Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Handwritten Elvis poem at the Elvis auction

Elvis was notorious for not being a morning person, but, as a country boy, he should have known Robin's are not the problem. It's the damn Blue Jays. Those things make me so mad, I could use them as target practice.


Anonymous said...

That shit doesn't rhyme .

Anonymous said...


Was that really an Elvis poem? Doesn't matter anyway, it's awesome.

Dirty Disher said...

Yes, it really is his, in his own hand.

Anonymous said...

Predictably disturbing.

Anonymous said...

You aim for the Jays i'll aim for the crows and we'll go on a dawn shooting spree. I can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

...hmmmmmm, think he might have done some drugs in his lifetime? Like the day he wrote that "poem"...?

Anonymous said...

I think he musta read this before writing his own version:
Little birdie in the snow
he broke his wing he could not go
so I lured him with some bread
& then I crushed his fucking head

Dirty Disher said...

8:02:00, so he plagerized it. Figures.

Oh, and I love crows, they crack me up.