Monday, March 23, 2009

David Letterman got married

Letterman married longtime girlfriend Regina Lasko, Thursday. Can you believe it? I thought he'd never get married, but, he confirmed that it's true. They've been together 10 years and have one child, Harry.


Anonymous said...

I hate when bigger ladies wear pants that ride up their crotch like that. She's kinda gross, but he is too so congrats to them, I guess.

Major Majormajor said...

How is she gross? And how is he?
Just wondering. Stay anon, if you feel like it. coward.

Major Majormajor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

its about bloody time!

Anonymous said...

I thought they started dating in 1986?

Anonymous said...

Good for Dave, I dont think either of them are Gross, and Harry is too cute. I wish them the best.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of weird after all these years, but I am happy for them - I am quite for the marrying thing lol.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dishy...they started dating in 1986, so they've been together 23 years. An eternity in Hollywierd!!

Anonymous said...

Hey doesn't matter how long you've been together, if your not married and one of them dies, theres all kinds of loop holes for the surviving partner to loose everything by a disgruntled family member, or anyone else with an axe to grind for that matter. When huge sums of money are involved it brings out the worst in everyone.

I'm glad they finally married, congrats to their little family. That kid is really cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bedbugs, for asking anon how she's gross. You beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

...yes anon 12:48.
She is not "sculpted" ala Vadge, or "fashionably" thin ala Tori (& hundreds of other hw twats). Gross? asshole saying that

Anonymous said...

They said on TV that the pair has been together for 23 years. Neither of these people are gross. I'd like to see a picture of those posters who say things like that. This looks like a regular couple you'd see around here except that the boy looks like their grandchild (maybe).

Dirty Disher said...

She used to be a writer on his show. Maybe he's rather spend his life with someone witty than a skinny model.

Anonymous said...

And he has the nerve to bash Bristol Palin on this show last week. His son was born out of wedlock, what a hypocrite and jerk! But since he's a lefty, it's ok for him but no one else, especially when it come to Palin's family.

Anonymous said...

2 weird things about the timing of the wedding.

1 -- it was happening while Leno was interviewing the President (give or take a few hours)

2-- Last week he had Julia Roberts (who he always flirts with). He told her (paraphrasing) "I never got married because I always hoped there would be a chance for us."
Maybe Regina got pissed-off at this??

Anonymous said...

After that many years why bother?

Anonymous said...

HaHa!!! Like this woman thinks JR would fuck Dave! That makes me ROTFL. She actually looks alot like a very good friend of mine. She's short, heavy & is in her early 50's. She also has those huge heavy upper arms that genetics blessed her with. Nothing you do can ever erase those bitches. Anyway, she may not be grand but she must be smart. He's from Indiana, as am I,and she totally looks like most of the women in his family & hometown, of that I have no doubt. At least now, she will be taken care of if he has another heart attack & does not survive.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't get the feeling Regina was begging for a wedding. At all. I think it was his idea.

Anonymous said...

I give him credit, he didn't marry a trophy wife. Best wishes to both.

Anonymous said...

Hey bedbugs, your a fine one to talk about other people. Have you seen yourself lately? Fugly asshole.
