Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Buy some pants!

Jessica's been wearing those same cutoffs for about 2 months now, the skanky things could probably stand up by themselves. The addition of high heels and flannel shirts doesn't help. I'm sure she's convinced this is what real "country" girls wear. It's not. Who actually pays to see this idiot?


Anonymous said...

...individuals don't. That's why she plays at strawberry festivals in small towns, etc. maybe the festival pays her $100 + all she can eat. Grown women do not look good with the grunge look.

Dirty Disher said...

She also forgets the words to her songs at EVERY gig.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ all you can eat. They pay her in deep fried things.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, where to start. She has made enough money to go away and spare us all from her endless quest for acceptance.
Acting was not her thing, singing is not her thing, perfumes and hair extensions seem to be her niche.

Anonymous said...

My husband Tivo'd one of her concerts the other day just to see what all the hype was about. We made it through 1 1/2 songs before stopping and deleting it.

He said it was like watching a teenage girl sing to the radio and dance in front of her mirror. That's about the best description I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Desperate is spelled ;
"J E S S I C A"

Anonymous said...

Why is her head so small? Is she a big girl now?

Dirty Disher said...

She's on the edge..one more cheeseburger.

Anonymous said...

I wish she would become a drug addict..........she would be so much more interesting!

Anonymous said...

she's pretty much become the cartoon version of her former self...

Anonymous said...

All the press over her weight gain has driven her to wearing them again. Of course, she *wants* everyone to believe are the same size zero "Daisy Dukes" from the Hazzard movie. As IF.


Anonymous said...

This girl needs a fashion intervention in a big way. If she's going country, she should dress country-classy...like Dolly Parton!

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with her wanting to wear cut offs 7 plaid shirts, but please get them in a size that doesn't cut the circulation off.

She's going to be one of these women who refuse to age gracefully. If she'd drop the airhead blonde routine she might have a chance at gaining a few real fans and making a real career for herself, because she can sing when she chooses the right material.

Anonymous said...

All I know is she could never appear on SNL now! After all this sh** about her forgetting lyrics and her sisters SNL fiasco...WTH is wrong with those girls? Neither can sing or remember WTH they are doing while trying! I think JS is just flat out FAT now. If I was her I wouldn't have ever allowed that to happen. Maybe Tony likes 'em big? W/E...she will be single soon. Just wait! Even he won't be able to endure the humilation.

Anonymous said...

Used to really like her & support her when everyone else was knocking her...now I'm on their side!
I agree...she's rich enough from her shoes & boots etc. lines to just disappear..but nooooo...she has to go & design "Big" womens clothes & jeans. HahaHa! I believe she has completely given up. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

C'mon people, she's not actually FAT by any stretch of the imagination. Certainly not with the average American woman being a size 14.

I don't believe her weight would be an issue at ALL if she weren't stuck in the diet yo-yo.. which only exacerbates the obvious. And of course, female celebrities are held to a higher standard of acceptable weight/size.

It's gotta suck balls, but in the end foregoing cheeseburgers and working out seems a relatively small price to pay for fame and fortune.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, Jess!

Anonymous said...

Shes definately bigger than she once was but she isnt what I would call a big woman by any means. I think she has a nice body, I'd rather have hers than mine LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes she's bigger then she was when she was working out 6 hours a day for the Dukes movie, but she's not FAT by any stretch. Her legs are quite muscular if you look at the different pics that have been posted even here.

She just needs to dress in clothing thats more flattering for her curves of the moment.

It takes guts to get out there and keep playing these gigs when shes been hauled through the mudd like she has been the past year or so. Like her or laugh at her you've got to give her props for getting out there against the odds.

Anonymous said...

You guys know she's fat! Give me a break. If that was a friend of yours who used to be small & had gotten that big. You would all be asking yourselves "what the hell happened to her?" Haven't any of you seen someone on Facebook pics that you went to school with & thought "Damn!" ??? Hmmm? Or at a wedding or reunion? You all know you have done that. Fat is fat! Slender is slender, of the 2, she is FAT!

Anonymous said...

Jessica and Ashlee are constructs, manufactured by greedy parents and a celebrity-obsessed culture. If she is your idea of "fat" then your ideas have obviously been shaped by the fashion industry who's idea of the perfect woman is a 12-year old boy with tits. Jess is in a strange place, forgetting lyrics, odd clothing choices, poor advice...but she appears to be a decent human being, which is a HUGE step up from most of the skanks passing as pop stars. Give her a little big of a break...

Anonymous said...

she's as dumb as a box of rocks. ...explains why she appears to have guts.

Dirty Disher said...

All I know is I could fit in her skanky cutoffs and I'm fat. So my conclusion is..she's fat. Sue me.