Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Goodbye, Love Of The Ages

Star Magazine says Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are through. Levi's sister tells the mag that bitchy Bristol won't let Levi see their son Tripp and calls him bad things like "white trash." Oh those Palins are so on their high horse all the time. One little vice presidential run in the family and suddenly they're better than everyone else. Bunch of slutty oxycontin-taking dirtbags. Levi's better off not having to marry into that mess, let me tell you.


Anonymous said...

I think she and Chris Brown would make a lovely couple

Anonymous said...

It was his Mom, not Palin that had the Oxycontin problem. I guess they were a normal young couple that wanted to get it on and move on. I think she's hot.

Anonymous said...

Bets on if he pays child support? lol ya right.

Anonymous said...

We'd be alot better off having Sarah Palin our president then the communist, socialist, monkey eared guy we have now who is PURPOSELY destroying the economy, letting terrorists out of gitmo where they are again joining al qaida and killing Americans. Yea, what a great idea. close down gitmo. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. and if shes hooked on whatever drug you accuse her of, who cares!! we'd still be better off!!!!!!!! please, bring back President Bush!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge Obama fan and think he's headed down a slippery slope politically speaking with some of his choices and long term goals, but come on you got to be sniffing glue to want Bush back. We are in this mess, no the worlds in this mess, because of that texan twit.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Bush either, but we are in this economic mess because of deregulation, thanks to a certain Arkansan twit.

Anonymous said...

So, he's available?

Anonymous said...

We are in this mess because of corporate greed, and the greed of the rest of us overextending on credit and defaulting.
Bush made things worse, by far, but we all had a hand in it.
I never thought this couple would make it, but it's a sad situation, anyway.

Anonymous said...

How the hell did this turn into a political rant??? 7:11 why would you wish that on a 18 year old kid? You dont like her mother so lets hope someone beats her daughter up? No wonder you dont post a name. Geez your a sad person.

Anonymous said...

8:13 you are an idiot. A complete idiot.

No terrorists are released. If they are terrorists - prove it in front of a jury. Until then:
innocent until proven guilty.

But republicans always had problems with fundamental rights and pillars of society like that.

Palin is too dumb to find her own ass with both hands. But hey, after the imbecile liar Bush even she would have been an improvement, right? A woman who can't even talk to her daughter and is too stuck up to get her contraceptives. Yeah right - the whole mess showed that she is completly unfit for any political job.

Anonymous said...


The releaesed detainees admitted to taking part in the planning of 9/11; the leader of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was recently released from Guantanamo, his name is Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul.

We are headed for some real tough times. AlQaeda and the Taliban see Pres. Obama as weak and not willing to fight. Usama bin-Laden called Fmr. Pres. Clinton a "papaer tiger" after the Somalia fiasco.

Having not fought this war to the end; we will only face the same enemy in the future.

Anonymous said...

"No terrorists released....innocent until proven guilty".

Wow. Scary unless you are 5 years old.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 6:33. It's great to see everyone's intellectual opinion about Mr. Obama's first MONTH in office -- g'wan... parrot Rush Limbaugh all you want, 8:30, but you're still an idiot. (Are you involved in a drinking game to see how many times you can use "gitmo" in a paragraph?) And anyone who *really* wants Bush back needs to find another country and move there. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

If DD wanted a political blog she'd write a political blog. This is about a teenager with a baby, NOT a place for bigots to rant about our President.

Go listen to your mentor Rush and learn what to say, think, feel and believe. Does he also tell you when to shit?

Oh, and speaking of Oxycontin addicts . . . .

Anonymous said...

He hit it, Sarah Palin told him to quit it...