Monday, March 23, 2009

Burger King Teams With Pegleg Queen

Stumpy the Gold Digger has a new gig: Selling vegan shit at Burger King. The fast food chain is reportedly paying the cuntfaced villainess $6 million as part of the deal, which is all about helping BK shed their image as a place that murders cows, grinds them up and feeds them to fat-asses. "Heather is ecstatic," a source explained. "She believes she can change the eating habits of millions. She’s also being paid a lot of money and the deal will help boost her standing." Change the eating habits of millions? Oh dear, will this bitch never wake up from her delusions? And what the hell is Burger King thinking, becoming associated with this vile creature who is despised by half the world? It's fine if they want to venture into vegan territory - it's a market and only a fool wouldn't try to exploit it - but picking this thing as a partner is just a PR disaster waiting to happen.

And no, I will not be boycotting Burger King as a result. In fact, I plan on eating even more Burger King now. And McDonald's and Arby's and every other place that sells beef. And then they'll have to order more beef which will mean killing even more cows. And those cows will have died because of Heather Mills. Suck on that, peggy.


Anonymous said...

"those cows will have died because of heather mills"

...ahahahahaha...awesome. -G

Anonymous said...

Why would a vegan eat at BK? Isn't the basis of veganism a belief that animals shouldn't be killed or exploited by human beings for food or clothing or other goods? If you held that philosophy why on earth would you want to buy a tofu burger from a company responsible for the slaughter of countless animals? But it will probably end up a success because so many "vegans" are just idiots following a trend.

Anonymous said...

"Boost her standing".....BAHAHAHAHAAAAA....

Dirty Disher said...

Burger King fucked up. No one wants anything stumpy M'c peg whore sells. No one.

Dirty Disher said...

Won't veggie burgers be cooked in the same oil as animal burgers anyway? I think they will.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww...welcome back, Crabbie!

Anonymous said...

No more Whoppers for me.
I cannot go to anyplace that pays this woman.

She's worse than Kate Gosselin.

Anonymous said...

Mcdonalds did the veggie burger thing a few years ago,seaweed & soya based patties, they said that they didn't use lard to cook them etc. It tasted ok, nothing to get excited about.

But Mills as a spokeswoman!? Who got drunk and came up with that gem of a plan?

Megan said...

my best friend in college was a vegetarian, and to make up for her lack of meat my boyfriend would try to eat animals from the land, air, and sea at every meal. only at the dining commons - way to expensive to do that if it's not a buffet.
after a month of that he said his kidneys hurt every day after lunch.

Anonymous said...

God help Burger King when she decides to part ways with him!!!

Major Majormajor said...

Burger King is teh suck. Arby's. Now Arby's is a different story. I have to drive out of my way, to go see relatives, in order to visit an Arby's. Or a Bojangles.
Suburban Md (on the Montgomery County side) needs some Bojangles and some Arby's. We're wasting away over here. Sirius ly. (And I only misspell words on purpose.)

Anonymous said...

oh well its kinda like reverse psychology then really. she signs up as vegan with an animal-killing multi-national and everyone moves away because they hate her. people eat less meat and, even though people don't give a fuck about factory farmed animals, the planet becomes a better place because all this meat eating is a big contributor towards climate change, cancer and heart disease. all round, thanks to pegleg queen, we all find ourselves in a win situation.

Anonymous said...

her chest looks like wax.ugh.

Anonymous said...

except that being 'vegan' is not healthy and all the supplemental drugs vegans need contribute to pollution, global warming, cancer and other stuff.

Vegans are assholes.

Paintedfoot said...

as a committed omnivore, I salute you Crabbie- thanks, that made my day brighter.

Anonymous said...

9.47 you don't have to be vegan to eat vegan food now and again. and how do you know that all vegans are arseholes? i think you are WRONG, wrong, WRONG about that stereotype. very, VERY, very W R O N G. where is your proof????