Saturday, March 21, 2009

Get it out of your system right now

So, crabbie....sigh. Here's a post where you can tell me how much you love him or how much he sucks. Get it out of your system and move on. Stop telling me in every post why I should or should not keep him here. Crabbie has a life, he doesn't post 24/7 because he's busy. You probably read him at other places. 'Specially you hetro men, that's all I'll say about that. His mother didn't actually name him crabbie, for cripes sake..though the sizzling zingers are pretty much the real crab. Sometimes I read a crabbie post and wince..then I shake my head and smile. He loves stirring you up. He lives for it.
I'd like to know who you think keeps this blog up (for free) when I'm out sick, working, raising a kid? It aint you. But, I do respect most of your opinions. It's still my blog. So I'm giving you a chance at a crabbie rant here. Please say something insightful, not just "I love crabbie! Or, crabbie sucks! Then can we just move along?


Dirty Disher said...

To crabbie, who I know will be reading this. I wish you'd give them more of the real you. You're not crabbie. Not at all.

Anonymous said...

We are ALL a little bit racist, a little bit politically incorrect, a little bit intolerant, a little insensitive, a little foul and cruel. Not to mention a little dirty, a little dishy and a lot crabbie.

I come to this blog to laugh – it’s funny. There have also been some thought provoking comments here. There are a couple intelligent people out there and a lot of downright idiots. But it’s fun to read the posts and the comments – especially the comments. Both Disher and Crabbie make me laugh. Their banter is enduring. The shit storm they can create with a mere comment baffles and amazes me – but its so intriguing that I can’t get enough and come back several times during the day. Miss Tia annoys me but hey – she is consistent and proud of her over-the-board tacky holiday decorations. Snowbunny has an adorable kid and if she was on American Idol my vote would go to her rendition of Copa Cabana. I don’t always agree with DD or Crabbie but I still get a thrill after I post a comment and they come back with a reply – it’s like in grade school when the teacher picked you and satisfaction you got from knowing the answer. At the end of the day this blog has made my day a little brighter for it being here – just the way it is.

We could all use a little bit of professional therapy too…but this blog is free therapy and in today’s economy free is the best its going to get.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was excellent. I get a thrill reading you guys too. I hope people understand that's the whole reason I do it.

Anonymous said...

I am an intelligent, well read, physically fit, well endowed and great looking person. I read this blog to get insight into what the other half think.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! See? That's why I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:04 made some really good points. A lot of the people that criticise Crabbie don't even post an ID or a link to their blog which seems rude and cowardly to me. It might even be just one or couple of people with nothing better to do? Crabbie's doing what he wants to do and speaking his mind and I hope that he will keep doing that if it's what he wants to do. Honestly (although I hope I won't get called an arsekiss for this) the only reason that I try to blog is because I liked reading Crabbie and DD so much everyday, even when I did not necessarily agree. It's fun and gives you a chance to interact with other people and as Anon said it's free! I hope that Crabbie's critics would start their own blog or website and see the crap that some people send to them and know how it feels then they might have some manners or go elsewhere if they don't like someone or something.

Dirty Disher said...

It's hard work, eh GB? You're doing well though I know you're just starting out. Hopefully people will click your link. It takes awhile to geta blog going. Hang in there, it's another place for me to steal shit. Heh heh.

Anonymous said...

"We are ALL a little bit racist, a little bit politically incorrect, a little bit intolerant, a little insensitive, a little foul and cruel. Not to mention a little dirty, a little dishy and a lot crabbie."

Perfectly said 1:04.

I feel similarly, i come here to read the celeb gossip or latest rant over what someones done now, the ridiclious fashions and reader sundays, because it's fun and a distraction from the never ending busy pressures of normal day to day life.

I do not dislike crabbie, i've often thought some of his comments have been quite funny and presented a different point of view, and face it, thats life.

I did not like the still dead comment recently posted, most didn't, death isn't 'funny'. It's not just about having respect for some celeb's who are greiving, who we've never met and never will.

It's more (for me) about realizing that surprize deaths like Natasha's often spark a readers own emotions in regards to someone they've lost or is in the midst of loosing. Death is painful for those left living, and regardless of personal religious opinions on the subject, it needs to be understood that some boundaries aren't to be crossed out of basic respect for the life lost and those left to come to terms with that loss.

Same goes for attacking a specific individual or someones kids (or even pets) with comments like wishing they would die, be burnt, raped, beaten and so many other just as disgusting sentiments. There is no humor to be found in that. It's beyond disturbing & disrespectful.

These are the kinds of things that make me shake my head and exit the page.

However when it comes to posts or comments, regardless of who posted, if i don't like where it's headed, i don't comment. I don't want to give it attention and keep it going by adding more.

This is DD's site, it's HER choice whats put here and who posts. Theres been dozens of comments that she could have deleted from various posters or blocked them for that matter, but she's allowed everyone the freedom to have their say wether she's agreed or not.

It's unfair to constantly ask her to remove something or someone, if you don't like crabbie's posts or posts about a specific celeb, it's simple. DON'T READ IT.

I bet there are lots of posters that irritate the hell out of her (i might be one of them who knows lol) but she lets it slide without mention or censure.

I wish people could post their opinions & questions without being called every name in the book if it's an unpopular one. But i realize thats not going to happen, most people log in online and drop all efforts at common decency because they are 'anon'. Doesn't make it right, but it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

lol with DD.

I just read the recent comments to crabbie and feigning offence while calling someone a fat fag is ridiulous. I always imagine him as young Matt Damon.

Anonymous said...

I am a devoted DD and Crabbie fan. I will follow them wherever they go...they are like old friends to me the last few years. Crabbie is very intelligent and his humor goes over some people's heads. He is a shock-blogger at times. It's part of his charm. He likes to get people riled up. I suspect there is a lot more than meets the eye with him.

I have been ill for a few years. Crabbie and DD have been like the friends I wish I had. Real friends fall by the wayside when you have a prolonged illness.

I start my day with them. I'd give them the shirt off my back for all the comfort and smiles they have given me over the years. They gave me my dark humor and gossip fix when I was shut off from the rest of the world.

I can honestly say, having their blogs to read was the only thing that kept me going when I wanted all my pain to go away.

Their wit and scorching sarcasm gave me real comfort when I was trying to die because I couldn't bear the pain.

Hell, I wish I could have you at my wedding, but thus far, you have refused my offer of dinner! If you change your mind, I have a wedding in New Orleans this summer. I will cover all your expenses if you will leave your dens!

Respectfully and with much love,

Anonymous said...

I don't see why it's a big deal to comment about any post, one way or another. Sometimes I love Crabbie, sometimes I think he needs a bitch-slapping. Why can't I say so, either way, when I feel like it? That's what honest discourse is supposed to be about isn't it? And it is still discourse, whether it's on a celeb blog or in some high-falutin', pretentious forum or where ever.

The truth about Crabbie is this: He's fucking HILARIOUS. The reason this is so, IMO, is because he points out the truth. Like they say, "it's funny 'cuz it's true". If that offends people, well, too bad. And I mean that for myself, too. If I'm offended, I'll say so. If I'm entertained, I'll say so. The last thing I'd expect is for Crabbie or any blogger for that matter, to change what they do on my behalf. Because if they did, then what would be the point to blogging at all?

BTW you are also hilarious DD but you knew that already. Personally I enjoy your Sunday posts as much as the rest of them. I especially like your Lissa posts. That girl is pure entertainment all on her own, never doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone already said it best already- I agree that Crabbie and DD are a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Sure Crabbie's a young Matt Damon. A flaming, light in the loafers, catty, bitchy Matt Damon. Wouldn't have it any other way. :)

pollydolly said...

i'm a big DD fan and crabbies... when he shut his down i was so sad, its one of my musts everyday! yeah, what he writes is harsh,and crabbie like, but thats his style! i dont mind him being on this site, i just wish he had his old one down.
DD's probably my favourite and i love her rants and her obsessions of shoes. on oscar night i signed on to the live blog and everyone was really sweet. i'm only 23 living in england, and i miss america cuz i lived there for ten years. this is my way to catch up with the gossip. i wouldnt even know who the gosslins were if it werent for DD! now i'm obsessed... with their ignorance.
comments should be positive, and if one has an issue with a blog written, they should comment about it in a mature enough way to get their point across. i smile every time i see the pictures of people's kids and dogs on sunday, and i think lissa is a sweet kid. if either of you were to give it up, i'd be so sad! so keep blogging, and ill keep reading! x

Anonymous said...

I followed Crabbie from his site to this site. I'm a huge fan and when all the fat cows at work are getting on my last nerve, his outrageous posts are a hilarious little escape. He's the only place I can find someone crabbier than me, so I feel a little less freakish.


Anonymous said...

I love crabbie - because his posting's are up to the point. He doesn't sugarcoat the truth, he doesn't hold back to be non offensive. His style remembers me of one of the greatest americans ever: George Carlin.

Also when he takes the time to analyze a situation he is always spot on. You must respect that. He is more intelligent than most commenters here.

And a lot of people are scared by intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Natasha Richardson..still dead. That post pissed off so many people. crabbie and I have both blogged throught he worst tragedies of our lives, but, with never knew. Don't ask because I won't tell you. He has to give you what he wants to show of himself. Maybe it's a guy thing, covering up pain and saddness with biting humor?

Thanks for these posts.

Anonymous said...

Sprite, what are your medical problems? Do you mind me asking?

Anonymous said...

I miss Crabbie's movie reviews. Honestly, I really enjoyed reading them on his old blog and thought they were well written and insightful.

Some of his posts I feel slightly offended by, but DD also posts some things that offend me! What matters is I keep on coming back for more, so obviously if I have a problem it can't be so big that I stop reading the blog altogether. I don't comment much, but I enjoy both of you even if I don't agree with either of you some of the time!


Anonymous said...

I like his reviews too! Hear that, crabs? Sorry if I offended you, Mags, sometimes I offend me too.

Anonymous said...

I find that when these posts trigger something that may offend me, I'm forced to ask myself why. A lot of times, I don't have a good reason. I like my daily gossip blog delivered with intelligence. And biting sarcastic humor. I even got my husband addicted to these posts. He loves crabbie!

Anonymous said...

I also miss his movie reviews. And sometimes, I don't agree with Crabbie. What a surprise, for do we all not agree totally on everything with everyone...?

And it bitches me off when people bitch at the Disher about whatever she posts or whomever she has as a guest/co-host. This blog is work--if you don't like it, get bent--while keeping your dumb yap shut.

I thought Matt Damon was a light in the loafers flaming...

Anonymous said...

My (our)readers are so awesome. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I don't think much about Crabbie. I admit I'm here for the entertainment. DD makes it personal and the human element keeps me coming back. But crabbie lacks those qualities. He's not entertaining and not human, so I find him boring.
It's not entertaining or shocking just to hate Canadians or a celeb.
But it's your blog and I can take it or leave it and you can do what you want with it as far as I'm concerned. (though I do curse a little when I get here and there's no new posts, :) )

Anonymous said...

I followed the Crabster here. He's a shit stirrer. I like that. He says what you're thinking but would never say out loud. Just like Kathy Griffin. There's too much fake "for appearance's sake" BS in Hollywood and the world in general. Crab on!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 1:37 said- "I bet there are lots of posters that irritate the hell out of her (i might be one of them who knows lol) but she lets it slide without mention or censure..."

"Censure?" No. But you can be damn sure she'll 'mention' it. And generally in as rude and insulting manner as possible.

Anonymous said...

You asked, here I am.

First of all, thank you for giving me a name, as fitting as it is.

I come on this blog site, because I find it very funny, and entertaining, and I do mean that. I would have never known that Lindsay Lohan wears hair extensions, and where else can you get a picture of Amy Winehouse at the beach? Whoever is the creator of this blog, they are very talented.

But, when someone slams my president, I’m going to slam yours. I know this is not meant as a political blog, but it turns into one when there are constant insults and untrue facts about the Bush’s while the obamas are given such “woooo-ing”. I know my opinions don’t fit in here. But I don’t come to this website to be political, I come on because this is an entertaining website. My opinions just happen to seep out when I read insults that offend me.

I use to be like most of you. I believed everything I heard on the news. But then, I started to listen to the other side (talk radio), and realized, there are two sides to every story. When you hear both sides, eventually the truth of what is going on makes sense. Why do you think Obama and the democrats want to stop talk radio? They don’t want you to know what is really happening. They label it “radical”. That’s why most people who like obama, don’t even know why. They don’t know what he’s done, they aren’t aware of his connections with Acorn, who is being investigated for voter fraud, and now, the democrats have just passed a bill to give them billions of dollars, while cutting the military. I don’t know about you, but I resent having my vote stolen from this thug group. This is “pay for play” from obama, and the media is quiet. Obama has done this, though. He has taught tactics about “Saul Alinsky, rules for radicals” and he continues to use these tactics to bring him more power. These tactics will continue to be used to shut up anyone that doesn’t agree with him. You may like this, however, what if it was President Bush doing this? When did Bush ever try to shut up his opponents?

Health care… you want that? Do you want your elderly parents to be told, your too old, it costs too much to treat you, you will just have to accept the fact that you will die anyways. This was in Tom Daschle’s book!!!! He may be out, but his idea for health care is not.

Research this stuff yourself. You won’t hear it from the perky Katie Couric. Research the cap and trade, which is going to cost you, and every household about 3,000 more a year, on this phoney global warming shit. And it IS phoney! And for the person who is happy she is getting a raise in her welfare. Yea, I don’t mind helping you out when your down. This is what America is about. We help others in need. But I do mind if your just sitting on your ass collecting money, that I work hard earning.

Obviously, my comments are not welcomed here, so I will delete site from my favorites. I’m sorry for offending you, but trust me.

Anonymous said...

Bye and good riddance.

Heather said...

I followed Crabbie here and I'm glad I did. I likes me some Disher in the evening :)

Definitely a Crabbie fan (and a Disher fan too, hehe)

Anonymous said...

so basically that repub was saying they didn't like insults against bush but they should be able to apply the same insults to obama (okay fair enough) but they don't apply the same LOGIC towards the comments....i guess they never researched bush much eh???

anyway....i miss crabbie's movie reviews too!!!! i like the addition of crabbie here and i did get a sadistic smile from the "still dead" comment...

DD---i got a puppeh today! sending you a pix for tomorrow!! Pan is downstairs talking trash to her! :)

Dirty Disher said...

3:57:00, this isn't a political site and I don't give two shits in a handbasket about Bush OR Obama. This post was about type a buttload of shit and you can't figure that out??? Really??? Well, DUH! And you have a chip on your shoulder as big as the hemorrhoids you're giving me reading that self serving non directional poo poo post THAT'S IN THE WRONG THREAD. Stick the fucktarded cap and trade right up your ass. Fuck your president too, whoever the fuck he is. Fuck the horse he rode in on, his wife and his brothers fucking mule. In the ass. WTFingFUCK is with people?????????

This has been a verbal ass kicking. Don't make me do it again

Dirty Disher said...

Miss Tia, I can't wait to see the puppy! Sunday pics!

Dirty Disher said...

Goddamn, nothimg makes me madder than people who hyjack a meaningful post with other shit! And people who use the word "you" to mean every one but them. God! You're an ass.

Anonymous said...

I didn't read all the comments. But I have to say, I was disappointed when Crabbie shut down his blog too. Altho, I had been noticing a lapse in his posts right before he shut it down. So, I wasn't too surprised. I like him. If we can't bitch & say what's on our minds to an invisible group of people, then who can we possibly say those things to that would actually speak to us again??? Hahaha! We are all bitches. I love it. And the nicest guys I know are gay. They make the most sincere friends & shopping buddies. They will tell you exactly what they think of your hair or outfit, they will then help you fix whats wrong & be there for you when you get dumped by yet another asshole hetero male! They have been there & done that. If you want a very good friend...make friends with a gay man. It's the nicest time you will ever have with a man. Crabbie, keep posting here. I don't know when you post, you don't show your name when you post. Maybe have a "Very Crabbie Wednesday", I dunno. At least that way I would know when Crabbie is posring. I think Crabbie is an ass, a bitch & many other things. But who isn't? Thank you DD for making sure we still have our Crabbie!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you people shove the political shit down your throats? I don't care what side you're on. There are assholes on both and neither side has done us any good.This isn't a political blog. It's about entertainment. People come here for laughs and a little escape from the daily grind, not to be told you're a piece of shit if your a republican or a communist if you're a dem. I used to love Crabbie. He was an ass at times but funny, witty and often correct. I think he's gone down hill over the last several months. He's become cruel and hateful in his writing , which really loses it's edge and humor quickly. I stopped reading his blog months ago and am a little disappointed that DD brought him here. I like DD because she's intelligent and funny but not hateful. I think he adds a really shitty element to this site, but hey, if you don't like him you can always skip his posts. I always got the impression that he really hates women. I know I know, he's gay, but I mean really has something against them. I find that a big turn off.

Dirty Disher said...

Roxanne, you really love the gays. Crabbie, do you have something you want to tell her?

Anonymous said...

Crabbie needs a post once a month when we are all PMS'g & then call it PMS aka "Prospective Murder Suspect" post. Then just bitch it out! Who can explain the PMS bitching better than a gay man? LOL!!!!

Dirty Disher said...

Oh geez.

Anonymous said...

So, what are you trying to say DD? Crabbie is a married man in the suburbs with a split level home, wife & 3 kids? If he's not gay, then he's done very little to stop the profiling on here. What man posts slobbering posts about Hugh Jackman, except maybe Perez. A "very out there' gay man. So, sorry if I am mistaken. If I was, it's not my fault you guys! And I am not in love with the gys. They just aren't the sons of bitches to women that hetero men are. Of course I have never dated one. Have a great weekend DD! It's nice to be able to see your blog everyday again.


Anonymous said...

gys = gays

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Crabbie is as gay as a rose bush.

Anonymous said...

DD, I've always wondered how you manage post every single day. I'm glad you and Crabbie joined forces b/c everybody deserves a break.

90 % of the time, I love Crabbie. To quote JA, 'he's missing a sensitivity gene' at times. Admittedly, it was a hard to read some of his recent Post titles about the late Natasha Richardson.

But, I'm sure I'll get over it. Why? Because I really enjoy all the laughs I get from reading these posts (when I get the chance). Please keep up the good work. It is much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

still think he is bitter & decidedly not funny when he refers to rape, violence. list too long. I don't care if he is a fat fag or Matt D or whatever. some of what he writes transcends satire into the realm of mean-spirited.
it's DD's blog. Oh, who "minds the store" when you are on vacation, etc? You have left an interesting photo up for a week or so until you return (ala Violet A 2 xmas's ago). I preferred that leaps over crabs shit. You asked

Anonymous said...

DD, I answered you question about my health with an email. I am an open book, don't mind you asking at all.

Anonymous said...

I find crabbie insightful. Sure, I don't agree with every single thing he says, but insightful nevertheless. I actually read the "still dead comment" one morning and I have just woken up. I read it a few times before my brain finally registered what I have just read and I smirked...chuckled even. It was a bit mean, but I laughed. I find his acerbic writing funny and refreshing. I wish he still had his old site, but I am glad that he still is writing. It's better to have crabbie than no crabbie at all.

Anonymous said...

To the political writer. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON? Seriously? Every political asshole out there think that his side is the dick that will penetrate the entry hole of humanity.

Anonymous said...

Well, my $.02 is this. I had been on crabbie's site for at least a year before he shut down. I like gossip sites that are not about adoration and celebrity worship. I like sites that cut through the bullshit and PC/PR crap that people who are interested in entertainment and the entertainment industry are fed every day. I don't always agree with crabbie and I've noticed a bit of a bitter note in his posts of the last 3-4 months. But that's ok with me. If I don't like what he posts, I will say so in a respectful manner. Then I get on with life. And frankly, I couldn't give a good goddamn what he does in his personal life. If he chooses to keep that private, that's his business.

I had never read disher's site before crabbie came here and I really like it. She's a snarky bitch, but I like the personal side she puts into it, I like the posts of her kids. She seems like a real saucy wench with a heart. And I mean that in a totally good way. Its a nice balance from crabbie. I have started to look forward to any and all Gosselin posts.

FTR - I was tempted to spend my evening of the Oscars live blogging on another site I frequent (which shall remain nameless), but stayed here all night, and it was some of the funniest shit I've read in a long time. I literally LOL'ed more than once. I look forward to next year. Yes, I'm just that nerdy.

Anyway, that's it. Status quo, I say. This blog is in my favorites and will stay there.

Anonymous said...

I'm here because Crabbie 86'd his blog. I was relieved to know he was ok and quite satisfied to know he actually has a life. Something he'd neglected to mention.

He is insightful even though he frames his thoughts in Crabbie-esque and cringeworthy wording. Wouldn't we all if we were allowed to be freer?

He doesn't suffer Hollywood pap gladly and yet when it is warrented he can be quite sensitive. It's those rare moments of genuine non-hatefulness that make what he says about it so much more noteworthy and provocative. While many Perez-types swoon without basis and with personal agendas, his well placed and selective recommendations and compliments hold a lot of weight because he couldn't care less what his targets think of him.

I also find him to be extremely funny. Just that. Funny. In a guffaw inducing way. Jennifer Garner's basketball kid for example. Wacky stuff. I'm sorry but I guffawed. Perhaps it was my mood that day I don't know. But that's why I love Crabbie. That's why I'm here.

Anonymous said...

I live and work in the world of political correctness, proper attire and all that fucking bullshit that make me want to curl up in a fetal position and die sometimes.

Coming in here and reading crabbie & DD gives me a sense of wild abandon! Where I can read shit I want to say and know that someone else in the world has indeed said it!

I like the raw cutting edge to crabbies thoughts. I like the fact that shit pisses him off and he could care less if anyones fucking panties get bunched by it. I love that!

This is the best of freedom of speech. Where, for a few moments a day you can come in and type a thought here you couldn't in your real world.

Like the political asshole who puked his shit all over crabbies thread. I'd like to bury his ass in an open grave with MOST of the politicians out there.

Crooked assholes every last one.
Crabbie and DD keep it comin you are LOVED!

Anonymous said...

OK, so Crabbie has appeared to be bitter for the last few months. Join the damn club paople. Who isn't bitter? Everything the last few months has fucking sucked ass. I am bitter too. I just lost my gd job after almost 10 years. Think that sucks? Yes it does. Layed off is the same as fired right now. You ain't getting called back. Yeah, he might be bitter & even mean sometimes. He can do that. Sometimes we all need to be mean & vent. It keeps the murder rate down. Thanks Crabbie. You can be mean & bitter all you want, it helps us deal.

Anonymous said...

10:17 that was hilarious!@ keeps the murder rate down. I'm stealing that line.

Jaded Bunny said...

Everyone, at one time or another feels compelled to leave a shitty comment, take a swipe at someone.

I've done it. So have most.

These days I find it better to just click the red "X" at the top

Hello? If you totally hate it don't come back.

Move on.

cupcake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cupcake said...

I'm just wondering what

"Crabbie has a life, he doesn't post 24/7 because he's busy. You probably read him at other places. 'Specially you hetro men, that's all I'll say about that."

is strongly hinting at.
So I'm wondering why DD seems to want out Crabbie right now (about - ?)more than it's making me wonder if Crabbie is a female or whatever. I don't really care what s/he is. Everyone already knows my opinion of Crabbie.

I miss his blog and I like this one as well. I loved the Gossip Smackdown while it was happening. I still post here even though DD's been ignoring my comments for like months.

Anonymous said...

DD - your verbal ass-kicking made me lmao. I loooooove you. Many, many times I am curled up on the sofa with my laptop giggling at one of your posts and my hubby always wants to know what's so funny. As for Crabbie, well, he's okay most of the time but it's your blog and I choose to visit. As far as his "still dead" post, yeah, not overly sensitive but really, it amuses me that anyone would be offended by anything they read on a celeb gossip blog - it's entertainment, subject to taste. I mean, I would rather eat dog shit than watch a football game so guess what? I don't.

Major Majormajor said...

One thing I really love about this blog is the fact that it doesn't invoke politics, yet can make political commentary. I live in Political Central, so all you right wing/left wing/in-between wings who feel the need to shove your personal political agenda down everyone else's throats, there are many venues for you to voice all that crap. Please seek them out and leave the unwilling alone.
Oh yes. This is about Crabbie. Crabbie cuts through bullshit and uses parody and satire to get his point across. So what? I have been guilty of using the same techniques. Either you get it or you don't.
Crabbie has always been nice to me. I think. ;)

Anonymous said...

"This is the best of freedom of speech. Where, for a few moments a day you can come in and type a thought here you couldn't in your real world."

That sums it up for me too. And the laughs.

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between stirring people up and making light of someone's death. There have to be some boundaries.

Anonymous said...

It's not about parody and satire, ranting raving or making a point, it's about common decency. If you wouldn't or couldn't say it face to face, why think it's ok write it behind the safety anonymity of a computer screen. Being online doesn't lessen or excuse us from our humanity.

Anonymous said...

i don't appreciate a lot of the unnecessary snide remarks that have been made by crabbie. the insensitive comments concerning Natasha's passing in particular. Making condecending remarks about a woman's weight is also highly unnecessary.

I've left this blog before because of the ignorance of the authors, DD and crabbie both. It's hard for me to leave a third time because this is the first gossip blog I found and liked. Over the past year the satire and sarcasm has turned to hatred, nastiness, racism and political banter that I have no use for.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add this bit:
"Who do you think keeps this blog up for free when I can't"

It's not as if you update half as many times as Perez OR michael k of dlisted, so it's not as if you're constantly scouring the web for gossip. it's not killing you to "run" this "blog"

Anonymous said...

i think 12:19 needs to go to fuckoffland....they bitch about it, then leave, then come back....

maybe they should try keeping a gossip blog up...even finding 6 or 7 posts a day can be very time consuming...

ungrateful cur...

Anonymous said...

"Barry the Magic Negro" is my favorite line...I hum, "Puff the Magic Dragon" now to myself. It makes watching the evening news less stressful.

Dirty Disher said...

12:21:00, it doesn't kill me to bog as you said. It IS hard work and if you don't have a blog that's updated everyday, you don't have much to say to me about that. In fact, I think you're kind of ignorant. You talked about Perez and other bloggers..let me clue you in there. Perez has other writers. He even has a woman who draws his cum on faces lately. I've noticed his "penis" work is much better. Many bloggers are not what you think. 'Specially the paid sites. And that's okay for them, they're doing what they want. I'm not here to judge them or be compared to them. So, you have no point at all. Moving along to the more intelligent readers...

Dirty Disher said...

No, I'm not "outing" crabbie..crabbie (Melvin Crabtree) is a persona created for gossip blogging. Many bloggers have a persona. MANY. Some parts of persona are always the real person behind the screen. Crabbie will share with you what he wants. He IS a man, he is a writer. A good writer. He's also loyal and funny. It looks like most of you know that already. So, there ya go. Thanks for the comments. They really were worth reading. Except that political douche.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you know what DD? I have less of a problem with Crabster than I do some of the COMMENTORS on here. I was sorry to see Crabbie bounce on us, too, and was glad to know he'd relocated here. I don't give a fuck what you guys write--it's your damn blog, and if I don't like it, I need to go elsewhere. When Crabbie gets his, um, "Crabbie" on, I just roll my eyes and move on to the next item. He's Crabbie. Believe me, I've encountered MUCH more offensive material online than this stuff.

Your commentors, on the other hand? Now, I'm not referring to ALL of them, but shit, post something someone disagrees with on here, and they're on your ass like ugly on an ape. Jesus, people...we're all entitled to our own opinions, and every once in awhile, we ALL say stupid shit. Let it the fuck GO. It's a fucking BLOG. There's more important stuff to get belligerant about.....ever hear of AIG? The recession? Domestic Violence? There ya go.

Sincerely yours, 10G

Anonymous said...

interesting how crabbie is allowed to "stir things up" but the second a commenter does, they get crucified.

i'm here for the drama and i love it.

Anonymous said...

If a commenter thinks they are that clever, they can start their own blog. A comments section is not the place for someone who thinks they are larger than life.

Paintedfoot said...

The only reason i read this blog is because Crabbbie posts here. I am exclusively interested in incisive grumpiness and sarcastic humor. It makes me feel better about myself without actually harming anyone.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Anon 11:02 in that there should be boundaries. I came here at first because I found out DD had a site and I wanted to support her. I do like reading what's going on from time to time. I have always been honest in what I've said and I've always put my name at the end of any comment I've made.

I don't have to go into Crabbie's post to read what he says, the headlines are quite enough. There's a difference in reporting what the celebs do and putting people down and showing his hatred. His last post on the person in the wheel chair shouldn't even be allowed here. There's enough hatred in the world and he certainly lends to it. If it's his attempt at humour then he's failing horribly. This is a site for celeb gossip, or so I thought, and not a place to show racial prejudices and hatred. It's a place to come for a fun read not to read headlines about the hatred of physically challenged people. It is totally wrong. I don't like hatred in any form..but to put down people with handicaps is low, very low.
I don't find Crabbie entertaining and would rather have the site without him. He has no character and only shows what a cold and bitter person he really is.

DD I do like coming and having my say though most people don't like it. I like coming to support your site. You often put very interesting posts here and I love the family photos on Sundays. You make it worth coming in here.

That's my say..all may not agree..but it was asked


Unknown said...

If Crabbie turned sappy and soggy he would not be Crabbie. I read through all his posts, some make me laugh so hard I get belly pain, other posts just make me say "he did not just say that!" as I shake my head, but still make me laugh. Sometimes we ALL wish we had the guts to say what we REALLY think in this world of political correctness. Like other commenter said, if I don't like a post I'm not gonna waste a comment on it. I let it slide like the Teflon Princess and move on to the next one.

Unknown said...

By the way, I love crab ceviche mmmmmmmm that crab on the photo looks delicious.

cupcake said...

DD: OT: It's just you made a few mysterious references to Crabbie's other persona. You dropped a few hints, I'm commenting on that as they came from yourself not Crabbie. It was confusing to me. Personally I don't care if he's a talking rabbit IRL, I enjoy the persona and personally he's been nice to me as well, whoever he is.

Also - need to say I don't really understand why ppl who aren't into celeb gossip blogs come here. They need to try a new medium. This is one of the more intelligent and humorous celeb blogs out here obviously because of the writers.

Anonymous said...

I read crabbie's hollywood for a couple of years before he left. The day he flipped us all off I almost cried. You see, life is sometimes painful and unfair and we are all trained to keep a happy face on. Crabbie puts an honest spin on things. Sometimes that spin is shocking but there are times that we need to be shocked out of our apathy. If nothing else, Crabbie's posts make you THINK, even if you disagree with him.

I came to the dirty disher through crabbie's site and have grown to like her too. I appreciate the dark humor that both writers use at times and have wondered if this is the same person?

Anonymous said...

I like crabbie. hilarious and very tongue-in-cheek...

Anonymous said...

well, it seems that a lot of your current readers ended up here thanks to Crabbie. Good move, DD.

Dirty Disher said...

No, we are not the same person. I am just what I write, a grouchy old bag with a big mouth.

Anonymous said...

I was so sad the day crabbie said he is closing his blog. The best thing about Crabbie is that he is not politically correct, plus he is brilliant. PC has gone way too far, comedy is comedy and black comedy can sometimes shine truth and humour on to what we may sometimes feel on our darkest days. If you don't like it, don't read it. Crabbie, a bigger legend than Frank Zappa for free speech and funnier than Monty python.

Anonymous said...

no 8:43,
anything is funnier than monty python and frank zappa sucks donkey shlong so that just tells me that crabbie sucks and is funnier than the most unfunny thing ever.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie and DD: yin and yang

I think they should get married and host a second-tier cable show and do the Hollyweird gossip stories that E! rejects ;-)