Friday, March 13, 2009

Blow news

Lindsay has a new tanning product out, it's called Sevin Nyne (maybe she's a Star Trek fan?)..I don't know who in Hell would buy tan stuff from her, she's always orange with tater white hands and feet. I hope it comes with very simple instructions. Blow and Ronson caught fighting again..nothing new there..but, the last time, Sam walked out and left her in the club and she jumped into her car and chased Sam down, screaming "Did she fucking leave me!?" She'd been drinking all night according to witness's at the club. I believe them 100%. It's only a matter of time before she repeats her DUI and an uneven spray tan won't help.


Anonymous said...

Just a matter of time before this mess is over. I am still brushing kleenex lint from my sweater and pillow after hearing the sad news regarding Jenn and John.

Anonymous said...

...she is completely out of control. There is no good ending to this unless she tries in house rehab again. AND changes people, places and things. bye Sam.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure she is going to make it.
I thought Britney was touch and go, but this one doesn't even have a semi-responsible parent to step in and stop the self-destruction cycle she has entered.
Very, very sad. She was pretty and could have had it all.

Anonymous said...

I saw the footage of her outside the club, stamping her feet and shrieking to her staff "DID SHE REALLY LEAVE?!!" and to "GET MY KEYS!!" before she roared off in a cloud of noxious fumes.

What surprised me is that with the Blow clearly blotto--- and with all the club personnel, paps and random clubgoers hanging around-- no one called the cops on her ass.

Anonymous said...

Downward spiral once again. This chick is so over, if anyone in Hollywood ever hires her again, it'll be a miracle. Well, maybe her infinitely talented little sister (cough) can pick up the slack in the Meal Ticket department. And gawd, Linds. Wash your fucking hair! You look like shit warmed up.