Thursday, March 19, 2009

Charles Manson Today

I found that at Gossip Bunny. Load a mercy, he still looks insane. I never understood the "family's" claim that he was charismatic. I always thought he sounded scary and nuts. It would be interesting to see a new interview and see if he's changed any...or at least calmed down a little in his old age.


Anonymous said...

He's taken up knitting.

Dirty Disher said...

I thought that was you. How's my scarf coming, btw?

Anonymous said...

Great. I'm going to hang myself with it when I'm done.

Anonymous said...

He looked crazy as a shit house rat back in the day. Those eyes were something. Now...he looks like a worn out old man...complete with swastika (however you spell it.)

Anonymous said...

I bet Crabbie gets hard looking at that picture.

Anonymous said...

ROT IN HELL, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF FECES!!! I hope this deranged freak dies a slow, horrifically painful death from rectal cancer!

Anonymous said...

dude...he got old!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links DD, I have noticed that my visits have gone up today.

Agree with you about the interview but I don't think that he is permitted to have contact with the media. He comes out once every so many years for a parole hearing, acts completely bonkers and they refuse and haul him back.

You might like a book called Charles Manson In His Own Words if you can find it. It is his perspective of his life and crimes written a few years after going to jail. He accepts no responsibility for anything though and blames his upbringing and society.

cupcake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think that he has aged quite gracefully actually. He's always been a very handsome man, even though he is deranged.

Eliza..the real one..

Anonymous said...

You think he's 'aged gracefully'?
do you even understand what that phrase means?
Somehow i dont think plastic surgery was an 'option' in prison.

Anonymous said...

You think he's 'aged gracefully'?
do you even understand what that phrase means?
Somehow i dont think plastic surgery was an 'option' in prison.

Anonymous said...

another fritzel, i'm glad there aren't too many of them around.

Anonymous said...

young he looks crazy
old he looks tormented
but he got his dues

Anonymous said...

and again....

don't they hang people where he is?

he is a good argument against the death penalty. let them suffer through a long life instead.

it might help them through their next existence.

Anonymous said...

he`s still got some of his original followers out there and a "new" generation of them as well. fuckin creepy hey?
i wish one of them would write something here & tell what they find so magnetic about him.......

Anonymous said...

hi lia...
he`s incarcerated in California, at the time of the Tate -Labianca murders and his sentence, Cali had the death penatly, so he had an apointment with old Sparky..... a couple months later the death penatly in that state was overturned so he automatically got life.His family called it supreme justice, I called the majority of voters in California voting "no" on capital punishment.
It can be re-instated at anytime there`s a state vote on it.Since the vote against it in 1970, it hasn`t been voted back.

Anonymous said...

Screwed up bastard gone geriatric on us...What a waste of tax dollars.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't think I'd read a book by him. I can't imagine that it would be anything but confused psycho rambling.

Anonymous said...

Those are some dark evil looking eyes. I can barely look at him. I'll bet he's even crazier now than he was before. Capital punishment should be mandatory for creeps like him.

Anonymous said...

I thought lia's comment was right on the money, that 'old he looks tormented'.

I remember reading & watching various things about the man years ago and i can see glimpses of what & why he's been called charismatic, what i don't get is how his followers bought it hook line and sinker. Then again, thats part of his twisted genius, he knew how to pick & prey on the emotionally weak & disturbed to do his bidding.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anon 12:38, I DO think that he has aged gracefully. I find him attractive. Sue me. I never once said a word about "plastic surgery". Are you retarded or just blind and stupid?

Eliza..the real one..

Anonymous said...

Scary lookin fucker