. that really makes me mad. and as for all the infertile people, same sex couples and wannabe single mothers without choice, EAT YOUR HEART OUT! cause she's got 8+. well she's serious competition for the gosslins, especially if she drags in the sperm donor. FUCK its like watching the man on the moon for the first time. it means that kids don't have to have biological parents anymore. this is such a boost for the infertility industry. from now on its complete open slather. anyone can buy a child and that child will grow up with torn loyalties and an identity crises. but that will be ok, cause of nadia. its really doing my hea din. do you know that the fertility industry has the capability to 'harvest' eggs from embryios? that means kids can be born from mothers that were never born themselves. wrap your heads around that.

Dirty Disher said...

Pats 7:37:00 gently on the back. I know how you feel.

Anonymous said...

CNN has a video where Octopussy admits if she hadn't received money from 'opportunities' she would have gotten government assistance. Nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm done with this asshole. She can fuck herself. I don't give a shit about her kids either. I give a shit about the kids I actually know.