Ashley Biden, the daughter of gaffe-ridden VP Joe Biden, has possibly done something that makes all her father's fuck-ups look like small potatoes: According to the New York Post, Ms. Biden has been caught snorting blow on a tape that is currently being shopped by someone characterizing themselves as Ashley's "friend." Via the Post:
[attorney Thomas] Dunlap and a man claiming to be a lawyer showed The Post about 90 seconds of 43-minute tape, saying it was legally obtained and that Ashley was aware she was being filmed. The Post refused to pay for the video.
The video, which the shooter initially hoped to sell for $2 million before scaling back his price to $400,000, shows a 20-something woman with light skin and long brown hair taking a red straw from her mouth, bending over a desk, inserting the straw into her nostril and snorting lines of white powder.
She then stands up and begins talking with other people in the room. A young man looks on from behind her, facing the camera. The lawyers said he was Ashley's boyfriend of a few years.
The camera follows the woman from a few feet away, focusing on her as she moves around the room. It appears not to be concealed. At one point she shouts, "Shut the fuck up!"
The woman appears to resemble Ashley Biden, 27, a social worker for a Delaware child-welfare agency and a visible presence during her father's campaign for the White House.
The dialogue is difficult to discern, but the woman makes repeated references to the drugs, said the lawyers, who said they viewed the tape about 15 times.
"At one point she pretty much complains that the line isn't big enough," said the second lawyer, who declined to identify himself. "And she talks about her dad."
Oh man...I don't even want to think about the nasty simmering shit going on inside the Biden family. This bitch has daddy issues up the wazoo. Too bad she doesn't realize that drugs are never the answer. Well, okay, sometimes they're the answer. But still, you can't be allowing yourself to be caught on tape doing them. Unless, you know, subconsciously you want to destroy your family's reputation as revenge for years of emotional neglect.
Must run in the family. Joe is not particularly smart, and he puts his foot in his mouth more often than anyone should.
She should have kept her Secret Service protection detail, but she complained that the agents blocked her driveway; so Joe told them to leave.
At least she wasn't smoking crack. That will be her defense. Hey! It's Sugar, not Cocaine!.
THAT'S the Crabbie I missed!
Too bad it didn't surface before running mates were choosen or even election day, would have added an intresting twist.
I dunno crabbie, I thought a bigger story was that GW was a pill popping spazed out violent booze hound.
Yes DD. It takes a great deal of strength and self descipline to stop doing drugs. Some people want to change the world, but they never think about about making a change in their own lives.
A bigger story yet would be an in-depth look at the Kennedy's history of drug abuse. That could go on for several days.
Obama said he was a drug user as well, marijauna and cocaine. If you want to be President you better get acquainted with the heavy shit. I'm waiting for the first former prostitute crack addict welfare mother of six with 5 different daddys to run. I can relate to that one.
so what crabass? this is some kind of earth shattering story? fu
12:50 No no, the crack addict welfare ho with 5 kids wont run for office. she'll come out of the woodwork as Obama's hush hush baby momma. As for the Kennedy's drug use, add to it rape, public nudity, alcoholism and affairs.
Don't forget good ol Ted is a murderer.
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