Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gristle and Fish do dinner

I'd just like to point out that these two cunts are still alive. That's how unfair the Universe is.


Anonymous said...

I caught something today on tv gossip about that Jesus guy being out with a young blonde chick but I was only half paying attention. Anything to do with Madonna grosses me out.

Dirty Disher said...

I thought she was a brunette?

Anonymous said...

heard that too. In fact he was at a club or something & lots of hot young things were totally enamored of him. What a tool. Madonna needs to spank her boy for misbehaving so badly in public.
Her daughter Lourdes is closer to his age than she is!

Anonymous said...

The dykenamic duo!! I am sure they are discussing geopolitical projects, astrophysics, and their superiority over the lay person.

Major Majormajor said...

GOOP tip #1,374,923:

"In order to avoid the dreaded "cabernet mustache," eat your wine with a fork."

Anonymous said...

Look at those grannie hands. Madonna is sure looking her age these days. Can we say these two are lady tools?

Dirty Disher said...

LOL bedbugs!

Anonymous said...

DD : I thought she was a brunette?

Maybe she was or perhaps he's been twice as busy but one thing I am guessing we can all agree on is that she didn't resemble a re-animated corpse.

Anonymous said...

Naughty Gossip Bunny! But, true and funny. Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out that these two cunts and Paris Hilton are still alive. That's how unfair the Universe is.

DD, you make my heart sing.

Dirty Disher said...

Awww, shucks.

Anonymous said...

Gristle and Fish, love it.

Anonymous said...

aw you know its nice of paltrow to give madge time. we are sooooo afraid of ageing and paltrow is still relatively young compared to madge yet she spends time with her. most people paltrow's age would be running from the truth.

i thought it was funny how the first thing the young chick sucking up to jesus (or vice versa) had to say was that jesus didn't mind how much older madge was. yeah REALLY?

Anonymous said...

its like watching a train crash in slow motion. or maybe...... no don't go there it can only lead to potato head's mother and her young hubby. are they also into that gabblah jewish forever young (cause of tha water) faith. jees i'm glad i'm grassroots...... not much money but lotsa brains.