Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Do You Get This Cut Off From Reality?

Dishy reported earlier that an arrest warrant had been issued for Lindsay Lohan by the Beverly Hills police. Since then, Lohan has emailed Perez Hilton denying the existence of said warrant:

This warrant for my arrest is completely fabricated and its a horrendous lie. This will make me loose every single deal that I have right now. Its horrible.

Okay, little tangent: I don't know why, but lately, everywhere I go, I encounter this fucking thing where people can't spell the word "lose." There is only one fucking "o" in "lose," idiots. I mean it, it is like a fucking epidemic right now, and it seemed to just hit all at once. Anyone who doesn't believe humanity is just one great big herd of morons...

Anyway, back to Lohan's denial...someone needs to explain to her that when a police department issues a warrant for your arrest, then confirms in a statement that said warrant has indeed been issued, you have to move on from the whole "somebody is making up a vicious lie" routine. It's the police...they don't send out phony arrest warrants and issue phony statements just to jack up silly starlets. They have more pressing things to deal with - like covering up for Mel Gibson. Just turn yourself in Linds, it'll be easier on you in the end.


Anonymous said...

Wordy McWord, Disher.

I teach university-level writing, and none of these younger people seem to be able to spell "lose" correctly.

Some older ones seem to have a problem with it as well.

Anonymous said...

The thing that's been driving me nuts is "acrossed"
WTF is up with that? Over the last couple of years I've heard more and more people saying "acrossed" to the point that it's become a rarity to hear the word "across" pronounced correctly. I even see people writing "acrossed" it makes me crazy!

Anonymous said...

It's the inundation of foreigners to North America - we're dumbing ourselves down and speaking pigeon English in order to be understood.

It's epidemic in Vancouver and getting hard to find anyone to converse with.

Anonymous said...

humanity is just one great big herd of morons...
not so sure about that, DD

but how about the nonexistent word "irregardless". Regardless is the word.

Anonymous said...

the blow has been in trouble for about 2 yrs now. She is heading for bad, bad trouble. Loose Sam (see? I used the word LOOSE correctly), go to a real rehab; not the hollywood shit ala tara, etc

Anonymous said...

Actually, you didn't. It's "lose".

Anonymous said...

LOL thats funny!

Anonymous said...

Lose: to lose. Loose: to free or let go. Duh. Duh. Duh. Also, Lohan is not interesting and is a lying liar. Nobody cares about her anymore...but why do magazines keep slapping her on their covers? Odd.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie, not DD.

Dirty Disher said...

Exactly. DD would never bitch about speeling unless you're Gwyneth Paltrow. And Lindsay is a Looooooser.

Anonymous said...

look at that lumpy breast implant.... theyre lookin as shitty as her fuckin hair. barf.

Anonymous said...

HAH! Look who's bitching abt spelling!!
