Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The creepy Gosselins

This crap was on last night and I turned it to the Food Network, but, Lissa screamed that she wanted "Them Kids", so I turned it back and read a book. I did catch that he was on a ski trip with Cara and she was stuck watching the rest of them. They must have gone to Sesame Street because Lis yelled "I want that!" And it was Elmo or some shit. Dream on, kid, I'll buy you an Elmo coloring book. Both the parents were purple-ish. I thought my color had gone off, but, no..they were fake and baked purple-ish. Hard looking..so weird. Kind of like aliens, but, without brains or super powers.
I'll have to watch it later because they had promos insinuating the Greedlins would address their marital problems next week..but, I'll bet you a hair transplant and two tummy tucks they won't. I think it's creepy that he takes ONE kid on a ski trip when she has a twin. And no, I don't think it's amazing that she has to watch her own children for one night with a bunch of expensive free stuff thrown in again. Besides, I don't believe it. She's never watched those kids alone in her life.


Anonymous said...

I think it's creepy that he takes ONE kid on a ski trip when she has a twin.

I agree. I was slammed at another board because I thought it would make Mady feel bad but was told that Cara is athletic and Mady hates the outdoors. (So, it's okay then??)

This family's obvious special treatment of favorites is going to be resented in years to come.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, DD. These two orange creatures (at least that's the color I'm seeing) need to go their separate ways and get off the air for the good of the kids. I won't watch it, but I doubt very much either of them would know honesty if it attached itself to their faces and grew there.

Dirty Disher said...

No, it's not okay to take one kid somewhere unless you make plans with the other for one on one too and you can bet your ass, he didn't. And all that crap about each kids special day was for TV, they never did it again. And Kate never went with the boys at all. They're suck parents and their kids are messed up.

Besides, Cara was sent home on the plane with some babysitter while Jon stayed behind to hang out with his bar friends. Only they didn't show that, but, it's true. He confirmed it in an interview. The sap doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. Greedy fake bastards.

Dirty Disher said...

They passed orange a long time ago. Then she was burnt orange and then sienna. Now they look like brownish purple work gloves.

Anonymous said...

I agree, sure take one kid on a trip but not without plans to take the other on a solo trip too.

Anonymous said...

These 2 fuck-ups nned to get sterilized. It is WRONG to tke one kid and not the other, especially since they are twins. What type of ass of a parent would do this? Oh ya I forgot...the Greedy ass-wipe Gosselins.

Personally I think that these 2 assholes HATE Mady so much that they treat her like shit just because. I also bet that while Jon was riding the locals in Utah, Kate was bashing Mady to no end telling her that she is not good enough to go to Utah. Man are these kids going to be screwed up as adults.

These 2 make me vomit in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:54:00 PM.."These 2 fuck-ups nned to get sterilized."
ummmm they ARE sterile..hence why they had fertility treatment...;)

Anonymous said...

Why do people want more than one kid? Or maybe two? And what gives with every other celebrity having twins? I know it's been pointed out a jillion times previous but sit back and think about it for a minute. It's weird! A bizarre trend. What gives?

Also, do any of you think there's another octomum out there waiting in the wings? I'll betcha there is! creepy.

Anonymous said...

Did Mady not want to go? That might be one reason only Cara went on the skii trip. But i agree to take one on a special trip and not the other isn't fair treatment, Mady deserves her special time too. She might not be so obnoxious if she *felt* a little more special to her parents.

If ever there were a couple who need maritial and parenting help it's the Gosselin's. Knock octomom all you want, at least she see's she needs help with all the kids, and in the best intrest of the family she's gotten it, unlike Kate & Jon.

Anonymous said...

The best thing these two world class fuck ups could do is both get caught in all their lies and fucking DIE from embarrassment. The kids could go with a relative that actually gives a shit for them. That way the kids might actually get some of the money these two whored them out to earn,
before these two twits piss it all away on tans, tucks and bimbos.

Anonymous said...


They are not sterile. Kate's family even knows that. And they also know that she used that excuse to purposely get fertility drugs in the first place. You don't believe me? Well ask her sister.

Anonymous said...

Why would any doctor give someone fertility treatments and/or drugs without extensive testing to prove that they are in fact infertile?

Anonymous said...


Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

6:19:00, thank you moron. DD some of your readers are idiots.