Friday, March 13, 2009

And speaking of silly girls..

When Radiohead refused to meet Miley Cyrus she threw a little fit and called them mean. Thom Yorke smacked her by saying "When Miley grows up, she’ll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement."
No, she won't. Anyway, here's Miley and Justin going to Mr. Chows. 16 year olds don't go to Mr. Chows, they go to McDonalds. It's that false sense of entitlement rearing it's ugly head yet again. At least her purse is almost big enough to hold her ego.


Anonymous said...

That Justin is way too old to be hanging around Miley, what a loser.

Major Majormajor said...

I'm still laughing my ass off about that!

Did you hear the radio interview she did and the DJ's were all sowwy for her? Boo-fucking-hoo. One of them even went so far as to claim he had never heard of Radiohead. A DJ who has never heard of Radiohead? Please.
Oh. And little miss Christian said she was going to bad mouth them every chance she got. Like Radiohead cares what a a bunch of tweenie sluts in training think about their music.

Anonymous said...

Wrong on so many levels.
Firstly, I think there should be a minimum age or weight level to carry a purse like that. Or maybe a person should have to present all the junk they just have to carry to the seller to prove they have need of such a pretentious device. (Rest assured that between those few requirements we would probably eliminate all such huge bags, in Hollywood, anyway.)
Secondly, I think her boyfriend should be arrested for statutory rape if they've ever done what most of us think they have.)
Thirdly, she should just go away. Who cares what she thinks of Radiohead? Obviously she needs to return to Sunday school if she thinks this is a Christian way to treat anyone.
Fourth, Where the hell are her no-good skeeze-bag parents while their daughter is hanging around (and more) with a much older guy, badmouthing well-known artists, and acting like a backwoods twit with no manners? Honestly, what kind of Beverly Hills Hillbillies are these people?
It's a real shame that she is presented to kids through Hannah Montana. She is nothing to look up to, and just further advances moral decay in this country IMHO. Repetitive representations of bad or irresponsible behavior create a feeling of normalcy for that behavior. They need to go back to their tin shack in Appalachia, or wherever they are from. :::rant over:::

Anonymous said...

This brat needs to get over herself and fast! How old is this boyfriends of hers?

I am so done with her. I just had a conversation with my three year old the other day about how we weren't going to listed to Hannah Montana anymore. I explained to her a little bit. How do I tell my three year old that her idol is an over-sexed, racist face making little whore.

I only gave her a chance because I loved "Achy Breaky Heart." I am so disappointed in Billy Ray.
Whatever, eff her. Eff him too, he should win father of the year. Just like those wonderful mothers, D. Lohan and Hate Gosselin.

Now I am ranting. Sorry DD

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's running away, like a little kid who packs up their bag full of toys headed to grandma's house.

Anonymous said...

And its funny that she even has an ego because she is talentless and homely and her fathers a big dork that was nothing but a one hit wonder. I wish she would soon grow into her bigass horse teeth already.

Anonymous said...

She needs a bag that big to hold her invisalign braces when she takes them out to talk or eat.

If Thom Yorke actually gave her shit like that it just ups my respect for Radiohead.

Dirty Disher said...

It's Prada. She deserves Prada, right?