Friday, March 20, 2009

Chris Brown might have a Rihanna sex tape

I wondered how long it would be until this started. In this new digital age we live in, many young women are making the mistake of letting themselves be filmed having sex with the men they're so in love with. They think they're going to be with him forever and no one will ever see it..then something goes wrong, as is apt to in these immature relationships. Does Chris Brown really have Rihanna on video? It looks as if he might. Friends say she's desperate to never let it see the light of day. Is this why she went running back to him? Is this why she changed her numbers so even her parents can't get hold of her? She should call her parents..they have her best interests at heart. Her handlers are only concerned with career and money.
Rihanna's bruises have healed up and she's been out in public, but, not with Chris. He was seen on his little bicycle like the spoiled man child he is. Seriously, RiRi, enough of this fool. Take care of it.


Anonymous said...

From firsthand experience, it's not always consensual. My ex boyfriend had a digital camera that would take short video clips and the SOB did that without me ever knowing!! Then, he had the audacity to send them to my current boyfriend. SICK!

I have racked my brain over and over trying to remember ever seeing the camera lying out, but I can’t. This was a guy that I was with for five years that I thought I loved and trusted, not a one night stand, so I’m living proof that it can happen to ANYONE.

It has truly caused me a lot of pain; because that’s something I wouldn’t do with anyone! I’ve read about this very thing happening to girls, which is why I was so adamant that I wouldn’t ever do it if someone asked. Unfortunately, I wasn’t asked and probably the entire damn world has seen me on some porn site. It has caused a lot of problems with my current boyfriend, as well, which is probably what my ex intended. You start to feel like a slut, even though you know you didn’t do anything wrong. You can’t tell people for the fear of embarrassment and shame so you keep it locked up inside.

Dirty Disher said...

I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say. Well, yes, I do, but, I can't say it on here. Can you take any legal action?

Anonymous said...

Thanks DD! That means a lot. Being able to post anonymously on here helps you know. As I said before, this isn't something you discuss with friends so I've kept it bottled up.

As far as taking legal action, we have decided not to after some advisement by a cop. My bf and I talked to a cop who said it would be hard to prove that it wasn't consensual. In one of the videos, it appears that I look at the video camera, so one would think that I knew it was there (or wherever the heck it was). The cop also stated that he probably has gotten rid of the videos now and just has them posted on porn sites so there wouldn’t be any proof at this point. Plus, I don’t want those who don’t currently know, knowing. I live in a small town, so if it went to trial, it would be the highlight of the front page newspaper and I don’t think I can go through that. It’s difficult enough living with it myself, I can’t imagine others knowing.

It has definitely opened my eyes though. Obviously, I have a hard time trusting anyone and I try to keep my guard up at all times.

Dirty Disher said...

Okay. Is the video really clear? I find it hard to believe it's crystal clear. If not..Here's what I'd do from now on. It's not you. No matter who sees it or who asks, it's not you. Tell them the fake you was so good, you thought it was you, but, then you found out he hired a look alike to ruin you. Contact any site it's on and tell them the film was taken when the girl in it was underage. Threaten them with legal action. Follow through with an email of legal-eze (you can find out how to do this on the net.) Legal threats work when they're making any money off the site. This will be a real pain in the ass and take some work, but, you can do it. Good luck. I really feel for you.

Dirty Disher said...

I forgot to add, send the "legal" email from a fake legal type addy and assure them that you have tracked their IP and if they don't remove it a registered letter will be sent through the US Post Office.

Anonymous said...

I did that DD for the sites we knew it was on. He would anonymously email a link to my boyfriend so we knew which sites it was on.

We contacted them and asked that the video be removed, as it was not consensual. They did so and were very nice about it.

However, we don't know what other sites he may have posted it on. That's where the problem is. When you upload the video, he can name it whatever he wants so we don't have a clue what it would be called if it's on another site. I don't know if he only had the two he sent or if there is more??

I definitely would deny it if someone asked. You can't prove it's me, in fact the idiot sent one about a month ago, that wasn't me, but the girl looked just like me. It was very weird. Initially I even thought it was me, until I kept playing it over and over. That's one of the problems. The lighting is horrible, so at first glance, someone would/could assume it's me, but when you actually rewind it and keep playing it, pausing it at certain clips, you can tell it's not me.

The two he sent that I am certain are me are horrible. It's grainy and very dark. Obviously he put something over it so there is even a shadow.

Dirty Disher said...

Okay. It sounds like you're doing everything you can. Does your ex happen to be involved in anythimg illegal? It's time to ruin his life.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon, your ex is clearly an ass and if your current bf can't understand how you were manipulated, used and how it leaves you betrayed, humilated and furious, he isn't worth squat either.

DD gave you some good advice and i'm glad you've at least tried some of it, but your forgetting several things that the cop should have pointed out to you, for starters, cops don't determine what can or can't go to court.

A lie dector test would help determine that your ex recorded you without your knowledge & that he purposefully released the video to various porn sites meant to harass and slander you. All this withour touching a 'criminal case'. Speak to a lawyer about taking civil action. Your ex deserves to be exposed for the scum that he is. Yes its embarassing for you, but do you really think he hasn't mouthed off to everyone you both know already? It's just not officially public, trust me, it's not a secret. A win in a civil case not only would allow you to hit him where it hurts, the wallet, for a long long time, but expose his actions & guilt.. I dare say he's done this to someone else as well. And i'm not convinced that you don't have criminal case. Don't allow this ass to bully you and manipulate you, he's counting on your fear and being too embarassed to do anything about it.

Dirty Disher said...

Good advice. I'd take it.

Dirty Disher said...

I had to post again. You just can't let him get away with this. I'm so mad about this!

Anonymous said...

3:15 again. Me too DD, i'm so pissed off thinking about this jerk. He is manipulating & slandering her, sitting back & laughing his ass off too i bet.

He knew what he was doing, and if i were her i'd be having a lawyer contact all those sites to know the upload distribution date, theres a very good chance he had these videos on sites long before they ended the relationship & ended up using it after the break up to suit his purposes of making her miserable & hoping to ruin the new relationship.

Men like this get their bs to work because they depend on your fear and humilation, knowing they won't ever be held accountable. Thats what jackass bullys do and if i were you i'd flip the tables on him in a huge way with criminal and civil cases.


Anonymous said...

Thanks DD and Anon 3:15. That was some great advice. I can honestly say I don't know what I want to do though. I know I have nothing to be ashamed of, but it is still embarrassing no matter how you look at it.

I do have to say that my current bf does understand. Initially he thought I was lying to him about my denial of knowing that I had been taped, but then he too realized what a jerk my ex was and is.

What is sad is that the ex has a gf so why would he want to ruin my life? I don't get it. I've moved on, he's moved on, life goes on.

If it does continue, I've already told my bf that we are going to do whatever it takes to stop this scumbag. I did talk to a PI and he said that he couldn't trace anonymous emails, which is how they are being sent to my bf.

There are so many porn sites, it is definitely impossible to find which ones he released the videos too. One night I got on one, and I bet on that one site alone, there were at least a million videos. NO ONE could go through that many videos to find which ones are me.

Another thing is, looking at all the videos, I know I'm not the only one this has happened to. You could just look at some of the videos and tell that they had been hidden out of view. It's actually very sad.

Anonymous said...

Nothing online is untraceable, it just takes time. It doesn't matter if its been deleted, it's only gone from first layer of eye sight. Unless is compeltly ruins his hard drive, everything thats ever been on that computer & done from that computer can be retreived & retraced, and that includes tracking those "anon" emails.

Anonymous said...

Unless is compeltly ruins his hard drive, should read, Unless he completly.

Anonymous said...

Unless he's wiped his hard drive. But in any case, he shouldn't get away with this. I'm going to do a post on it this weekend and we can all come up with ideas to take this guy down.

Anonymous said...

OH, and do you have any photos of him? Please tell me you do. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Wow! very interesting posts. I am so sorry about the taping incident. I worry about that hapening to my duaghter who is an adult & lives in her own apt & has had 2 serious relationships. One with a film editor! I worry that sometime and hard to say when, he probably did film them. I would bet on it. I mean, of course he did thats hid job. So, I worry and hope it would never show up anywhere. I know that many would see it, save it, send it, transport it to other sites and on & on. After a while it would be on bo-jillions of sites all over the world. How can anyone ever retrieve that or stop the insanity? I don't think after itgot posted that it would actually be retrievable at all. I worry. I hope it never happens, these days it's more likely than not. Girl, I hope you do ruin that asshole's life! After 5 years, he did that to you? The fucker needs to be executed. Too bad you can't make a film (real or fake) of him & a dude having sex & post it. Not kidding either. You think he'd do anything about it? Hellz NO he wouldn't. How could he? Bring all that attention onto himself with the cops? No fusking way. Go for it girl. Fuck him up, he needs to go DOWN!!! DD, post whatever you can that we can do to help! This is no joke. Thank you DD. This is very important. I will be checking back.

Anonymous said...

3:15 again, Last poster has a point about once it's online & out there, theres noway to erase it totally, thats why it's so important to haul his evilminded ass into court via a civil case, humilating him in turn by exposing just how big of a manipulative, jealous jackass he is, making him pay damages for the humilation, pain & suffering, now & for the future,(because it won't ever 'go away')

Someone 25 years from now may see the video and think, "why would a woman willingly take part in that, she had to know it was going to be viewed all over the world". You can fill in the blanks because i'm sure you've already spend hours crying over the kinds of things people would say.

But if you find a way to get past & ignore the rude even unkind comments some jerks might make, you'll find that most of the people will support & applaude you for standing up to your ex & most importantly standing up for yourself.

You were taken advantage of, your trust was broken & abused. Nothing can undo what he's set in motion, nothing can wipe away the anger, hurt & embarassment you feel.

But you can make it known to him, to the world wide public in general, to other women in your situation, that he hasn't succeded in what he wanted, you will not be victimized by a bullying loser of an asshole, whos so petty & insecure he had to resort to trickery, deceit, lies, manipulations to 'get back at you' for having the good sense to end the relationship.

That you aren't affraid of him or what he's tried to do to you (and your relationship) that you value yourself, you value the truth and the truth is he lied, he taped you during intimate & vunerable moments, turned them into something disgusting by presenting it, you, as porn, that you will not be pushed or embarassed into silence, what he did was not just wrong, but criminal and will have long lasting effects, something that can't be erased or glossed over, and you want him to be held accountable in as many ways as possible.

You'll find theres 1000's & 1000's of people who will support your efforts. And those who love you most won't think the worst of you, just him.

If i had his email address and i'd gladly send him a peice of my mind, daily :)